Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Self Realization And The Magic Of Life With David Bonny
Send me your thoughts in a Text Message
Self realization is about deep, personal engagement with one's experience, not intellectual understanding or reading about spiritual concepts.
Meet David Bonny, a guide, a therapist, and a facilitator of self-realization. In our conversation David shares his own journey from intense seeking to realization, highlighting how his process involved sitting with emotional pain rather than avoiding it. The dialogue touches on the misconception that awakening is a quick or final state, explaining that it involves a continuous unfolding and integration of thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
This conversation touches on themes of spiritual awakening and integration, focusing on how such realizations transform day-to-day life. David explains that after awakening, one no longer seeks external solutions to life's challenges, like money or relationships, but instead allows emotions to surface without avoidance. He discusses the expansion of emotional capacity and sensitivity, as well as a deepened appreciation for the beauty of everyday life.
The conversation explores themes such as differentiating between imagination and actuality, dealing with emotions, and integrating sensations and experiences without seeking external validation or escape.
More about David on his website
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If you need assistance with your inquiry, come to Liberation Unleashed, where you can register for a free account and receive a volunteer guide free of charge.
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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music
it's very important that to become our own authority in this process to stop believing what anyone and every book says and start to focus on on our own exploration and our own Discovery and our own conclusion if I give Authority and Trust outside it's it's it's one thing but if I don't explore it for myself and it doesn't become a fact for me it's still a belief no one will be satisfied with beliefs we want we want to be sure right we want to feel it we want yeah this is it's it's a reality for me and I think this is this is really what is interesting and and what everyone kind of want right I want to feel deeply happy with what is here and I want his happiness to depend of on on on nothing but myself you know yeah find that love for life like you mentioned yeah yeah hello David hello hello it's great to finally meet you yeah me too I'm I'm very happy about this meeting today I'm talking to David Bonny and we are here to talk about Awakening first question first how do you define Awakening what does it mean to you I mean there are so many different definitions so many different Awakenings as well and people are seeing this from different angles if I say word Awakening what does that mean to
you uh really nothing because I didn't use I didn't uh I don't use this word and I didn't use it it's just very recently that that I find myself with this word appearing more and more through people through what uh through the information that I'm
getting but um what I but if if I have to to use a word I would say it's more a a process of realization I think from from my perspective it sounds better and more accurate nice so what is the process of realization realizing what yeah uh I think there is there are different steps but mainly the the main purpose is to is to be able to differentiate between imagination and what is actual this is kind of in essence this is kind of what what we are talking about here wonderful I agree it's like uh out of your head into reality or out of the head into actuality of experience um out of the stories into what is presently
here yeah yeah exactly and could you share a little bit about your story or what happened in your experience how you came to this realization
that's delicate because first it's in it's in memory so whatever I say we will not be the actual event so I think it's important to to be about
that um I think what happened it I was suffering I was suffering psychologically I was um emotionally I I felt terrible and because of that I was doing bad things from my body so I was in pain also so it just I I there was a very strong impulse to to find some kind of Peace of release of of of just being calm and happy you know and through this process I kind of start we a very very strong impulse of seeking you know so at first first I was seeking the world through object and relationship and this did work so then I went through some kind of seeking through therapy some kind of trying to find balance with with my Psyche and my emotions and trying to do things in that Dimension and this didn't work so then the last result was spirituality right so then spirituality become my my only goal in life was you know like kind of reach some kind of Heaven some kind of release
somewhere and at some point I think I I just burned out everything it's just it was too much you know the seeking was so intense and I was doing so many things in so many different countries and and trainings and Retreats and I mean just really insane and somehow everything everything just collapsed and I have I have I cannot say specifically what did it but some I would I would describe it like I just felt felt like stupid and naked like just I cannot run away from anything you know so if you feel pain if you feel uh emotions I was like okay I feel this and there is no way out this this in the sense that what is present in the moment for me is whatever need to be felt whatever need to be seen because there's nothing else so suddenly I was kind of all of this seeking uh with imagination the future trying to build techniques trying to to build models you know just completely feel useless and I was just felt with at the moment
with everything that I was avoiding which mainly was very strong sensation in the body that that unbearable at the
