Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Meditate To Bliss With Matthew Donnelly
Send me your thoughts in a Text Message
After the initial awakening experience, Matt wanted more. He found a way to meditate to Bliss and experience expanded states of luminous splendour. He worked out his own magic mix and continues to use it with great results.
The first opening happened after Matt read Eckart Tolle's The Power of Now, and since then, he has been hooked. Listen to his story and get inspired to find and use your own magic mix to experience greater peace in life and some expanded states of consciousness.
If you need assistance with your inquiry come to Liberation Unleashed where you can register for a free account and get a volunteer guide free of charge. Or if you need my support, send me an email through my website which is
http://www.IlonaCiunaite.com I’ll be happy to help.
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Liberation Unleashed book is available on Amazon.
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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music
the koans to me are the best method for creating that spontaneous Awakening or spontaneous awareness of the present when I did these meditations I had in mind that I was going to take about 20 koans and sprinkle them throughout the meditation so that as opposed to me sitting there just simply guiding and giving all the answers I'm allowing the koan to drive you inward so that way the the the koans are there for you to question for you to listen to them and question and then D allows you to drive it inward without the mind trying so hard to like relax the thing that Eckart Tolle drove home that really um helped me was that Awakening isn't intellectual and that breath attention and inner body awareness are what allows you to not let Awakening Concepts sit in the mind and turn into a belief
system hello Matt hello how are you I'm very well thank you and
you every time someone asks me how I am I always give them what I feel like is the most honest answer anyone could ever give and that is that is up and down and everything in
between and right now is it up or down or in between uh I would say it's balanced sort of neutral right at this very moment Hm sweet okay guys everyone watching and listening today I'm talking to Matt and we are going to talk about formlessness Awakening and all other interesting things so to start with as this podcast is called Awakening now and word Awakening means different things for different people I want to know what's your definition of how you see you know quite a while ago I had actually pondered that question in meditation and I had really sat there and contemplated like is there an actual factual definition for awakening and what would it be and every single time I had this thought that okay that's Awakening but wait no there's a paradox for that I was like Ah that's Awakening I like wait no there's a paradox for that and I kept going round and round in my mind Ironically in meditation because for me meditation isn't necessarily about just having no thought it's also about inquiry and and introspective and introspection as well and I I came to the conclusion number one that there are no conclusions and number two any definition you could give for awakening there's a paradox for it um but I can talk about my experiences regarding you know non-dual Traditions as they call it in like Zan and advita and Dogchen um I can talk about my experience is and with the Eternal now as well uh so although there are no definitions per se um the closest one I would relate is when the brain itself is undergoing the deepest Alpha wave brain State however you get there right um I've studied non-dual Traditions everything from Zen to Advaita to Dzogchen most
recently and on the surface level they can't even agree with words you using words um on what the real definition is example in Zen you have the anata which means no self to realize that there is no self right but then you know the Paradox there is who's realizing that right and then in Advaita you have there is nothing but the self Brahman aka the all-encompassing undivided unobstructed Inseparable reality from all that is and then um in Dzogchen you have Rigpa which means the spontaneous awareness that the mind is totally free um totally empty and radiant and luminous at all times um but they all use words on the surface but it all comes back to the the experience that I had when I had first awakened back in 2000 had my Awakening experience that it's what I like to I like refer to that as is the Awakening experience right um and I'll I'll kind of is it all right if I go ahead and go into my story yes yes please that was the second next question so maybe that will help to hear what's this Awakening what Awakening is from your perspective yeah sure okay so I remember I had basically dove into like personal growth and development and I wanted to like fix my life and I wanted to get better and I kept coming across the book called The Power of Now and so I went ahead and tried the Power of Now I got it and I was listening to it at that time my attention was not uh stable to even read really so I would listen to books uh on Audible
