Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Awakening Is Your Birthright With Susanne Marie
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Susanne Marie is a non-duality teacher and awakening guide based in Northern California.
Susanne's teachings focus on helping individuals remember their intrinsic wholeness, supporting the dissolution of conditioned beliefs, and encouraging the embodiment of love and wisdom in daily life. She views life itself as the primary teacher and emphasizes the importance of embracing both the simplicity and complexity of human existence.
Heart Meditation
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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music
#awakeningnow #ilonaciunaite #selfinquiryquestions #liberationunleashed #seeingthroughselfillusion #howtodoselfinquiry roughselfillusion
Welcome to the show! This is episode 74, Awakening Is Your Birthright With Susanne Marie
My name is Ilona Ciunaite. i am guide, author, and co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. If you’re drawn to the mysteries of awakening, you’ve found the right place. Over the past 13 years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom.
In this podcast I dive deep into the heart of awakening. Together with my guests, we explore the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like beyond the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life. Whether you’re a seeker, a teacher, or simply curious, there’s something here for you.
Susanne Marie is a non-duality teacher and awakening guide.
Susanne's teachings focus on helping individuals remember their intrinsic wholeness, supporting the dissolution of conditioned beliefs, and encouraging the embodiment of love and wisdom in daily life. She views life itself as the primary teacher and emphasizes the importance of embracing both the simplicity and complexity of human existence.
hello Sussane hello Ilona it's wonderful to meet you thank you likewise and thank you so much for coming on the show oh my pleasure I'm looking forward to to where we go well the show is called Awakening now there's no better time so Awakening now and before we start I ask everyone what is your definition of Awakening because it may mean different things to different people how do you see that oh absolutely and if I don't know if you can hear but it's really raining here I don't know if that's coming through no okay um what is my definition well I suppose I can enter with the the current moment and um what's showing up right now is this rain is is hitting my roof and I'm with you talking
and for me Awakening is being really fully present to reality without any veils just naked reality Stark reality and to be one of the veils is the sense of me the felt sense of me and the belief in being a separate self so so exploring that and um inquiring into whether there really is a me here and seeing through that being able to see through that and see what's really living what is really living this
life is what a Awakening brings but it's a process it's a journey and so that can just be a momentary seeing and then it can become an abiding way to live over time and abiding in an in an embodied manner so for me Awakening is multifaceted it's not just one type of Awakening there are many different levels of Awakening and um but in essence it's to be as fully here as possible
available and open open to reality there's more to it of course but that's just a an opening oh it's so simple and so rich at the same time it is simple and rich multi-layered rich right yeah yeah but sometimes I hear people saying oh I cannot stay in the present moment I cannot be present all these thoughts they take me away somewhere I go somewhere I get dragged into the stories and I think that's very difficult for some people to to meet that Simplicity despite these stories yeah and it requires a stopping right you know really requires a stopping of being anywhere other than right here and going backwards into yourself you know stepping back into yourself and seeing even feeling what it is that is wanting to not be here just sensing into that and kind of pulling back the energy that kind of drive that is kind of a trans Drive of being somewhere else including the feeling being uncomfortable because uncomfortableness can arise when you really stop and try to just be with what is right now and that's the entry way in my opinion yeah is being it is whatever is showing up including what you're feeling what you're sensing you as you are it's got to the portal is just you as you
are that's so sweet I can already feel that opening happening right now yeah yes same
here step back a little bit oh relax into
this it's all it's all that so if everything is that everything is you know the one or whatever you want to call it um it includes you as you are so you don't have to be any different in order to be able to stop and and open be and you can't be any different either it's not like uh you have to use the effort to be as you are no right we don't have to use the effort I think that it's more
um it takes a it's like it it might not be effort but it might be more of a
willingness because it takes a willingness to stop wanting to be somewhere else or be in a trance or focused elsewhere so while it doesn't take effort it takes something what is that very interesting I love the word willingness yeah
yeah yeah because otherwise everybody would be in in Awareness that they are that which we all are but they would be in awareness of it if it didn't take it something if it didn't take some kind of looking some kind of stopping right some kind of effort of some kind
yeah can you tell a little bit about how you found this openness just a little bit of your background
