Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Living From The Heart With Scott Britton
Send me your thoughts in a Text Message
How can you find inner peace with yourself and live from the heart if you feel stuck in the head?
Scott Britton reveals what worked for him and how you can live from the heart too.
More about Scott
The Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium
If you are ready for a transformation work with me.
Info about free monthly meetings on Zoom
Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music
#awakeningnow #ilonaciunaite #howtodoselfinquiry #selfinquiryquestions #liberationunleashed #seeingthroughselfillusion
Welcome to the show.
This is episode number 70 How To Find Inner Peace With Yourself With Scott Britton
my name is Ilona Ciunaite. I am a guide, and author and a co creator of the Liberation Unleashed community and this is a place you want to be if you are interested in all things awakening. In the last 13 years I have been guiding, pointing and supporting seekers on their awakening journeys and because of that I have acquired experience on how to end seeking, how to find inner peace and enjoy life. on the show I talk to seekers and teachers about the fundamental shift, what leads to it, what happens after and how to navigate awakening life.
How can you find inner peace with yourself and live from the heart if you feel stuck in the head?
Scott Britton reveals what worked for him and how you can live from the heart too. Our conversation includes topics of psychedelics, the evolution of consciousness, new ways to look at work environment and living from the heart in everyday life.
heart opening is definitely connected with the the access to the Divine I can I can access that deep source of wisdom that is beyond space and the limits of space and time and use that to navigate life and in in many instances it it navigates it's just telling me what to do there seems to be a close correlation for that uh for me with all the work that I've done on the heart um where as the more open that becomes the the clearer that connection the more stabilized the stronger the more present present it is yeah just the more more love I feel you know just the more of the good the more bliss the more feeling great for no reason and if somebody's listening now and thinking oh I want the same I want my heart to be open I want to live for my heart but I'm trapped in the mind it's all these stories and everything's going on that I can't what would you say what would be your
advice hello Scott it's great to be here thank you for having me thank you for answering my call and today I'm speaking to Scott Britton and you probably know Scott from podcast from his interview with Angelo Dilullo from his YouTube channel or maybe not so here we are so pleased introduce Scot and maybe you can say a few words about yourself like yeah sure thanks for having me excited to be here um you know most of my life has been uh in the world of kind of the traditional success script um going to the right schools getting the right jobs becoming an entrepreneur and probably about six years ago you know my Consciousness Journey really be became brought in Center in my life and it just became the most interesting fascinating exploration process that I could ever imagine and and so yeah I've been on this journey and now I I feel uh really called to bring it bring a lot of the wisdom and learnings and ideas to uh the places that I have I have been in my life whether that's entrepreneurship business um Athletics which was a big part of my you know first 20 years of my life so um yeah it's really it's really amazing to kind of see how a lot of those experiences kind of positioned me to help others that uh are going through things that I went through how wonderful yeah and this podcast is called Awakening now and I ask everyone at the beginning this word Awakening because it may have different meanings for different people how would you define what is Awakening well I think it's always a continuous uh continuously changing as your awareness and realization evolves but for me it the defin the first time that that word really resonated was understanding that I wasn't just my thoughts and my body and and emotions kind of the separation from you know what I had what I always thought I was which was just a bunch of thoughts walking around in a
body how funny to think that now isn't it yeah I mean it's
uh it's definitely um yeah life feels incredibly different than it did in that in that
experience and can you say a little bit about how that happened to you what happened how was that how did that shift occur yeah you know I I had been meditating um using headspace for probably about six years and I had um in meditation was always this type of like I need to be less stressed type of activity and so I would meditate to be less stressed for my job and for all the things I was doing and I I basically um one day I was reading I think I was maybe listening to Sam Harris or reading the um what was it the teachings of uh mastering the core teachings of Buddha the Buddha and something just clicked where I realized I was like oh my gosh I'm not my thoughts but I'm watching them I'm aware of them and that
just yeah there was just it was just a kind of like oh like a sudden like understanding of that um I don't think it was like anything particularly Monumental but and then of course there were many moments where I would just get pulled back into identification with thoughts and it's still something that I that happens to me um but yeah there was a distinct kind of like knowing just like walking around in my in my house and um I don't know if it was before or after that I also had a psychedelic experience around that time my first one and that was the first time that really I feel like encountered yeah just just a deeper presence that I would Now call my true self where I was just receiving information that was just so profoundly different from my typical waking consciousness and I started to started to realize that um you know this this this experience that I'm in right now wasn't all there was to me and my