in my car to and from wherever I was going and I remember um I the first time I listened to I was like what on Earth is this guy talking about I really had no clue what he was talking talking about because uh as he explains in the book and and all these non dual teachers talk about right is that the present moment is too simple to be grasped understood um comprehended with thought and my whole life my whole life leading up to 25 years I had lived in this idea that reality was what I could comprehend and understand and intellectualize with the thought so that's the way that I that's the way that I was moving through life up until that point so for someone to come and bring the opposite I'm like what is going on right now I have no clue what he was talking about and so I actually moved down to Vegas for a few weeks with my buddy Denny and we were supposed to launch a movie while he was into spirituality and the movie flopped and so when the movie movie flopped we went into some like depression he went into a deep depression I had to move back to Indiana he said I'm going to take the deep dive and I said I'm gonna give this book another try and I'm really gonna throw my whole effort into really trying to get what it's talking about and so I was driving in my truck one day to this is sort of like the this day changed my life forever right because I'm listening to this book again and something clicked I was on my way to see a I was on my way to get a deep tissue massage and I was stepping out of my car on my way to walk up to go to the office and all the sudden it hit me and it hit me so quickly so rapturously so spontaneously and like from what felt like nowhere and what happened was is I suddenly realized that my thought I was the uh no longer my thoughts but rather The Observer of my thoughts and when I tell you that I was basically undergoing what I didn't I didn't know what I was really feeling at the time uh in terms of like what to call it because I was so in the moment but I was pretty much undergoing Nirvana or some level of it right cuz it's a spectrum and I was looking up like I was I felt like I had this 25 year backpack full of bricks that I had just suddenly dropped that just just came crumbling down and just disappeared I felt everything in my body release I felt all the cells in my body come alive uh I felt weightless and so I'm sitting in the off I'm I like walk in the office and I'm like staring up at the clouds feeling just a total sense of awe like Grace and I I'm really not naming it or like I'm just there with it you know I'm not naming it try to figure out what going on I'm just there with it and I feel it coming off my aura and so I look around and everybody is like staring at me smiling they're like almost radiating as well like I'm looking at the guy that was sitting a little across me and he's staring at me and he's like smiling like he looked like he was radiating the girl at the desk was radiating everything around me felt luminous like uh I'm all I'm already like starting to uh every time I talk about this these days there ain't really a time where I don't talk about this where I don't already start to get a release instantly um an endorphin release oxytocin release and that's essentially what was like pouring out of my body was all these like stress chemicals in waves too just waves and waves of like endorphins and dopamine and oxytocin and serotonin just like pouring out and as I start to come even when I went to get a massage too that the the guy who was giving me a massage we were like um how do I put this we were like almost in perfect sync with the conversation the conversation was so effortless and so uplifting and so like perfect and way and I want to say that whatever happened to me in that moment it was able to pierce through my immediate environment around me because the energy the aura was so strong that I want to say everyone in my vicinity was literally present with me now sweet yeah yeah yeah like you put the lights on something put the lights on the funny thing is right is I didn't even do nothing well there was something in that book well you know that's kind of why it changed my life because I'm sitting there and I'm like this is what every human being on planet Earth wants and I can confidently say that no I can without a doubt say that that every human being who has ever lived and is living and will ever live wants to feel a sense of Peace a sense that everything in existence is utterly without a doubt as it should be right
now how otherwise excuse me I say how
otherwise right not the way the Mind likes to come in and superimpose it's its box its thoughts it's you know this is the way life should be but isn't which is always painful right yeah so that point going on here's why I say that was an Awakening experience though right is because and now I had suddenly was like okay well no I I kind of intuitively knew that nothing I could do I didn't know how to yet put words to it or really know how to conceptualize it from that point I sort of knew that nothing I could really do would make me feel the way I felt when I had you know been grounded in the present so I really just dedicated myself my whole life from that point going forward to re-experience that as much as possible as often as possible and so um the reason that's also sort of a paradox is because I get what Zen is saying when they say there is no self um however the body does collect experience otherwise we wouldn't be able to talk about no self you know what I'm saying the brain does collect experiences that's why we can refer to the Past although there is no past that that's not a belief either my not