yeah I I felt from a young age I I felt Connected To Source I felt connected to myself and I could feel that ebbing and I even put words to it to my mother I said I feel like I'm losing my childhood and that was like between seven and nine I could feel that I was going I I could what I noticed that is that the adult world I could see that they were in and I didn't have those words yet right but I could tell that they were in Persona they were in a sort of a fabricated reality that they were communicating like sometimes I could feel my mother being really there and my father being really there and some of the adults being with me really present and then and then off they would go and I would feel that they were elsewhere in themselves they weren't home anymore and so at a young age I started to feel that kind of what we can call Maya that hypnosis the hypnosis of of the of the separate self hypnosis I guess I felt it coming over me Mhm and it wasn't it didn't take it all away because I felt uncomfortable I just felt uncomfortable and sad about it and curious like what you know and sort of like part of me was sort of fighting being taken over by that separate self sense and it didn't fully go away and it would it would definitely resurrect like this this felt sense of wholeness of connected to myself again would resurrect with my brother when I was with him or with a really good friend or with my cat you know and so then into my teens I started to be curious about mostly philosophy um kind of like psychic phenomena you know the kind of woo woo stuff and then in my very early 20's 20 21 22 is when I went for meditation and and yoga and I really went into it really hardcore and it was before the you know the internet and YouTubes and all that stuff um and I'm not a religious type person I wasn't raised with religion I got lucky for my in my opinion that's my personal opinion for myself my preference and is that I wasn't indoctrinated into some kind of religion that I had you know that I would have to extricate myself from but of course we're indoctrinated by all kinds of things I mean it's it's part of Being Human but um so for me I just wanted the direct experience of from this this feeling I still held inside of what it felt like to be home and so meditation helped me get back there I could feel it and all that yoga and longing longing longing longing I was a serious Seeker before I even knew what the word was because I was seeking something that was
familiar to me I wasn't seeking something that everybody's seeking in my opinion they're seeking something that is known because what how else could you be seeking we don't seek for something we don't know but I was very very familiar with it and so whenever I would land back there it was like ah here I am here it is and slowly it was like that space of of not going to sleep inside grew and kept growing and growing because it was more interesting to me than being lost it was more interested interesting to me than being in Duality believing that I'm not home whatever the separate Self is you know and um so it took time and but eventually the shift took place to where it didn't go away again it it's just like very natural simple kind of groove of I'm back home and it never separated again but I I would say that was really
honestly a one of the Awakenings there are other Awakenings I've had and I don't want to right away talk about that because we have I'm sure other things to talk about but to me the non-dual Awakening was one of the major the first major Awakening the most important and then after that were other important ones that followed yeah so that's my story in brief sweet yeah that resonate yes I agree that this this um Awakening is the turning point and after that everything else starts falling into place yeah yeah how did it happen for you well I wasn't a Seeker I never knew about any Awakenings but I knew I was looking for something yeah and um well it was magic mushrooms that showed me that the the reality is not what I thought it was oh that's a yes the first time I took him yeah I was like wow the mind went silent there was not a single thought for hours I was just being and that's to me was home and I wanted that but that's what started the the process of um looking for it beautiful and I found it maybe eight years later I found this question that popped in my head and says is there Ilona running the show I was like [Laughter] nothing that was the shift is are you running the show that's what it was it's that Ilona there that is running the show kind of the separate self yeah the persona and it was just wiped away and never came back
and the next thought after that was like oh my God how I never question that before it's just the the least obvious thing to ask a question when we live from that place I'm running the show this person is here and running the show making things happen you can't really look at it but somehow the mind is like oh wow empty never was and that's when I knew that everyone's looking for it they don't know what they're looking for but everyone's looking for that just to see that there is nobody running the show that it's life happening life living
itself yeah yeah exactly this is where started to to assist everybody whoever found me I was like yes these are the questions ask them see what happens
it's so cool how many types of varieties of ways that people come home to themselves and it could be even through religion and you know I I said that I'm glad that that didn't happen for me that I was brought up in some kind of story that I had to unpack but it can happen in for people in so many different ways because it's it doesn't belong to any belief system it is what I call our Birthright our birthright is to be um undivided inside and to feel and to know ourselves as one with everything and you know to me that's that's an Awakening but to I've had and honor other types of Awakenings as well there's the heart to that also can wake up and know itself as that in a in a Oneness sense right and and you know the mind has that Aha and that Awakening and and it's abiding it sounds like and becomes where it never goes back into questioning itself anymore as being a doer and then the heart wakes up and it knows itself as one with all things