being I had the same experience when I first time tried magic mushrooms nice yeah it's it's pretty amazing what I thought reality was wasn't it and it was just my mind was blown at that moment yeah I thought I knew what reality was and so hilarious
now yeah I mean they're incredibly powerful to tools and you know for me what that experience did was just create a fire inside of me to just go back to to find a way to stabilize that some some of those States so that my my default waking state would be a connection to that presence a connection to that wisdom and all the the love um that I briefly glimpsed and touched in those experiences and uh you know that's a journey that I'm still on how sweet
yeah let's talk a little bit about all these psychodelic medicines I like to call it medicines I really don't like when people call it drugs because it's like putting a label on something that we don't know what that is just because we don't like it and to diminish it or just get out of my way and it's still a little bit of taboo but it's opening up more and more and I think there is so much value in exploring your own Consciousness using all the different tools doesn't matter the are technology tools or natural tools it's just something that is available so I'm not saying that everyone should go and try but I'm not saying you shouldn't if you are pulled towards that and I heard you have explored a little bit or maybe a lot of all these experiences do would you like to share sure um yeah I I came to psychedelics because you know I was um I was running a business I was doing like living in New York City like a nice apartment like all the things and I just realized one day that I was just unhappy and I had um I'd been meditating for for over five years I had tried therapy had tried many things and something still was not changing my experience was not changing and I had resisted psychedelics like many people because of the word drug and because of the idea that they were bad and they were illegal and something super dangerous but I had an number of um a lot of entrepreneur friends who had done Ayahuasca and said that it was a very transformative kind of uh permanent shift in perspective and that was interesting to me because a lot of people that I when I think of drugs I think of these kind of ephemeral hedonistic experiences you know I didn't think of um something that could permanently shift the way that you think about reality and so I guess I was in the right place at the right time because I was just kind of super looking for a shakeup in my life and a friend had reached out to me and said hey I'm uh organizing an Ayahuasca ceremony outside of New York City where I was living do you want to participate and I was like you know what what do I have to lose like something has to change and um yeah it was a three-day ceremony and it was incredibly profound you know it was the first time that I had a um intensely somatic experience where I could feel energy in my body and I could feel my body just kind of moving and and purging and um you know something inside of me that I had never experienced before um where I felt like I was being moved instead of being the Mover in my body if that makes sense and I also so feel like that was really the first time that yeah I I connected with the Divine it was the first time I had a true spiritual experience I had grown up in a religious household and went to church and all these things but I never I never really touched something deeper and it was in the in that first um psychedelic experience that I felt like I did that and it was amazing and after that weekend I was like whoa like psychedelics oh my God like I want to learn everything and so I read how to change your mind and Chasing Fire and like all the like you know big psychedelic books at the time and I went and I did another Ayahuasca Retreat three months later and on that Retreat I had a kundalini Awakening and I'm not sure how familiar you are with that but that was a very intense energetic the start of a very intense energetic process that I was definitely not prepared for um you know I just my my my vessel was not purified enough for that energy and that really kind of just uh yeah I think it created spiritual emergency for me and so I I stopped using psychedelics um after that for about four years because I was just too sensitive I was shaking uh you know spontaneously all the time I was having trouble sleeping and so the last thing I wanted to do was take another psychedelic um and I had been advised by I eventually found a teacher and I been to many different teachers and eventually kind of figured out what was happening to me and that I needed to actually um I didn't need any more activating energy practices or substances um and so yes since since then I've done psychedelics a handful of times I've tried psilocibin um I've tried them MDMA but I I see them as um at least for me like they will come into my experience when and if they are needed and I don't I don't really seek them out I don't really um you know I feel I feel like I I have uh plenty of opportunities for awareness and Consciousness expansion that show up on my doorstep each day and uh that keep me quite busy and so so um you know I'm I'm I'm always open but I'm not seeking that's great to notice because you know if you need that experience it will come and knock on your door and say are you are you gonna come I actually have a very fun I actually have a very funny story where um actually the last time I did Ayahuasca I had a uh it was probably two years ago um a little little more than two years ago and I had a shaman that had basically reached out to me that I had worked with he was an amazing person he was like an investment banker turned Shaman he like went to Peru and lived there for six years or something and then came back to the US and we had worked together and he's like hey I want to start this new I learned this new energy healing technique for um basically kind of helping you get rid of really stubborn patterns and I'm looking to work with uh entrepreneurs and like high- performing people who you know want to just have like a more private experience work with somebody through the course of the year I'm kind of exhausted of holding Spa these big space and these big Retreats are people and um yeah basically like he's like do you I would love to like use you as a guinea pig for this like you know this new like energy healing technique and I was like yeah dude I would love to help you out like why don't you come to Austin like I'll host you um and so he came to my house and then he starts like setting up in the living room and putting like buckets and like all the stuff that you would have for an Ayahuasca