moment so then what happened is I just stay with it I remember I had I had every morning every morning 9:30 because I had a full-time job so and have anything going on so I couldn't kind of have a break of my everyday life so the only time I had was at 9:30 to 10: half an hour I said okay I have I have half an hour to feel all the pain that I've feel in the world inside and everything and I I just I just felt it for 30 minutes you know and it it was like a black hole of of of sadness of loneliness of everything that that is you know we we can say that is negative or difficult to feel and it lasted for six months or six month to a year I cannot really remember like every morning and suddenly yeah yeah yeah and that's many things happened but but mainly the very big change would be that I wasn't seeking to avoid anymore every time there was something uh happening emotionally and in in my body I was able to do to to do my best to stay with it and to feel it the the most possible the most intimate way possible and of course through time there was still The Habit there there was many things still going on because everything has kind of momentum so even if the realization it's it's obvious and instantaneous there is a lot of thing which kind of still unfold and still happening and and Through the Years
everything seems more integrated and and it went to stop seeking through be with what is here exploring and and now it's it's really the appreciation and the and the beauty that is left almost
almost oh thank you so much for sharing it sounds very intense to just have half an hour for feeling and then again you put your mask and go and have your daily life
It's very intense yeah well because you see I think
the the the seeking mechanism it's it's a protection to not feel anything in the body and it's very weird and strange because even if I was doing a lot of therapy work and and and very intense things and it was very helpful but I never really saw clearly that I was running away and somehow when this shift you when when all of the thinking collapse you see that all of the techniques to avoid sens ation are really useless so there is there is there is no more like kind of pro protection of some mechanis who kind of numb the sensation and emotion when an emotion come it just take you all take everything right yeah from the point of a Seeker somebody that is looking for that release it may be an idea or an expectation that once I see it once I see this no self or once have the realization everything it it falls into place immediately and then they say oh how long is this process going to last how long it's like hurry up how long what would you say to this from your perspective how you How do you see it like once a realization happens what's
next oh an infinity is next so much is next really nice I think the the first thing I would say it's whenever you are in a objective perspective a goal perspective um you are lost in seeking again because it's not about reaching anything of it is not about arriving anywhere so even if I will I will say and like there is steps and maps and there is some kind of orientation that we can use this orientation is not if it's if it is used like oh this is a step and I have to reach it and after there will be this if with this kind of thinking it's it's kind of um the Eco of seeking which need which need to be seen also so I think I would really start with that that everything that come after it's um it's an integration of something it's not reaching for something which is from our perspective very very
different um but once this is clear I have I find I found four four different uh fields of exploration in in my own experience Mhm and the first one it's is is this end of seeking which is the clear seeing of the nature of thought how thought behave and and and what what they do in our experience which is mainly creating a separate entity supposedly it's the source and is receiving all of the information this is the first the first layer that thinking it's it's putting and after it's it's putting an overlay of of concept into everything that appear into raw Sensations into perceptions and and and everything so I think this is the two layer that we need to discriminate very clearly at the beginning so I would say this is the Discrimination phase where you say okay this is an imagination oh this is a concept oh yeah okay this is a story okay this is in time but but time is just a thought so you start to find kind of clarity you know your own experience and this is very important and often when these seekings drop and and you start to to to be able to differentiate between things that's where often there is like happened to me but it's like you have you you have no Defence anymore almost no defense or protection against emotions that we were being that were repressed for years or Years or or maybe stress and and and Trauma energy that kind of come up again in your in your system so this will be the phase where you do a lot of therapy work like you manage emotion you see how emotion is connected to stories and and believes and how all of this messes kind of happen in a way and and this this can take a very long time and I think now we are in a in the Tendencies to believe that uh uh this Awakening that that people speak is some kind of magic trick where you can just avoid everything at once you know and it's it's it's inaccurate from experience sometimes sometimes I hear that you know if I get awakened um then I will feel less say no no you'll feel it all more intensely more deeply the highest high and the lowest low it's no filter yeah exactly exactly like you say it's about feeling more feeling more in the sense that being more more aware of of Sensations and perception without this overlay but between kind of the the the thinking overlay and the raw sensation where where both meets this is where emotion is often right so when they meet this is where there is this intensity there and if you stay there and and you do this what I say therapeutic work well then this kind of gets more relaxed and and there is less tension there so after of course emotion take me completely over when I'm when I feel anger I feel anger and and anger it's it's a very powerful energy so you you express there is energy in the body there is maybe thought running around and wow it's it's an expression and then anger is gone and there is something else and if there's sadness it's opposite it's more like I want to go inside and feel this this texture and so so emotion have energy and and they express and it's fine if you don't hold it if you don't make story if you if that's if you are less attached because you understand what is the nature of thinking emotion can come and go out and and kind of leave you perfectly fine and it's it's it's even emotion are very enjoyable every emotions enjoyable and so when you can when you find some kind of balance in your uh uh