in a I would say almost in a sensory kind of way in an intimate sensing kind of way not just a a cool awareness kind of way but a sensing intimate we are one with life you know and one one as life one as life and then for me there was another one and that was the
body yeah the body also I feel has it contains the separation that it has been experiencing throughout its life it gets lodged in the body and the body itself has a need to be unconfused I would say maybe and and see through you know patterns and beliefs and maybe pains you know interpretations but from you know down and then next and that to me is part of the the the ongoing process of and nature of Awakening that it's it it's a descent in a way it's a Descent of into more into matter matter you know being
mother a Descent of into matter itself to really fully wake itself up so it's not just this mind Awakening you know yes a lot of people will think that's it for for a moment of being but as you say it's continuous oh yeah yeah yeah I think that that shift of seeing that you are not what you thought you are it's like a turning point and after that the all this falling away the new is falling into place and it's
continuing yeah yeah it till the end I mean for this lifetime say till the end of this lifetime yeah Continues yeah yeah everything that's unconscious wants to be made conscious and and know itself as there know itself there and um yeah so that's why it's an going discovery not just as a being but that discovering itself you know I love how you said this descent you know we hear a lot of words of Ascension rising up up but this is descent like something is coming in embodied grounded feet on the ground body is here everything's welcome all the pains can be looked at yeah and it does it with such love and kindness for itself and wanting to liberate and harmonize all this anything that a lot goes as you know you know a lot doesn't need to be examined thank God you know we don't need to it's not a microscope where it wants to examine everything but whatever is remaining after as Awakening descends whatever is there that says this needs to be included as that it wants to be brought into the fold it wants to know itself as that because my feeling is is that life you know in its intelligence it comes home it wants to come back and embrace everything all of itself you know and not leave anything out not leave anything out it's all gets to be seen as that included open and harmonized too and if it needs to be examined then it's examined but it does itself you know it's kind of like um it knows exactly what it's doing there is a plan yeah and and if we're you know some people may need help at at that stage Ilona you know um and are you helping people do you work with a lot of seekers or finders or I do that's that's mainly what my work you know can you tell a little bit about it who comes to you and what's
happening I'm I feel really fortunate I I really I get a lot of the um students and Seekers or people whom whomever who are very very committed and and um serious like this is you know they're either already there in terms of seeing that this is the most important thing for them or they um are want they're getting there and they because they know that I'm serious um and that you know I'm not going to mess around and and if if people want to work with me it's because this is where they want to put their attention so either they're still learning how to open to to really seeing where where to put their attention because some people don't even don't know that you know it's like well where am I supposed to place my attention so I really like to you know work with people on that level all the way to to you know sort of unpacking after the initial kind of seeing that there is no separate
self um and then being able to land there and open and relax to that and then perhaps there's another period of time that someone may want to come to me and work with me and that would be in the embodiment stage when that descent is taking place and the The Awakening wants to be abiding throughout the system and it wants to know itself as that even when there's some pain there even when there's some confusion even when there's um some victim stance you know whatever it is you know is it is it still is it is it able to be that as well and and keep opening to it so some people get a little bit um concerned at that stage are they going to lose Awakening because it's touching the it's touching the the body it's touching that which it's people have been mostly running away from and avoiding all their life the uncomfortableness that we contain inside and so to me that's kind of like Awakening is evolving