ceremony out I'm like hey what's going on is this really that intense and he's like oh we're doing this with Ayahuasca and he didn't tell me that and so I was completely unaware and I was like wow this literally showed up on my doorstep uh I know that this is I know that this is intended for me um and uh yeah that's the last time I did something like that literally showed up on my doorstep wonderful yeah so it's always a call from it's a call from within or call from the Divine to meet that energy yeah definitely and I definitely noticed like yeah for me I'm acutely aware of um I feel like over the years there's been an Acuity developed of the information that enters my awareness is it coming from you know patterns that are based on stuff that happened to me when I was a kid or whatever or is it coming from a higher source of information
and I definitely have felt more recently that like yeah I'm getting these pings about um about psychedelics again so who knows um who knows what'll happen but yeah paying attention to that paying attention to that is and paying attention to the world around you too which is just another way the Divine communicates is uh is something that I
love and I want to notice that there are people who let's call them spiritual tourists or chasing experiences and they go and seek these medicines and they want more and more and more and more and there's no time to integrate there's no time to even sink into what happened but there's always need for more that's a different place that's not what we're talking about and that it's calling you this is this is more like grasping onto something trying to fix and getting addicted even to the experiences yeah it definitely seems like um you know that's a real thing where it's like someone touches that ecstatic Union and just wants to come back and and uh to me I don't really think I had a choice like my own disposition with the kundalini stuff and the energetic stuff and just how my body what ended up transpiring it was like I I never even like had that option um but you know from the very beginning it was never interesting to me to be on that tourism Loop where you go you have a high and then you go back to reality and then you go and you you know have an incredible experience you go back to reality and back and forth back and forth I was much interested in figuring out how I could have like a a steady you know curve into the direction of of stabilizing an the connection um that was much more interesting to me
yes because having a psychedelic experience does not equal
Awakening it can trigger great but it doesn't equal otherwise half of the people would be already awake or at least half of those who who tried any of them but that that is not
equal are psychedelics part of your life right now uh not right now I live in a place where even the smoke is prison wow yes uh yeah don't even talk about any other stuff well I I think they have drugs on this island but it's drugs you know not not the medicines not that stuff yeah yeah but mushrooms or anything like it is just um against the law and it's horrible so it's a little bit close minded here there's a lot of alcohol though and cigarettes that's what people get but it used to be I had a fair share of magic mushrooms I tried Bufo, Ayahuasca
peyote things like that yeah and I met and talked with a lot of people who had experiences nice so I'm not against it but I would I would say that if anyone wants to go for it they really need to find the right people right medicine right environment right intention right um settling in absorption kind of it's a whole preparation experience and settling in integration because if any of this is missing it can mess you up
yeah I think I think that uh people should take these serious substances seriously you know which speaks to the preparation and intention and container and research and and after the experience as well I just talked to a guy his name is Paul Austin he runs a company and just like a website called third wave that's all about trying to basically change the culture around psychedelics and train people for integration and and uh provide vetted resources um and yeah I think he told me that the brain basically the the plasticity post psychedelic experience is about two weeks and so it's really important for those two in those two weeks after to to integrate the experience to try to you know integration is such a funny word but for me it's it's trying to bring in the information that you experience into your normal existence you know whatever those type of new patterns or new ways of seeing or being are that you got from that experience how can you kind of install that into your daily life H yeah install like you got the download now we need to install it right that's right it's like
software cool yeah and then sometimes it doesn't install correctly and people get to very dark places so very depressive States and don't know and have nobody to talk to because nobody would
understand yeah I think that's a real thing and My Hope Is that as these substances become more popularized that starts to shift and people have access to resources will be more accessible and I know and I'll just drop a one thing that I know is helpful for people if they find themselves in that place um there's a there's a gentleman named Daniel Ingram who started this urgent phenomena research Consortium and so for people that are having essentially spiritual emergencies oh uh they can reach out and they will help you um they'll direct you to a resource oh wow we're gonna need to put the link below yeah for people