emotional state then there is more disponibility and avability for exploring sensation and perception directly and then this is the exploration of what what I would say integration certainly you I I find myself exploring the nature of of of sensations of the body what do I know of the body itself what is a sensation specifically where it is how far it is of me how many there are yeah are there many what what what is the relation between a sensation myself and and and the same with with all of the field of perception and this is where we explore the sense of separation between object outside people my body here and and all of this exploration and I would say this is where we dissolve experience into into uh
ourself nicely said but this exploration has to be in experience right because sometimes people hear what explore they go and buy a book or maybe 20 books and they read read read read read and then they know they they write a book and it may be this thick huge book but that's not exploring emotions yeah that's exploring concepts of emotions or Sensations exploring emotions happen in experience in the body in your own perception
right yeah yeah I mean I think we we all have to start somewhere where I mean not everyone because but I I had to start where where I was and with with the tool that were available to me and and to me the first was intellectually so um I read many books and it was great they helped me in a way but as you say it is true that at some point you have to sit and and be with your experience as it is in the moment with the this sensation right here right here exactly this and then but this is boring yeah so feel this boredom where it is how it behave how it moves what texture does it has you know where it is in the body in the front in the back it is I mean it's to be very curious but as you say this is the great difficulty right it's to is to move from from the intellectual from the thinking Dimension to the what is to the actual sensation of the
body this is a big difficulty also because thinking creates a a mental
body you know if I close my eyes and I feel my hand the mind will build some kind of of mental head somewhere you know and this mental head is not the actual sensation it's still somehow some kind of a thought somewhere so yeah it's it it get very sub subtile and it requires
sensitivity yeah and also one of the defense mechanisms when there is fear or discomfort is to dissociate from the body or just hide in the head yeah and not to feel that body is sometimes I met people that said oh I cannot find my body there is no body but that's just um denying the experience and not being able to access that but of course if you say can you feel your feet on the ground you're here right now feet on the ground that sensation is here no need to call it the body but that sensation M the ability to to notice what is going on there just touching the ground is here so it's a simple as that is bringing attention to feet on the ground or hands what are hands are doing what is the back doing right now it's it's very familiar very ordinary and there is no magic in the exploring Sensations but we have to bring attentions down from the conceptual layer from the Illusions from the images into the actual
experience yeah even if it's uncomfortable it's true but exactly what you see many in my experience I may be wrong but everyone I meet and I I work with and the people who arrive to me through some kind of spirituality traditions of spirituality of some kind often they arrive at spirituality because because they were already in some kind of dissociation process like life is too much my emotion is too much so I will seek and search some kind of spiritual Dimension where I will not feel this pain I will not feel this body I will not feel everything that you're talking about
when they arrive and they want to go in a place and I'm pointing to exactly what they're avoiding so often this is a dance right you you want something and to get what you want you have to look to where it's painful and difficult to to feel what is difficult to be with and in this looking in this sensitivity to be with what is here something will show up something will
happen and the difficulty with that can be that oh there is nothing here I don't feel there's nothing happening just blank or like fog no sensation but that exactly is what wants to be felt right that numbness yeah foginess yeah but because it's nothing there it doesn't feel like anything doesn't feel like Joy no pain just numb it's easy to Mis misinterpret that and say oh there's nothing
here yeah yeah it's if I use the the frame of the nervous system it's very interesting because with the nervous system there is a window of of of of presence right like you your nervous system can be a you have everyone's have have some kind of window between which you can be aware right of of anything but mostly Sensations so the if you haven't done a lot of emotional work you your emotional window that mean the nervous system can be with with emotion which is en which is energy in the nervous system is very narrow so when there is an emotion and it's too much it will be too much very very fast very very fast is too much so so at this point the defense mechanism kind of kick in and and they do what they do so what happen is you get activated and it get activated and when you step out of the we of of the capacity of of your nervous system to to feel it right too much much the energy is too much it's too strong then the the whole energy collapse and It Go below it and this is where you feel nothing this is where you you are num to to to anything there's nothing happening I don't feel my body you know and all of is saying so the so the process is very interesting because at first it is I feel nothing but then when when people can start to reconnect with the body a little bit with sensation they feel this rage behind it they feel this strong energy behind it right because often this is all of the emotion that was stuck all of this energy that was stuck in the system that Express and when they feel it it's too much and they going to numbness again so the the big part of the process with emotion is to is to make the capacity of feeling the sensation and emotion wider wider like the sensitivity the sensitivity to grow so you can be with more sensation with more part of your body at the same time with with with all of the realm all of the spectrum of of of emotions at the same time so having your internet
