Awakening Now
Ilona invites to answer questions from your own experience. She points to what is actually here right now.
Something that is always here comes into focus. The illusion of a separate self is seen through and falls away. Everything starts making sense.
Inner Peace.
It is here, only it appears veiled by thoughts, stories, expectations, images of how life should be. It takes dedication and practice to meet what arises so that it can self-release. Peace is found by noticing it. And here you can rest in being.
Awakening Now
10 Fetters and The Wheel Of Identification with Todd and Pernille Lent Damore
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Today I am talking to Todd and Pernille Lent Damore, a married couple, dedicated and inspired to share practical tools and teach 10 fetters in a unique way.
The teachings about the 10 fetters originate from Buddhism and are regarded as “The Noble Quest” however; you do not need to be a Buddhist to understand them or gain insight about them. You can easily learn them, reflect on them and actively make use of them in your everyday life.
Todd and Pernille Lent Damore are working together to create The Awakening Curriculum, a comprehensive path to Awakening. Utilizing The Wheel of Identification, they use the Buddhist concept of the 10 Fetters as a practical application to wake up, moment to moment, amidst our everyday life. Together they have more than 50 years of Buddhist practice, and combine this with elements of psychology, embodied trauma release, and non-duality to help people integrate all experiences and insights into a life free from attachments, and unnecessary suffering.
You can contact Todd and Pernille by email:
Their website:
Awakening Curriculum YouTube:
Unfettered Mindfulness YouTube:
Book 1:1 sessions with Todd:
If you need assistance with your own inquiry come to Liberation Unleashed where you can register for a free account and get a volunteer guide completely free of charge. Or if you need my support, send me an email through my website which is I’ll be happy to help.
Liberation Unleashed
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Liberation Unleashed book is available on Amazon.
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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music