to to include every single thing about our ourselves you know and for some people it's it's that can be a challenging time and and I'm you know some sometimes people need to go and get some healing work you know um I totally agree yeah some other kinds of support some body work some cranial sacral work I mean I've I'm really happy to pass on information to people so that they can really get the help they need yeah it's more than just mind or emotions there is also body and whatever processes are going on there you know sometimes people say if I have a headache I will sit and meditate and make it go away or it will somehow resolve but if the headache is because of misaligned spine you can't really do much about it you have to go and find somebody who can realign it otherwise it will continue that kind of way yeah the physical is also included can't be denied or just dismissed and said oh there is no body I hear that sometimes oh there is no body like okay yes ultimately yes but how about eating washing how about the toothache or headache yeah yeah there's a whole another level of Awakening that's awaiting them a deepening of the Awakening and how about now is the is the Awakening still here when you are in the nitty-gritty of life you know and how about now when you have an illness and someone in your family is suffering how about now when you're aging and you know how about now with the state of the world so to me it's like concentric circles of Awakening growing capacity to be to to be embodied and and still be abiding still be unmoving you know there's something that's still exactly the same there's still something exactly the same now but it's got texture you know because it's it's it's reaching depths and stratas of existence and and making it more conscious you know making it more conscious as it
descends just an image of a tree came into mind right now like Roots growing deeper into the Earth becoming stronger so the whole tree can open up more and reach for the Sun so it's kind of Earthing and sunning yeah beautiful yeah I mean maybe we could say that the initial kiss of awakening is maybe the Treetops you know and then it descends and it goes deeper and it goes into the trunk and it goes into all the limbs and the trunk and goes down down down into the sap and then into the roots as you said and into the you know connecting with Earth and mycelium and you know and it's like it's like it knows itself as all of it increasingly you know so you someone who is innocent in their understanding of saying that you know they're not their body and that you know that kind of level of
Awakening one would hope that over time that it could sink down more fully because to me there's something that's protecting that understanding of that initial kind of understanding of non dual
understanding of Mind something that's protecting it from going more deep because and that probably is because people are protecting their hearts they're protecting themselves from feeling and from feeling you know any pain and wounds that maybe some of that spiritual you know what led them to go towards spirituality or Awakening was in order to bypass this pain but then that you know it needs to be then open to if if they want Awakening to really end up being Abiding and what I mean by that is that it doesn't doesn't go away as soon as something takes place soon as they start feeling deeply and so that if because if they're trying to stay and keep that Awakening at a certain level it's you know what is it going to do it's not going to
remain yeah I'd love how you talked about this protection here protecting the heart maybe you can look a little bit more into this this sometimes people say that they don't feel the heart at all it's like a knee or something or elbow no feeling and sure there is a protection there and that's exactly what what is being felt
nothingness how to start feeling the heart how would you guide somebody that would say oh don't feel anything it's just empty yeah well you you already kind of gave a clue when you said sometimes that's just what's being felt it's not feeling anything so for me the doorway
to to really being here is um starting exactly where you are at but just being honest and telling yourself the truth about it so placing attention on the heart and even if there's sort of a feeling of there's not much happening here I can't really feel anything well maybe stop and and and rest with that be quiet with that and pretty soon there will be something happening it might be a little movement of even a little pain because if there if you can't feel anything it's because there's something that's a bit Frozen blocked shut down you know um and just maybe just unfamiliar with with with with going there but and the way that I see it Ilona is that there is just like with mind there is the conditional mind and there's an unconditional mind there's the conditional heart and there's the unconditional heart tell me more about it yeah yeah so so the conditional heart is the one that can feel blocked and can hurt and want to protect itself and get the conditional heart is the one that in a way falls in love and falls out of love that has been hurt heartache you know that may put up some boundaries and some blocks you know and say I'm not going to go there you know so in the beginning when you start to open to the heart you're touching on the conditional
heart um I have a breathing exercise that I suggest that people do if they're interested in being able to open the heart and I have it on my YouTube station and it's called a heart meditation or something like that or you breathe in and out of the heart area and you pretend that you have a like a nose right here your nostrils and you're breathing in and out and I don't necessarily want to walk us through right now but that's one practice that one can do that people can look up you know um and the thing is is that once you start doing something like that you're going to start feeling so you know people want need to be prepared to um to to actually have movement happen and sometimes it can be uncomfortable you know it can whatever whatever is making it to a one can't even feel anything here that is the first layer that's wanting to be felt right right and so then you tell yourself the truth and you let yourself feel it and guess what they do come off those layers they do come off just by placing attention on it it's it's like the heart says oh thank you finally you're feeling feeling me feeling something that has been wanting to be met right and felt and um it's kind of like a flower opening it's only opening while you're looking at it like you're looking at it's just waiting oh I'm seen I can start opening it's a little bit like my cats you know they like to eat when I'm looking at them or when I'm you know giving them little soft touch then they eat I think it's something strange why don't they eat you know when nobody's looking but they like to be seen when they're eating it's so cute that's very sweet yeah my dog is that way too yeah yeah yeah she won't eat unless I'm there and present isn't that strange my daughter has two dogs and they will eat no matter