upgraded yeah to a bigger bandwidth yeah yeah but as you said in the beginning the there is disbelief often that that it's just quick just happen like this and after everything is fine but um the body have his own his own Rhythm to to find Harmony and stability and this process can take can take time can take time definitely it's not just the mind is getting rewired or the emotions are getting released it's the body is also readjusting and yeah becoming becoming
and expanded rather than contracted expanded yeah more electricity is running through yeah exactly and that's where when this happen that's why I speak often about this this phase of integration where you explore experience and the say exploring experiences I'm I'm also speaking exploring your day-to-day life when you watch a wall you know in your relationship because after you have you have the understanding you have kind of emotional understanding and capacity but then you there is your life here you know you you eat you take showers you have maybe need money to eat you need you have relationship so how all of these day to-day life connect to everything that we are that we are speaking about so this is the phase where where where you integrate your everyday life into this understanding so you see that there is not so this this realization take everything in it's not just it's not just mental or just physical it's this is your everyday life also we talking about very actual concrete normal basic
life I'm curious now what differences are the most what's most different for you in your everyday life before and after realization what
changed the two main things no I say three I think the first one is I'm not seeking when in the sense that when I have when I'm confronted to a difficulty it can be a a money difficulty or or a conflict in a relationship or some kind of um know in life where you have a situation that you want something to happen and apparently it will not happen the way you want so first I I'm not avoiding I'm not going to imagination I'm okay I really want this to happen I feel a reaction in my body so I feel this reaction I'm also aware of the story and so it's kind of I take everything in without trying to escape the moment to believe that there is some magical solution and so it's it's it's a broader understanding of what's happening so I think this is very nice and the second it's my capacity to be with Sensations and emotions is just growing and apparently almost to Infinity so emotions are present but but it's always okay you know I can feel a strong anger and it's okay it can be there it can really be there and it's fine and I to talk about it I can express it I can I can be calm with feeling the anger oh that's nice so for for example yeah and the third so I think this is and the third is I'm in love with with what is here um I feel I feel just it's such a beauty and and I I appreciate so much what is here and it's and that's why the word appreciation and sensitivity
are are are are having a completely different meaning now and it's so profound like everything it's it's really it's uh it's beautiful in a way to feel it you know like like a movement of the head speaking even thinking has has some kind of Beauty in thinking because thinking is not an enemy thinking is just an expression of life so as an expression of Life thinking it's it's beautiful too so yeah I this is the third one would be appreciation and and and beauty or what is here yeah oh that's huge do you feel this beauty
yeah like there's things may be happening but it's okay it's all allowed
that's why I speak about sensitivity often because no I say I say what is here and often it can be understood as yeah but no this is just a room with four walls so what no there's nothing happening here and it's not that there's nothing happening it's just like you you don't have the sensitivity at the moment to appreciate what is here in the way that is present but this possibility is available to all of us if we are curious and and and if we want to explore it what comes in mind is like a fish looking for water where is this water I heard about water all I can see is other fish and these corals and whatever but I cannot see water so there's no sensitivity to perceive that everything here is life and there's no sensitivity to appreciate that life because the fish thinks once I get once I meet that
water nobody can eat me I'll be safe yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah exactly like if if you take your this fish that you're talking about in the frame that I'm I'm um I'm exposing here would be when the fish realize that he there is there is no water to be found because he is already in water and and in fact he's not only in water but the water it's the very thing that allow him to be to be alive to to to experience anything anyway this is was where we seeking drop and he start to explore also that's why I'm moving like this because because there is this water ah okay so he start to explore his experience right he start to explore and be curious you know explore he explor and at some point he just find this is amazing this is because in reality there is no water and a fish there just this beautiful movement that is happening you know and so yeah it's a it's a beautiful metaphor
yeah and the part that that I I didn't say because we forgot and that's ah the forth one of
it when the fish understand that there is no water to be found often he there is a lot of sadness and there is some kind of of of mourning to do right because maybe he wrote a lot of books about finding water maybe he's uh a teacher of finding water maybe he has followers maybe he left his family to find waters you know maybe you know he did many experiments and he he he destroyed his body in a way to find his water so when he understand that all of this was kind of useless even if it's not because he had do it but there can be some kind of emotion and this is the emotional part that come