even one second of my body can move back into the past but the body does collect experience and so um I find it a little extreme sometimes when they say there's no self or no one to awaken but here we are talking about it right here we here we are talking about that there is no self well who knows that and who's able to collect that information and refer back out to it right and so um anyways back back on to uh back back to my story so I would actually then for the next roughly about five to six days go to the per week go to the gym work out and meditate after and I've pretty much been doing that for roughly about the last going on 10 years so I would go to the gym I would get a workout and and then I would follow it up with I follow it up with a meditation like almost unless I have like you know something urgent that in in the Life situation that needs to be taken care of um because I don't deny the the the relative either the relative you know bills need to be paid uh you know relationship dynamic are different Etc um in fact what I would say that is that this that when you're more present it enhances the relative it makes it more enjoyable and I highly resonate with Buddha when he's when when his goal was simply to end human suffering because we getting into these like philosophy these different philosophies and you know what is Awakening what is Enlightenment what is it not Etc but ultimately to me it does come back to ending human suffering to me suffering are simply just um in day-to-day practical life just your stress just your anxiety just just your depression and your fear and your worry and your anxiousness of which I meet people all the time in the gym I just wrote this in my group I meet people who don't have anxiety they live in it all every I could go down to the gym right now as a random person on a scale of zero to 10 10 being the worst zero being the best how much stress do you live in and chances are they're going to say a 10 that they're living in a nightmare and it completely makes sense because until you have woken up to the present moment you know um that's I guess one of the definitions I've used um is to wake up to the present um you are going to be a victim of what changes and of the permanence and the law of samsara law the law of suffering that that if you're on this unconscious wheel of moving between running from pain and running towards pleasure right then you're always going to be a victim of that cycle so it's no shock that these people are living in a 10 and it's not to judge them it's simply to call it what it is I mean everybody I meet in this area it's embedded in our culture and until we have an Awakening we're going to be living in Stress and Anxiety on a daily basis as a
society yeah I hear you and I agree yeah it's that image in the mind that distorts
what it is and we cannot see past that because every second of the day there is Imagination on the dreaming is happening yeah and just for a second you switch it off like you don't need to imagine anything right now it's just being with as it
is and that's the
exit so uh back to my story that is a that's a great way of putting it the image in the mind distorts the reality yeah the self-image the image of what life and existence are so when I first started to meditate after the Awakening experience because I had almost no knowledge on spirituality when that happened like it was very little um I began to meditate and I noticed that when I I started to meditate my body would detox it was undergoing a detox and I would sit there with it and sit there with it because I wanted to experience I sort of got attached to that experience it was interesting the way like and the like the ego like stepped and and wanted to be free again but at the same time it was necessary to be free so it was kind of like a paradox of course right um but I had tear I would have tears running down my eyes I'd be sweating and I would just sit with all of it and really what it was is I was detoxing from thought oh wow I never heard that before yeah I was with drawing from my body's adaptation to the conditioning and programming of what is false literally was detoxing from my body oh amazing wow yeah so that's why when I say I had an Awakening experience it didn't mean all of the sudden that I was just free from all the Karma of the conditioning and the programming that I had to that I had learned from everybody who around me who was angry and fearful and anxious and have anxiety ridden and stressed about everything right and that to me is sort of what karma is is that you're born in a world where you rely on other people in order to learn to uh walk talk read and write so all the basic things that we have to learn in order to survive and to communicate in the world and and uh but then the karmic part of it is that while we're learning all this basic life stuff we're also learning all this stuff and we don't even have the ability to think on our own or to search for the truth on our own and Meanwhile we're learning from a culture that's under stress and so we're taking on all these false ideas about reality about what you know me and these are people who have no clue what the present moment is they're dreaming of what the present moment is through their images in their mind and so here we're taking this on and then we suff uer in congruence to that until further notice and some people live their whole lives just chasing after the next pleasure