to come to yeah and it's honestly something I wish I knew about because when I was going through everything after my second psychedelic retreat with the kundalini stuff I really didn't know what was happening to me I really I screwed myself up and uh I went to all the Western doctors and no one could tell me what was going on with me um you know they they thought they told me that I was stressed we did like brain studies and all kinds of things and they just we just don't have the at least that maybe we do now but six years ago we didn't have the technology to to really look at this stuff and understand it hm yeah very
interesting and now how is how is all the installation working now life is good you know I've been really focused on uh just continuing to open the heart and so for me I've been following this wisdom lineage is called renshue and it's a basically um based on Daoism Buddhism and Chinese wisdom culture was a led by a master a chi gong master who um basically had to leave China during the Communist Revolution he Lives in New Zealand now and there's a there's a lots of the system including Chi gong but the main thing for me is to just notice when the heart is closed um and use that as a conduit to go into the Consciousness and see what's causing that and so usually it's lots of just things that happen to me as a child things that happen to me uh as a kid that are basically creating these perceptual patterns that make me you know feel not safe or make me feel reactive or any of these things instead of just resting as just a loving awareness and so I feel like my entire life is like I have a very normal life uh like I'm busy I'm podcasting I'm a dad I'm doing business stuff I'm doing all these things but always just watching my own inner experience while I do all that and noticing when yeah there's just there's just these patterns that come up and then going into them and essentially they they just
dissolve so you you would say that you live more from the heart now rather than from the head yeah definitely and and and for me the heart the heart opening is is definitely connected with the access to the Divine where for me I feel like I can drop in at any point and just almost have a psychedelic type of experience where I'm just connecting with that information that's from my true self you know I can I can access that deep source of wisdom that is beyond space and the limits of space and time and use that to navigate life and in in many instances it navigates it's just telling me what to do um and so you know that there seems to be a close correlation for that uh for me with all the work that I've done on the heart um where as the more open that becomes the the clearer that connection the more stabilized the stronger the more present present it is and um yeah and just the more the more love I feel you know just the more of the good the more bliss the more feeling great for no reason you know which is which is beautiful relative to the highly conditional way of experiencing life that I had for most of my life you know where I needed everything to go my way to feel good I laughed because you said feeling great for no reason I think we feel not great for a reason isn't that funny yeah I mean it's it's kind of like so one of the reasons I'm so passionate about this stuff is like
I think most I think the most people are conditioned to believe that feeling good is a function of the of the outside world where you know you get the job you want you get the partner you want you get the money you get the travel you get whatever and then you're going to feel good and so you know we just spend this spend our lives just chasing these little blips of feeling good to then countered by so many instances of not feeling good uh when when things don't perfectly go our way and you know for me it was really after living that life at a very like high level um I just realized it was a very ineffective strategy you know there's just no winning there's just there's no perfectly managing life you know it's it just is an impossible task and it's exhausting even if you do it well and so I don't know that I had a choice to come to the Consciousness spiritual path life kind of made that choice for me it seems um but I'm really happy I did I'm really happy I'm working on my life from the inside out versus the other way around
and if somebody's listening now and thinking oh I want the same I want my heart to be open I want to live for my heart but I'm trapped in the mind it's all these stories and everything's going on there I can't what would you say what would be your advice to somebody yeah you know I think so I have things that worked well for me yeah I I'm looking forward to hearing and we can talk about those but I think the truth is that everyone is going to have their own unique path and set of practices or teachers and teachings that resonate for them and so I think there's a a wisdom in the things that naturally feel good or make you feel alive and so I would explore there's there's many tried and true ways to start to quiet the mind and start to separate from all inner chatter and so I would explore explore different things go download you know headspace or calm or Waking Up app or like go on YouTube and like just like start trying different practices whether it's meditation whether it's breath work whether it's chanting whether it's you know sound like any of these things that you can do to uh just start to pause and slow down um for me me what I found is that uh yeah I had been meditating for six years and I still had an incredibly busy mind um and so you know I really wondered like I would meditate for 20 minutes and I would feel great and then I would just get caught up in the busyness of everything and my mind was just incredibly busy and what started to really shift things for me was uh when I met my spiritual teacher and she just started to really install this idea in my in my Consciousness that my problem wasn't my problem in life wasn't like all the things that I thought it was it was my reactions and so every single time I was taken out of a calm peaceful