what they're like real dogs yeah so I don't know it's um it's just like that exactly it wants to have the Gaze of attention on it in order to be able to open and unfold yeah and so that's the conditional heart but in the meantime what's one what's going to be accessed over time is the unconditional radiant heart that's like the sun that's always shining in the background so it's always shining and that's that that heart it doesn't fall in love and fall out of love it doesn't get hurt it's not
conditional so it's it's it's just always always Shining unconditionally it loves all of you as you are exactly as you are the imperfections everything it loves you as you are and it loves life as it is that doesn't mean that it can't be Discerning or even be intelligent in with with its in terms of no yes you know it can still be very Discerning because it knows what's good for this organism you know but to get there there has to be sort of um enough opening of the conditional heart just to be able to sense it it doesn't have to be perfect the conditional heart can still be tending to itself it's never going to be perfect the conditional heart there will always be some aspect to it that is going to remember that pain you know that first love pain or whatever it
is it's just like the unconditional mind you know it's it's it's it it it it's open and welcoming of the of the conditional mind it it it Embraces it you know it's in Zen they call it Big mind so we have a big mind like a sky openness and a small mind this little me and then we have the the big sun shining here in the sky and the little heart that is like like this ouchie ouchie you know in that unconditional heart is like all all is welcomed here all is always welcome you as you are it's very healing I'm wondering now because when I had for many years my heart was closed it was kind of just like this and then at one time it blew open like a nuclear thing going and there was so much love going through it was insane I I remember even asking Pamela Wilson what to do you know I can't handle this much
love yeah and that lasted for a long time years and now it's just it's it's comfortable it's just warm no nuclear fusions going on it's just there so I'm wondering in your terms what happen with this small heart big heart you know just from this description oh um um there's no small heart any or big heart you know it's just one one thing now yeah no it's been for a good while uh I went for through a long long Unity phase of the unity integration phase of and that was like for me Unity is a is a heart thing it sees Through The Eyes of Oneness and so that phase it was embracing and learning how to include everything that it encountered itself
as that and it was a very much an intimate thing you know it wasn't Open Sky awareness kind of inclusion it was this felt sense of this too is
that and it did that with all kinds of things that encountered you know like when something was amiss in Life or one of my children were suffering or whatever you know this too is that and it was this intimacy with life and um to me that was a hard thing that it would be so permeable so allowing on on a in a felt kind of way I'm very much a body type and so yeah um for me I I was kind of a I loved to dance did a lot of yoga and you know it's just like for me Awakening the most interesting part of it awareness was one thing awareness is cool you know that was one thing mind woke up to itself that for sure but the the body and the and the Heart were to me that to know Oneness as a felt sense to me is is part of what makes living so beautiful you know when they say Sat chit ananda and it's um sat is truth chit is consciousness and the ananda is being is bliss and the only way you can feel Bliss because Bliss is a felt sense a felt thing the only way you can feel Bliss is through the Bliss of being you know is when truth has woken up to itself Consciousness has woken up to itself and then it and then it can be felt as if in the body the body gets to hum and vibrate in as that completely and so and that's you know to me what the trees doing and what the plants are doing and and all nature is is is humming as itself as existence it's vibrating as existence you know and um so that's what the unconditional heart can lead to in the end is that it it it that descent continues
beautiful I sometimes send people to the nature and say just look everything's moving everything's one thing just just flowing and this is part of that movement also there is no line between here and there or nature not nature nature is