hoping it's gonna free them the next Netflix you know movie or show or movie or the next vacation the next raise the next and it's that image that goes I'm in pain I need to get to the next moment to free myself and then there's this hamster wheel and it's just burn them out because they're like I have to get this moment isn't enough as it is I got to get to the next moment and the gap between where you are and where you want to be is painful that's it yeah that is the tension that keeps keeps driving itself and there's really no solution for that because as soon as you get something that you want and you think it's going to ease your life or fix your life the next thing shows up and then the next the only thing is to stop and that's why it's a cycle right yeah that's why the Buddhists call it a cycle rinse wash repeat
so I wondered what I had wondered if I was ever going to be able to truly experience that again that that like total euphoric Grace
Rapture and um the second time that I had sort of felt some degree of that I paid very close attention to it to how my brain was feeling how my body was feeling and it happened in the gym I don't even know how long after the first experience right um and I had paid very subtle attention to it and what I was subtly paying attention to was
formlessness the reality right in front of us that does not take shape or form so I knew that by the brain collecting the experience the way that the brain does collect experiences I knew that I would have a reference point for okay I'm going to sit down and meditate and uh that sort of the reference point that I'm searching for so of course it's a paradox because you can't search for reality and you can't make it happen but you but without a reference point a some reference point it's hard to know what is the point of meditating and so for me meditating the point of it was to experience Nirvana as often as possible and so in order for me to experience it I had to have some kind of reference point which is formlessness the Vivid the Vivid and here's another quote that hit me in meditation the other day while I'm like rounded in a you know I kind of attach a measurement to it even though you take it with a grain of salt it's just my own way of like it's just my own way of uh having a framework for it I was probably about 60% on the way to Nirvana um again it's not reality what I'm saying it's just how I digest it um it's Vivid and this this thought that hit me was that the reason it's so vivid and so
close is because when you're when you're observing formlessness I'm about to write this quote too and I'm giving you a clear example of what I was referring to earlier the reason it's so vivid is because what is being observed is
observing yeah that's a better Loop to get
into it's shining sparkling
and another thing that had occurred to me while I'm on that topic is that formlessness has no qualities of its own no characteristics no attributes um and no reference points however this is where the Paradox comes in right is that the brain then and goes and takes something that has no qualities and attributes and adds qualities and attributes to it for our experiences this is why we're a we're capable of talking about what is beyond the
Mind think what's a good way to point to that there's nothing else we can do right we use words to point to that sign posts yeah yeah just like an arrow look
look somewhere where is this formlessness where is this beingness existing unlocatable while at the same time it's both unlocatable while at the same time being everywhere yeah it's invisible and yet everything is it form is emptiness
and so the way I basically the way
I form is emptiness but emptiness does not rely on
form they say they it's said that that Emptiness is form but not necessarily because the formless dimension does not rely on the forms that appear within it yeah well one form just came in in the mind and says well look at the ocean ocean and waves like it's ocean it's all the way ocean waves
included but ocean does not rely on the waves correct the waves rely on the water yeah it's all water yes so I leverage both Advaita and that all is The Self but I also at the same time rely on Zen a lot and that not that there is no self um okay when you say no self I think it's just a shortcut for saying there is no one outside of the whole there is no one separate self something that exists on its own outside of life or formlessness there's no self means that there's nobody out there separate from from everything so thereof
The Self makes sense and no self makes sense at the same time yeah it does there's only the self but it's not a separate self it's not something that lives inside the bag of skin that kind of makes life happen like a puppet master right just pulling the levers you know a puppet master moving things and making life happen so there's only this self but that is not not separated into Parts it's not