state it was like I was getting a clue to some pattern or thing underneath in my subconscious that was causing me to react that way and so you know her her belief is that and and I believe this too is that our Natural State our natural being is is imperturbable it's completely at ease and one with life because it is life and and so to get to the Natural State to rest in that you have to start to notice what is unlike that and when you start to and so for me that was starting to pay attention to every single time I was triggered by something and so I started to keep a note on my phone where every single time I felt myself being triggered I would write it down yeah and then I was and I was taught a um exercise to start to go into those experiences and start to open to the information in my subconscious to understand what was the pattern that was creating that reaction and so and as I would go into those I would essentially start to you know I'd feel a lot of emotions I'd have somatic experiences I would see like information like I'm going to give you an example like one of the ones that I saw was this there was this there was this concept of um basically being afraid of being alone um and last night I was at a dinner and I noticed myself just like pulled into this reaction and and it just traced back to this this idea that um if I'm alone no one likes me and and this this kind of program was has been playing on repeat and has was hijacking my experience and or hijacking my awareness and so yeah going into opening to these experiences uh I didn't do this in the beginning but it's what I do now where I can kind of connect to the heart and true self and and just ask information for information like where did this come from what is the pattern and I'll and and usually I'll actually start to have the true self just take over and solve it and um yeah and just replace it replace that information with more with with a quality that is of of the original Essence which is like you know an openhearted State um and so yeah like for me it's just been this journey of like continuously noticing what takes me out of a calm peaceful State and over time that noticing has gotten much more refined where at first it was like oh I really got pissed at someone and I really felt it and then it was like oh I noticed myself I got a little triggered there and then it was like oh I noticed the way that I'm perceiving a situation like I notice the thoughts of judgment towards another person and then it gets even more refined where it's like I notice the thought before it becomes a thought and and all of these things are pointings to yeah just the next piece of um the next thing that's just obscuring you from resting in that Natural State and so for me what I love about this practice what I love about this is that when I got into when I realized that my Consciousness path or Journey was really how I would move into a state of more unconditional well-being and fulfillment I thought oh maybe I need to go and like go hardcore and like move to India or like do something crazy you know and um because I I was just a very intense person who kind of was used to just going all in on stuff when I really was serious about it and this path was one that allowed me to just integrate it into my everyday experience and so you know my business became my teacher my girlfriend became my teacher my mom became my teacher like waiting at the bus stop became my teacher like everything became my teacher and life itself became the way to see to to continuously wake up to my true essence and that was really appealing and is still really appealing to me versus you know running off to 10day Retreats every two months or whatever it is like these kind of like hyper um the amazing experiences right but like it's a very different like being on a cycle of peak experiences for spiritual growth is a very different path than seeing everyday life as the
path and I personally find everyday life is the path to just being an incredibly enriching way to
live yeah sometimes we need both to know the difference totally and I think both I think both can still coexist you know like I went to a five day chi gong Retreat a couple months ago with my mom and it was epic you know really yeah I'm trying to you know bring anybody along for the ride who wants to come uh and yeah I mean that was amazing um but like you know if that was the only thing that I was doing for if like that type of experience was like the main thing going on you know some these Peak experience type things like my life probably really wouldn't change have be changing that much yeah and I feel like my I feel like my life is changing every day every week I'm like oh my God it's just a constant experience of uh greater revelation which is so freaking
cool yeah I call it the magic of Life yeah unfolding but you need eyes to see it that's what we need to do is just take take away the cobwebs that are not allowing us to see that mystery the magic synchronicities and all the teachings yeah every everyone is my teacher everything everything's my teacher they teaching me about me that's the thing that that's it that's it yeah it's like Consciousness is waking itself up to itself yeah it's an it's uh it's so cool it's the coolest thing
and do you work with people individually or in groups or do you offer any kind of services I do I do I do um I coach a handful of people um and my main so I'm a I'm a renshway teacher I'm an alethia practitioner um I work with the handful of people but it's not my main thing uh to work with people one onone um I feel called to um really try to like bring a lot of these Concepts to the mainstream business world and so um I just feel like what I see now and this is one of the really cool Parts about awareness is just like eventually you just start to realize like what the the meaning of everything that you've been through you know you couldn't see it in the moment but you start to realize that like you had to go through certain things in order to do other things in order like in order to contribute in a certain way and so I