one yes so I think that separate self kind of gave and comes with the idea package and I'm separate from life I'm separate from nature yes it's out there life is out there I'm here and life is out there that kind of imagined line by conceptual thinking so nature can help to see through that line because while in nature everything's so obviously one that's it's it's a wonderful teacher isn't it it's it's um it's not confused about itself people are confused most people a lot of people are confused about what they are in essence but nature is not confused and so it's a wonderful teacher I used to and this is something that I think it's a wonderful practice um I used to do this for myself and something that I like to share with people is that there's a really easy way to see how how much separation they're still living here and you go out to into nature and you know not just a a park with a bunch of people but something a little more is a little quieter you know where you're alone and and just sit down on a rock or sit down on the earth or something and look at a tree and look around you and see if anything what if anything is lying in between yourself and that what you're looking at are you turning it into an object is the tree an object in your Consciousness and so there's the first thing to see are you making up some kind of story inside about how oh myself and nature are one you know there's still there's still separation being played out there um so it's a great truth teller you know because if you feel separate from from the natural world around you that's that is where the work lies you can't it won't lie it won't betray you it's easy to forget in a way sometimes when we're lost in this in the in this kind of human created world you know but when you go out to Nature it doesn't lie it's so intrinsically whole in itself and you and it's like most people and I did too just projected onto nature my idea of it and then projected myself onto nature and thinking oh I'm feeling I'm feeling the tree I'm feeling the the energy of the tree that's beautiful that's a wonderful thing to feel the vibration and all that but that's still it's still a separation there's still me feeling socalled my idea of the essence of the tree we don't know if that's really what the tree is like you know but as that collapses as that kind of subject object collapses and as and also in terms of the intimacy of the Oneness as it descends into the heart as that closes there really is no separation between yourself and the tree and it's not even
so magical anymore like even the magic of it all can be a subtle layer the fact is is that this is your one in this environment as that you're so one in the end that there is no idea of it being special so that's how much nature can be a teacher and close the gap between yourself and what it is that you're in you know It's a Wonderful
teacher yeah it gets really subtle yeah beautiful beautiful practice Yeah Yeah
the rain is really coming down yeah I have a beautiful sunshine here today yeah early morning yeah great yeah here
is night yeah so I mean let maybe we can come back around just really quick about um what what is useful to Seekers you said something in the beginning yeah I was thinking that question and you just heard it just now just now what were you thinking what was the question again time to ask what is your advice for this Seeker that is looking for awakening
um first of all I think it's really important to get clear inside what it is that you're
wanting and because to really refine the question what is it that I'm really wanting when I think about spirituality or Awakening because and maybe even write it down because there could be a lot of beliefs there that might not even be what Awakening is about so but so in for instance and to get really honest and not be saying something that write something down that you've heard what it what you should want and be honest like oh maybe I'm wanting to escape my pain
maybe I'm wanting um to know myself fully to be home let's you know just write it down you know really get clear about what you're wanting so that's the first thing and then if it's and refine it you know like cross off that list what what you can see through as not being authentic not being really what your heart is Desiring what is what is your heart really desire you know because we tend to kind of in this way we tend to get what we want you know and this not with everything but in this with truth we tend to get what we want but it it it's waiting for the real
sincerity and sort of this um kind of stripped down authentic knowing of what we want and then we might not know how to do it that's completely completely appropriate to not know that's actually the best doorway so you you you refine what it is you want and then come to an honest understanding and I don't know how to do this how do I go home how to how do I and then even Define open up as you did for me in the beginning what is Awakening to you define that awake what awake what they're what one is wanting like if it's Awakening Define that what is Awakening what do I want in within that world that I've heard about what is it that is calling me you know and and kind of get kind of get close to it like get really really close to it um and see how how sincere you are about it like yeah I want to oh I want to come home to myself but really the truth is is I want a really good relationship so like get really honest with yourself not that you can't have both in the end but get honest with yourself where are where do you want are you able and willing to put your attention on it and to what degree because I don't know about what for you it sounds like some it happened in the way that it happened for me and for most of the people that I work with the way that people come home to themselves is by really placing their attention on what's undivided inside getting good pointing as to where what that looks like what that feels like and then and then drawing it out what they call have the background move to the foreground what's in the background have it move to the foreground how does it move to the foreground by placing our attention on it just like coaxing it you know because if our conditioned mind is is in this one lane and it's doing life in this one way and it's say covering over what's in the background