divided well a lot of times when I'm in meditation I'm always questioning who is the meditator as Nisargadata Maharash says only meditate upon one thing who is the meditator so I'm I'm always like when I'm in meditation I'm always sitting there questioning my experience who's the experiencer who's the perceiver uh of what is being perceived um so I had a wild out of- body experience and by the way I've had many many many over the last 10 years where I've just been well about a year ago I had one in front of a bunch of soccer kids and soccer moms and they almost called 911 on me they said they told me I had an out of- Body Experience where I was like having all kinds of involuntary body movements because of how deep I was going this was like one of many right I just had one about a month ago in front of my good buddy at the gym down the street he's he's in he's into a lot of the non-dual stuff uh he's he's read a lot of Osho he's one of the many few in this area who even give this time of day and of course we come across right of course we run into each other um funny how that works but but um and then after that out of body experience and that Bliss and that Joy I felt and it was just the flooding of the mind of the brain rather um a flooding of like endorphin and oxytocin releasing Etc and then afterwards we talked probably for two and a half hours at the gym just about this because he sat there and watched me just go wild out of the body yep and here so it's interesting because when I'm in meditation I'll like because I observe myself in the mirror I'll get to a point where like my forehead goes like this and like I almost look like this when I'm almost on the other side and then I'll just like I'll feel it almost feels like my brain just grows large and and I just
poof like a lightning strike of of dopamine just floods everywhere sounds like you have some magic substances activated like you don't even need to drink it or take it you know like you Ayahuasca or magic mushrooms just sit there and wof you come online and you having these experiences I want some yeah well I will say so a couple of things actually assist me right tell me um I'm not going to sit here and take full ownership of it in any way that in any imaginable sense right couple of I do have some assistance number one
caffeine because in meditation the goal is not to focus it's actually to to lose focus
it's like a it's like a focusing of not focusing words you know right so um caffeine does help to naturally let go of sitting there trying hard to let go um it kind of brings your brain into a natural Focus so that way when I'm in meditation I don't have to sit there and you know put effort in right uh working out high-intensity cardio high-intensity cardio lifting um and I've been a big proponent of doing that before meditation not that you have to do it because the formlessness always is but we're talking about our Human Experience right um that already naturally releases stress chemicals when you work out you lift you're already releasing all the the happy chemicals already you get your heart rate going you sweat you know you're already going to be in that kind of high Vibe State um and then when I go sit down to meditate um a lot of times I'm so exhausted that I don't even have to try to relax anymore right that's the only reality there is now because I'm so physically spent wow yeah and then uh music I actually listen to very specific types of music um like I'm talking actual well when I'm at home I listen to General relaxing meditation music but when I'm at the gym I'll listen to actual music that isn't used for meditation and something about the frequencies and the vibrations help take me to that other side they assist me in in that like letting go so what I hear you saying you found your magic mix and you use it with the the same result yeah and that works for you and it's amazing and the thing yes exactly and the thing is I could sit here and you know find a pretty solid relaxing meditation and that's great in and of itself I'm talking about is the difference between that and the gym is that's more of like a pulsating live
relaxation there's definitely a subtle difference in the basic like calm relaxation and one where you're more like cognizant of the life that runs through your body you mentioned the alpha State before right so you're getting into the alpha State brain waves Alpha brain waves Mhm and so isn't that Alpha State that end the
suffering well the Betta state is the thinking mind it's non stop talking Alpha is relaxation it's when there's focusing meditation and then there is Theta right with the dream sleep where the dreams are happening and there is this magic age between Theta and Alpha which is called human resonance at 7.83 you know just at the edge of theta meeting Alpha and that's the state where the magic
happens that's the very interesting state that brings me that brings me up to this
right I was reading I was reading the truth is by Papaji and he took me to another level too this was God probably seven years ago and what Echart Tolle had helped me learn was that you can't stop thinking and how to stop thinking right well because I knew that Nirvana was the end emptiness of all thought right what what that did was it built in me this aversion to thought yeah and it's like I don't want to think so there's this natural inclination to push thoughts away yeah well what Papaji said is to find the in between State the in between not thinking and
thinking God that made me
high because when you're in that in between State that's what you're that's what you're reminding me of of like both the dropping of thought while also at the same time being totally inviting of thought and that is like like
wow that just makes me release like right
now um so here's the thing right I actually about a year ago when I got access to AI it started helping me come up with I got this idea for my meditations and I've never heard of it before stay tuned till next time