realized that and success in business which I thought was like the thing was actually just so that I could bring Consciousness into business and that people would take me seriously because it's it's it's hard for a lot of people to um it's much easier rather for someone to say to listen to someone if they've in the business world if they've actually walked the walk in that world and so for me I feel um yeah just like I'm uniquely positioned to do that and um I'm creating a new uh what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to elevate Consciousness in the workplace with this new business uh that's all about bringing entrepreneurs who are on this path with together with Executives who are on this path to create conscious companies and so right now there's this and you know there's a recruiting industry that primarily works on hey like I need someone with this skill like I need a marketing or a sales leader or a product person and and um you know there's this whole dimension of the human that we don't take into consideration really and that information doesn't exist online and so this new company conscious Talent is essentially trying to help those people find each other that want to bring Consciousness make it want it to be an integrated part of their work life experience because what I what I see now I I run a community of entrepreneurs into Consciousness and what I see now is a lot of compartmentalization which is what my experience was very much like where you have your job and you do your work and then you do all your practices and you read your books and you do all your your your spiritual and Consciousness stuff and you don't tell anybody and that's a very unfulfilling way to live it's not fully authentic it's not fully integrated and for many people it's no longer aligned and so people I think we're moving into a phase of experience on the planet where people want to show up their full selves you know they want to bring the whole dimension of their being to whatever they're doing and in order to do that you need to be in a container that honors that you know inside of a company or with co-workers and those places exist it's just there isn't really an easy way for people to find each other on both sides and so that's what we're hoping to do with this business and my hope is is that as we start to help these
companies you know work find I start to help these companies build out their teams and and people to find themselves like showing that running and operating in a company this way doesn't mean sacrificing results in fact it might even mean better results and we can start to make Consciousness and inner work and transformation a part of what is valued in the professional World versus scen as just like some nice to have that doesn't really mean much because I think ultimately I mean there's a lot of things that um will inspire Consciousness on the planet but one of them is definitely a cultural change and you know part of the changing culture is just meeting people where they're at and showing them that they can get better results you know through this through this path and um yeah I'm excited about it yeah well sounds really interesting because it's the new level new level of um creating companies and working together I think so too it's like upgrade a huge upgrade I think so too I think so too I think you know our our Evolution as humans is through Consciousness and as my own experience um you know as as awareness grows and you become more consious just um yeah just the way you do things evolves you have greater capacities greater access to information you can see things more clearly the way you relate to people evolves and all of these things doesn't mean an abandonment of everything before it's like a an if you're if you're it's like an expansion of everything where you can go into that old Paradigm but you don't have to stay there you can zoom out as well and be on these emergent thresholds of doing things and seeing things and being aware of things and you continuously learn how to integrate the old and the emerging together and it creates creates more compelling outcomes what comes to mind is there are so many people that are stuck in the jobs that they don't like maybe even hate it's a waste of time it's a waste of energy but if that workplace can be seen as a training ground or as a opportunity for practice and to learn something about yourself so you look at these patterns secretly because maybe nobody else is doing that maybe they do but what if the all people get connected into that and acknowledge that this is happening like everyone can grow together and help each other that would be amazing that would be amazing yeah that wouldn't be like you know I have to work because I have to make money or feed my family or whatever it would be like oh wow I'm gonna spend eight hours doing something at the same time as evolving at the same time as looking at my own patterns and supporting other people in the same yeah that's it that's it and I've also been writing a book about this um called conscious accomplishment and that book is exactly about this where it's how to bring your desire to grow spiritually and create things in the world together so they inform each other you know I think we have this cultural idea that it has to be one or the other okay I'm going to be a spiritual person or I'm going to have worldly success and achievement and you know there's just this polarized way of thinking instead of realizing that the path of creation and doing things is the way to see yourself more clearly and so you know if we can just get people excited about this idea and start to present an integrated path in the western society which um you know the householder tradition is not super popularized in the west I'm not sure if you're familiar with that term no um well and and uh I guess like India or places in that part of the world there was a renunciate who was someone that kind of just gave up everything for spirituality and there was a householder a householder is a person that owned a home had a job had a family but they were still deeply committed to their evolution and for whatever reason like at least in the US