up I like this fish now
I met once a fish a fish met me I was in the ocean in Mexico and this little tiny fish like this big came to look at me and she was looking and looking and looking and then I think the fish
liked me cuz she was or he I don't know but was following me around and just playing swimming around I went to the shore and the fish followed me to the shore and it was just this deep in the water and the fish was running around my legs and know just oh it lasted for an hour no kidding yeah yeah yeah such a sweet moment such a magical moment when the fish found me
yeah who knows what's going on in that fish's Minds is we don't know yeah we don't
know yeah magic of Life at some point at some point
we stumble unto this is unknown um there is no capacity to understand what is here there is there is nothing that can Encompass that that is large enough to understanding and there's nothing outside to kind of look at it and understanding you know because it's it's impossible it's too Dynamic it's too big there is no border there is there is so yeah when you say magic of life this is a nice way to say I have no idea what's
happening yeah from the eyes of a fish it's like what is this ocean what is this ocean how big is it no idea no idea yeah and you can be there eat and drink and make friends and be eaten yeah yeah yeah there is there
is there is this belief that because I'm watching another person I am aware of what this person is is feeling or living you know there some kind of belief that I can connect to some but you know the other person is like the fish I have no idea what is the actual what the actual living I don't know really if people say I'm happy I have no idea you know what is behind this happiness or what did what do they really mean you know so they said the word I take the word in and I I can connect to what is word in myself but I don't know really what the other is feeling I don't know what I feel she's feeling I don't know I have no
idea nice nice not to
know and is one of the biggest fears of not knowing not understanding so that seeking is driven towards understanding and trying to know to feel safe yeah yeah it's very weird it's I mean it's it's because there is a part of of of of of thinking which is which analyze it's it's a problem solver and in a way very important for our day-to-day life right if if I want to build a bridge or you know I have I have I have to be able to analyze the situation to do mathematics to to make measurement and everything you know in my life if I want to build a business or anything know it's very useful it is just that it has taken over completely we we use this mechanism to for everything after I have an emotion so instead of feeling the emotion I I turn myself toward this analytic mind and say I have a problem which is this emotion what do I do so of course this part will give you a solution don't feel it and focus on imagination watch Netflix do this do that whatever and because you ask somehow you know so of course it will give you Solutions but the the true question is does they work are you are you satisfied with with what is happening in the
moment you know what comes to mind people with depression when they go to a professional and they get a pill to solve to fix the problem that's where we are at as a Humanity trying to fix these problems called emotion it's horrible yeah yeah well in I feel I want to be precise right depression it's it's a terminology for a specific um I don't know how to say in English but for a for a specific uh Distortion of of the brain somehow so there is there is people who really have depression in the sense that it's mechanically they have there is some problem mechanical problem which medicine can be useful I mean I I don't want I just want to be precise for that this is my belief but now this world depression is used for anything you know I feel sad for two days in a row I'm depressed I mean this this is it's the wrong world you are just having strong emotions you know it's and often we have tendency to to make things into some kind of pathology you know like depression so when it's a box it's even more difficult to have because you have to undo the belief in the box and after you have to feel the emotion anyway so in in my story for example when I was sharing what I was feeling it was very strong it's true it's true that um I had I had panic attack and had I lost myself in cities and all of that anyway the at at the beginning I was sharing it and people was you are depressed you are depressed you know and and somehow they they wanted me to adopt to to adopt his belief that I was something that this thing was here and this was our true problem and everything and and it's very dangerous to do that as you say because after you can enter into some kind of of of path or or or Loop and take medicine and after the medicine have have consequencies and you enter some kind of loop that that I don't I think we we have to be very very careful with that with the word first depression be very clear and after what do you do once you are clear what is the correct uh path you know because I I wouldn't advise everyone to to explore uh this process of realization I wouldn't say to anyone some people just want to have a happy human life have a family fall in love go to Holiday and and be happy and if that's what you want that's great you know you go to a therapist you find a good therapist which is difficult but if you find one just you know explore your emotion find some equilibrium in your life and and move on it's perfect they do no need to put everything into some kind of um Awakening perspective or all of this
yeah I agree and if somebody is not stable or is having some difficulties mentally it's really not a good thing to go into this process at all until they feel stable is this this is not a magic fix it opens the Gate of more feeling more intensity yeah and that can be even worse situation for them yeah yeah you know