um so when I had my first Awakening experience you know I was blindsided the same way you're blindsided when you're on the highway or you're on the road and there's two lanes and you look in your rear view mirror and you don't see a car and then you go to move over and Bom there's a car and it's because right in that that you know there's a blind side in your rear room mirror where you can't see the whole thing that's happening so just just like that Blind side where when you go to move over to the to the Lane because you think it's empty you end up potentially hitting someone because you didn't see them in that that little Gap right that's the same way I had my experience how can you look for something you don't know that you don't know is a
possibility you can right that's why I say you can't see an illusion you can only see through
it so I said I thought how can I recreate that same experience I had but in meditation format right that same spontaneous that same way of being blindsided and that to me is the the other subtle difference between Advaita and Zen is that in Zen they talk more about zazen or sitting meditation and Progressive Enlightenment where it's invited and talk more about you don't have to meditate you're already here everything is already formless it's just the simple awareness of that right no meditation needs to happen I say I say both are necessary and I say both are very complimentary uh simply because you don't want to use meditation to get somewhere in the future right and then also uh also at the same time uh spontaneous awareness you could have an experience like that but if it's not grounded then you'll go on continuing to suffer right so both are necessary and both uh I I did these meditations having both of them in mind the progressive and the spontaneous and I combined the two and no way I did that and I want to send them to you so you can try them by the way oh cool thank you yeah I have one for sleep I have one for Stress and Anxiety I kind of tackle all the different types of like I got about 25 of them but I try tackle like one specifically for no self one specifically for Brahman realization and what I do is the thing the questions in Zen the koans to me are the best method for creating that spontaneous Awakening or spontaneous awareness of the present so what I do is when I did these meditations I had in mind mind that I was going to take about 20 koans and sprinkle them throughout the meditation so that as opposed to me sitting there just simply guiding and giving all the answers I'm allowing the koan to drive you inward so that way the the the koans are there for you to question for you to listen to them and question and then it allows you to drive it inward without the mind trying so hard to like relax right so I put good I put like gentle music in the background and then I'll like ask a koan give silence and then kind of explain a little bit about the the the koan
exactly and how it applies to nonduality and Present Moment uh awareness um and I'm very adamant the thing that Eckart Tolle drove home that really um helped me was that Awakening as an intellectual and that breath attention and inner body awareness are what allows you to not let Awakening Concepts sit in the mind and turn into a belief system so we're grounding what we know in the body through breath attention and inner body awareness and what we know for effect right not a belief system you could pay attention to your breathing right now you can scan your inner body awareness and you know it you don't believe it it's an undoubted knowing right yeah experience yes exactly so I leverage those and every meditation they're always vital for the meditation so that way we're not trying so hard with the mind to relax and to let go and to surrender surrendering is happening and they don't even know it sweet so now my question is do you have these meditations somewhere that people can download and experience uh that's an interesting thing um I sort of had been in the uh I have an ebook as well but in in Practical Realms I've had a difficult time marketing it I'll just say that and in Practical terms ter it's been a bit of a challenge financially um marketing it and keeping it going and because it takes a lot of Mind work to make that stuff work so I actually just contacted sounds true and uh you had no self no problem on the um on your podcast that was a great by the way oh thank you after I got through that I'm sitting in the H I'm sitting in the hospital just like blissed out yeah um so I sent my ebook in it's called awakened peace to sounds true and then he's also looking to his guy who helped him with his book on Amazon um so not really but I'm gonna send you the links to them and maybe there's something we can figure out with them sweet I know so I feel like we're I feel like we're on the edge of a potentially Quantum Leap and and healing
globally that's sweet and who knows yes keep doing what your passion is pouring out of you and here you go the change is happening we all influence each other we do yeah and that vibration when it opens so that Awakening when it happens it's infectious right it's the best virus you can
get it's so ironic because I related the anxiety I talked to five people like three days ago and they all had some form of anxiousness or anxiety and I related that in my micro blog in my group to a