most of what you read about with these like spiritual Masters and is is it's it's more more of the renunciates right you think of like the people that are just doing this fulltime instead of having a rich tradition of people that lived a normal life but yet we're on the path of Enlightenment on the path of being evolved and um yeah I just think it's time that it's time as a society we start to move into that that way of of being oh I hope that it's on the way I know that polarized experience because I lived through it when years ago I was doing tattoos I I had a studio of tattooing so in the daytime I was doing tattoos and at night time at home I was guiding people to see through the self-illusion and these two worlds they were so separate because these people in my chair where I'm tattooing they had no clue what I'm doing um what's my passion what I'm good at well I was good at tattoos but it was such a different different experience of having to juggle in between like to know what to talk to these people to know what to talk to these people and kind of I was splitting myself having two very different masks to wear every day because these worlds they didn't mix sometimes my tattoo clients would come in and say oh what are you do I saw some strange post on Facebook what are you doing and I would kind of tell them a little bit what's going on but now I don't do tattoos anymore so I can live my truth and share what I want to share and not to have to hide or pretend or
diminish what's going on beautiful and I think that's what everybody wants they want to just move into greater authenticity you know move in and and be able to express that and uh you know it's it's amazing that you do a show like this that can Inspire and teach people how to do that and uh I hope that people that are listening are getting something for themselves I mean every conversation has got some kind of seed or already some a bud or something to like oh this is interesting I can go that way and maybe try that or or this makes sense sometimes it takes a thousand times to repeat the message for something to click you know so my service is for people who are listening to these conversations and yeah looking for that seed or for that inspiration or the fire or something that resonates within and keeps opening up or helps to open up helps to expand explore and settle in and integrate wherever everyone is
nice and do you have any final words or anything that we didn't talk about you think now you want you know I think I think just like I would love for anyone that's listening to might be who's who's who's conscious curious who's interested in this stuff but they're like I'm not ready to like let go of my job or like any of the things that I want or like any of those things it's like it doesn't have to be either or you know you can go on this journey everything that you're working towards everything that you're doing in your life can be an opportunity for you to work on your awareness and you know as you do that like your life is just going to get better and better and the things that you want and the things that you understand and all that will change but it's it's not something to be scared of it's something that's actually just moving you to Greater authenticity you know it's moving you to it's deepening your understanding of yourself and
who you really are and what you came here to do and I think all the stuff that's deeply satisfying and so yeah I would just encourage people to to realize to just recognize that doesn't have to be one or the other right sweet sweet yeah what comes to mind let's say you're walking on the beach and you have these boots on shoes boots and you get sand in your shoes and you notice that it's not comfortable and at any point you can sit down and take the shoe off and shake the sand off and continue walking nothing changes but what if we're walking with the sand like no this sand is who I am this sand is this uncomfortable feelings or these patterns are what I am it's me I cannot let them go because what will happen if I let them go what will happen if I shake that shoe and I cannot complain anymore I cannot be a victim anymore I cannot be unhappy anymore but that sand is so uncomfortable that I don't know what to do but I'm going to keep it you know but what it takes is just taking the shoe off shaking it wiping the foot putting it on nothing is lost except for that discomfort except for that desperation except for that feeling of life is against me I'm a victim here I I need to be hiding or shrinking just because I have these patterns and that's painful but we can learn that yeah okay you know this sand is not me it's not mine I don't need to carry it on why not to just shake it shake it shake it out and carry on nothing nothing gets lost that's right yeah it's a it's a it's a good metaphor and um yeah I think it might not seem like it in the moment but walking around with that sand for the rest of your life is just it's way more uncomfortable than taking the boot off and facing it and you know getting the sand off your foot
well thank you so much Scott such a pleasure to communicate with you and share thank you so much this was a real joy and I love getting to know you and um it's a great service what you're doing with the show so thank you and could you for the end mention your website and your podcast and where people can find you and listen yeah yeah so my website is Scottbritton.me and there you'll find links to my substack where I do a lot of writing and share a new podcasts um my podcast Evolution FM is on YouTube Spotify you can also find the link uh on my main website and sometimes I go on Twitter my my handle's last name britton b r i t t o n but yeah I'm around if you find me I'm on the internet and uh I love talking about the same things that you talk about here so um you know just trying to spread Consciousness thank you so much and thank you everyone for watching listening if you have comments please just write below or questions or anything and also please like subscribe if you haven't just share the message with your friends thank you so much until next time by for now bye