um even if you and me are speaking and we I hope we make we make ourselves clear and and precise or and or maybe useful precise though but useful at least uh life is not that clear and think are not are not as clear as as we are speak speak here you know everything is changing moving and and I guess you and me are speaking from maybe some clarity that we didn't had in the moment that it happened so maybe this is maybe after 10 or 20 years after that you're ah okay so now I'm speaking as using this word and and we are reframing our memory in in a way that is understandable but in the moment for me anyway it was so messy it was a huge it was it it was terrible in the moment I felt terrible I felt confused I felt lost I felt many things and I think it's important to to name it so when someone live it it can it can be clear that it's it's it's a process which means there is there is different it will unfold in different ways for many people and the process is very specific and unique I'm sure that your process very unique and you speak in a way you have some way of speaking it and even if what you say what what you share can be different of what I'm sharing we both know that somehow it's it's the same process
David can you tell a little bit about your work with you work with people and you guide at Liberation Unleashed can you tell a little bit who can come to you and why they could come to
you yeah well um I work a lot in myself um and I focus on on two different things um I was focused a lot in in in trauma healing which is really exploring sensation and and PTSD and this energy of of um of of I mean this energy of trauma which is the energy that is stuck in the body very very strongly and I trained in that a lot because I was dissociated for almost all my life because of my history so I had to learn this so I have many tools for people who feel disconnected from their from their emotions from their Sensations from this juice that is the body that is sensation is really beautiful to feel so this is one thing that I do the other one is people who who want to explore their infancy the the their history and find some to integrate their history their past in in into what they are living in right now in the moment so I train a lot with uh with everything that has to do with pre and perinatal psychology which is the imprint that is appear in the womb at the birth and after and in in infancy which often this these imprint get get very stuck into the body and at some point it is the mental person you know it is all everything that that make you feel that you are a person often it's it Arise at this moment it it can get solidified at this moment that's very interesting I never heard anyone offering this kind of service specifically it's very interesting and I guess it's very very
useful yeah I mean it was very useful to me that's everything I'm I'm I'm offering anything that I am I needed for myself so that's why I was I was drawn to it and it was very helpful was very very helpful and because often this is why it's very connected to our ability to be with sensation because when you are a baby there is the the the cognitive part of the brain is not active is it's not um capable to produce thought in the moment so everything is somatic everything is only Sensations so that's that's why at some point if you if you want to to explore your past and you go in the past in the past in the at some point you enter that you don't you cannot really speak about it the data are kind of fuzzy you don't put in space and time because at some point you go in in into an experience that there is no thinking in it it was only the body only movement in somatic but this is very very interesting exploration to do also and the third one that I that I propose it's uh a direct exploration of what is here which I call the process of realization if someone is interested in the process of realization of all people can say Awakening well there is tools to there to that can be help helpful wonderful and how people can find you yeah well I have a website which is David Bonny.com my name.com and there is a lot of information there there's my my contact so if anyone has a question about anything they can write to me sweet and you also hold the meetings right like open for everyone yes I for yes yes yeah I have yeah in the website there is information but yeah I have a meeting every every Wednesday wow at 8:30 Paris time so yeah it's open for everyone it's free for everyone who who is interesting in in joining and is curious everyone is welcome wonderful that's so generous and I hope somebody who is listening and resonate with you can join you yeah in that meeting awesome okay yeah and do you have any final words maybe something that we didn't talk about but feel that you want to share
what come to me it's it's very important that to become our own authority in this
process to stop believing what anyone and every book says and start to focus on on our own exploration and our own Discovery and our own
conclusion it's very it's very important and I don't I don't I didn't say it I
think yeah that's very
true I say followers don't wake up they follow you have to end the following have to end the following and listening to other people some point just stop drop it and then start looking what is true in your experience
yeah because nobody else has answers nobody has answer it's like a
fish yeah yeah yeah I mean uh yeah mean because because if I give Authority and Trust outside it's it's it's one thing but if I don't explore it for myself and it doesn't become a fact for me it's still a belief at some at some level and you cannot you
cannot no one will be satisfied with beliefs we want we want to be sure right we want to feel it we want that this is it's it's a reality for me and I think this is this is really what is interesting and and what everyone kind of want right I want to feel deeply happy with what is is here and I want this happiness to depend of on on on nothing but myself in a way or or you know yeah find that love for life like you mentioned yeah yeah it's very very
interesting oh it's so wonderful to talk to you David thank you so much for sharing yourself and thank you everyone that's a great
pleasure and and I love your voice I you have very sweet and and tender voice I love it oh thank you so much nothing that I did it's just
natural um thank you everyone for watching for listening and if you have a comment or you want to share something just write it down below please subscribe share with a friend and help this channel to grow this message needs to reach more people thank you bye for now till next time