which is a presence you know always there but it's or awareness whatever you want to call it it's being it's been covered over so how do this one bring it forward is by placing your attention on it and it sort of it's like learning a language it sort of invites it forward and it's by valuing it you have to Value presence you have to Value it and get a taste of it know what it feels like and then value it and expand on it and dip there dip into it whether it's meditation or during the day you know for me I just was always dipping into it always and then simultaneous to doing life you can dip into it you can be feeling co- feeling you know the arising of of what's always here along with this doing life doing speaking being acting so then it grows and it becomes abiding what I call abiding you know but it's getting clear about what you want breaking it down seeing what your level of sincerity is and then having good pointing as to where to put your attention and then continue to to invite It Forward by with your attention With Your Love I'd say It's A Love Affair you know you place your your love what is it you really love oh I want I love this feeling of being whole and at home well then it it it comes forward it becomes your dance partner it and then it takes over more and more right sweat yeah so I so it's totally doable it just takes in my mind for me it takes um a commitment even if one has the grace of it just kind of spontaneously showing up I in my experience is that for most people 99 Point whatever percent they're going to need to put their attention on it so that it doesn't just go back into hiding right yeah that the doubting oh I got it I lost it phase yeah yeah exactly it's yeah it you know um Ilona it's like as much as people say that more and more people are waking up and it's become more and more um you know familiar to conscious to the collective more and more people are waking up honestly um I don't necessarily see that um it's it's because it's not that I don't think it's happening on some scale because people are always more and more people are coming on the planet so but I see that there are a percentage of people who are sincere and and want to wake up and are going to put their attention on it and simultaneously I see Maya I see the lostness be very very strong the the power of the conditioning of mind to be elsewhere to not be here in moment to be elsewhere through video and through you know social media through uh relationships that are in a co- agreed to just not really be here together I I see that as a really strong strong pull for for Consciousness for Humanity and so so so for the people who are sincere who who who are wanting Awakening and I know that that it's that it's happening but it's it's like it takes almost like pulling away from that Collective consciousness of being asleep and it takes sincerity I mean I I I work with really sincere people beautiful beautiful beautifully sincere people and almost all of them in some way unless they're already Awakening and have had Awakening and are working with me on embodiment but if there're still grounding in The Awakening it's like that conditioning of not being here is so strong that pull that it's like they need to be reminded and then they need to be reminded and they need to um remind themselves so it's it's it's um I don't know that's just that's what for me I feel that it's still not that common for awakening to come through and descend and not making it special but for awakening to come and descend and to and to really know all its parts as that I think maybe mind Awakening is more common all right yeah maybe but then there's the heart and then there's gut there's this you know the gut the existential Awakening of of the exential threat of the body that it has its own understanding that it gains you know so I still I think it's still still an evolution this journey I don't know how you see it
I I see that there are more people curious yeah some people are Awakening yeah okay yeah yeah and does your definition is it similar in the sense of um in your own way but similar that it it's not just a mind Awakening that it it that yeah well the Mind Awakening or this recognition that there is no separate self is is a turning point after that there are many many many more experiences many many unfoldings and openings and it's just the beginning it's like the gate you know you were here here's the line you cross the line now you're in the field and that field is openness and there's so much to explore and so much more to see you know you forget about the gate important absolutely necessary but it's done now what here we are
here yeah
here and then and then you play and then you live yeah and whatever needs to be seen comes up like no more chasing for it it's showing up when it's time
that's how I see it yeah yeah it's beautiful and it's such a prayer I could tell for you and for me too it's such a prayer or desire for awakening to be for what I call People's Birthright to be to come home you know oh I
agree thank you Susanne thank you too um could you share your website where people can find you sure it's um Susanne Marie s u s a n n e marie. org okay so www yeah yeah I'll put that in the description and um yeah please thank you for for this lovely connection and conversation and and um oh it's wonderful to share the space with you yes something inside is very happy here yeah wonderful and thank you everyone for watching for listening if you have comments something to share just put it down yes yes and come see Susanne and if you feel like and warm blessings to everybody so that they may all go home yeah you all go yeah home is waiting if you're not if you are not feeling at home yet it's waiting exactly yeah thank you thank you until the next time bye bye for now