virus so I'm glad that now you're relating it to the Bliss virus to the to the peace virus right because how would you know if you if nobody says how would you know about questions to ask if nobody points you there you don't know until you know or we can do that for each
other but and see the cool thing is is that these meditations I've sent I sent it to my cousin who had been undergoing a divorce and uh she said she did the Sleep one and woke up an hour and a half late for work the next day with eight alarms on oh my God what's in that
meditation right sounds like you got something going
my boss my uh business partner from energy um crypto I invested in did it and he said he doesn't even remember falling
asleep so I'm just taking the 10 years result
of like studying non Dual teachings and and all my meditations and I'm really kind of just putting it in like a basically a package for people you know what I'm saying like you don't have to go through everything I had to get through in order to feel Bliss and joy and ecstasy you can do it I mean you could do it with or without but the thing is though is if you're neural Pathways that's why I question Free Will right because if your neural Pathways aren't shifted in a way that drives you towards peace naturally then it's hard to really um it's hard for people to choose to want to be at peace the keyword choice which implies Free Will right um but the brain when it under go the conditioning and the programming you know it it makes it very difficult to choose to choose but but we can unleash the you know peace virus yes exactly yep because then we can show people no you've been living an illusion no you didn't realize that you were living in illusion because the realization is literally I was unconscious I had been unconscious for 25
years so let the peace virus
explode and by the way here's the thing right you know how you were referring to the self uh being an individual how does that look in real life to an extreme
level this laws of nature are working or cosmics laws or whatever you want to name it there is this the reason unfolding the reason I is uh the Lebanon wars right now the what the Lebanon Wars the wars in Lebanon oh if you don't pay attention to the news long story short within the last couple days I'm working with a lady who's there now um she's from Long Beach California but she's there now it's where she grew up was in Beirut and right as we speak there are uh you know dozens of people have died from walkie-talkies that had explosives in them yeah and it's affected like 400 people or thousand thousands of people I don't remember how many she said but that's simply and it it's simply unconsciousness there's no other way to put it the culture is suffering and they're trying to make other people suffer and the only way to overcome these wars and this insanity is through an expansion of conscious awareness
period I agree with that and it's one human at a time oh of course when I'm at the why the person in front of me who I'm talking with about this is the
world oh Matt it's really lovely to talk to you thank you I appreciate it very interesting interesting perspective and what you did for yourself it's very impressive appreciate that how you how you found your own methods and how you focus on your own experience and just found what you work it's really inspiring and I hope that whoever is listening can take that example not drinking coffee and going to the gym but whatever works for that's a formula correct and you can't turn formless into a formula it just so happens to work for me yeah find something that works well you each one of you with the same passion I will say this though um definitely give it a try to do some kind of like whether it's walking brisk walking or jogging or some kind of lifting and after you're done don't anticipate any kind of Desired result from it just give everything you can to a workout and then meditate right afterwards see how it shifts your meditation ah very interesting and sit down in your meditation not knowing anything at all not wanting anything at all in fact some of my some of my deepest deepest meditations when I sat there and observed the present moment and didn't want a single experience from it or anything at all really like I wanted nothing from this present moment and and that's the the the best way to treat meditation so that you're not like already anticipating some kind of euphoric experience or Bliss or Joy or whatever the case is because you end up blocking yourself off from from having that by wanting it yeah that's that's very true that's again that mind's image how reality should look how experience should look it's just like and try while you're working out too already begin the meditation because they're not separate right you're already starting to observe the thoughts that they come and go you're already driving your attention into the body and you're I when I'm doing sets of like triceps or biceps all already begin to quiet the mind and drive my attention into the sensation of the body that's undergoing
pain that's all righty
meditation hey well thank you so much very interesting to talk to you thank you everyone for watching and listening and I hope you enjoyed this if you did like if you didn't press whatever you like if you did I mean everything is perfect regardless exactly but any reaction or comment just helps this Channel and these videos be more visible so please join us and I'll see you next time bye for now all right have a good one