Awakening Now

Identity Shift: Awakening To The Natural State With Angelo Dilullo

August 07, 2024 Ilona Ciunaite / Angelo Dilullo Episode 55

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Awakening to the natural state is an identity shift, and it's a shift from what you think and imagine yourself to be to seeing what is always here underneath all concepts. 

In this episode meet Angelo Dillulo. Angelo stands out from the crowd of non-duality teachers as a unique and energetic guide who is able to express clearly and create valuable content for everyone on the awakening journey. He points home, to the natural state in a simple language, and can cut through the veil to the point. 

In this episode we covered topics of what awakening is, what pre-awakening is, we discussed glimpses and their value, how the awakening experience may look for some people. We talk about helpful techniques, self-inquiry and what happens when identity shifts. 

In this video, Angelo Dilullo is kindly sharing his awakening story. 

You may know him from YouTube channel 
or his book 
Awake, It's your turn. You can find the book on Amazon.

Angelo has been sharing pointers, meditations and insights and is guiding many people in person and in retreats. To connect with him you can go to his website:

If you need assistance with your own inquiry come to Liberation Unleashed where you can register for a free account and get a volunteer guide completely free of charge. Or if you need my support, send me an email through my website which is I’ll be happy to help. 

Liberation Unleashed

Ilona's Facebook page

Liberation Unleashed book is available on Amazon.

#awakeningnow #ilonaciunaite #angelodilullo #selfliberation-inquiry 

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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music
