Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Self-Inquiry Session With Christine, Part 1
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In this Self-inquiry session with Christine, we dive deep into issues of guilt, safety, feeling unsafe, inner child, intensity and more.
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Welcome to the show! This is episode 75, Self-Inquiry Session With Christine, Part 1.
My name is Ilona Ciunaite. I am a guide, author, and co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. If you’re interested in awakening, you’ve found the right place. Over the past 13 years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom.
in this Self-inquiry session with Christine we dive deep into issues of guilt, safety, feeling safe, inner child, feeling intensity and more.
hello Christine hi Ilona great to see you again me too right we had a meeting last week and after that did you notice anything interesting or different or anything worth to notice yeah I mean it's been sort of um kind of the same rough ride this week um
uh it's hard to describe really I mean it does it feels like a
um like I'm on like a runaway roller coaster ride or something um and we did talk about last week kind of putting aside non duality a bit or whatever and that's just happening it's so weird it's like you know there's this rational thought that okay we're just not going to watch videos we're not going to read we're not going to inquire whatever and really it's the inquiry That's Just Happening by itself you know there's just there was a couple days of um kind of tending to this energy or emotional stuff that was kind of coming up seemingly and then it kind of morphed into um just questioning like okay well who's feeling who's afraid who's who is this what is this entity what is this energy um that's here and
then you know when looking be begins then it just sort of dissolves or moves or shifts and
um it's so exhausting it's so exhausting all of it and it's
um yeah there's just so much doubt to just like not really knowing like what's really happening or if anything is happening or kind of wanting to just um be with what's here you know and not be thinking about like some other situation or goal or wanting to feel different or things to be different than they are and yet there is real desire for that um which is what's fueling all this I guess yeah but that desire is also here yeah
yeah okay can we just welcome that desire or something something else it's a call from within it's a call saying that this can look and feel different it can that desire is calling home it's not
wrong I feel like going crazy yeah yeah
and you know something is happening something is definitely happening some kind of process is in full full on in full sway I can see
that you want it or not it's like the ride is on the roller coaster is on yeah yeah and it's going where it's going
yeah because there's also this sometimes this questioning like well do is there a choice like is there
um which doesn't really seem true anymore but but of course you know there are thoughts that just keep trying to make sense of it you know like yeah how do we navigate regular life you know or all the stuff that seemingly has to be done
and it's funny too getting over the call tonight because I feel like before I
came something is like there's a I don't to describe
it like I feel more muddled than usual even you know just like it's like it's like in preparation things just like sort of uh trying to shut it down or something does that make sense it's like a wave is swelling a wave swelling yes exactly yeah let's let's welcome that wave just welcome all of it okay yeah welcome welcome welcome you can be here you're welcome thank you for coming oh thank
you for coming yeah all of it the wave the wanting to escape the wanting to be different the resistance the hope the dispair yes it is Big
Wave yeah there is enough space for that
wave you're not that wave you're seeing it
you're seeing it the whole thing the images Sensations emotions
all of it something else that came up this week was sort of seeing the condition more a little bit of separation from um yeah feeling like more like oh it's so annoying I can't like form words
um I guess we're just seeing this clearly this character like that you know the the
I don't know why I can't like why it's there's such a fog it's just kind of come in
um yeah just seeing more clearly the mechanism you know the that like
this reality you know the structure of what always felt like me just seeing more clearly like well that's could be a different story it could be something else could you know that these aren't um I'm sorry it's so frustrating because I my brain is just like not functioning maybe that's a good thing yeah I think it's a good thing kind of Rises and then puff rises in yeah self clarifies it's clearing itself all yeah like idea comes in and it's like yeah doesn't hold you can't hold it yeah yeah it's bizarre I've had that before but not really like like snowflakes falling down from the sky and melting before they reach the ground exactly that's a really that's a beautiful way to describe it something that feels so weird um yeah anyway so that felt like a really big like a stepping back a bit from feeling less um immersed in the story a little bit more distance uh well the story can be here as well there is so much um rejection for the story yeah can be saying oh the story is wrong it shouldn't be happening it needs to be gone but what if it also wants to be liberated the story itself wants to be free to be or not to be to show up or not to show up there is nothing wrong with this
story it ca be here too
yeah yeah I'm realizing that you know can drop it you know sort of responsibility and the guilt and all that Stuff kind of it's like it's I didn't choose any of that it's
just the guilt is such an interesting thing the guilt um and many people have the same Shame and guilt are like two sisters yeah holding hands shame and guilt yeah
so the guilt is saying oh I did something wrong I did something bad and if that's true that's it's good you know there is functional guilt I did something wrong I learned from it I regreted it I know what not to do next time that that guilt is fine it's got its right and function but the guilt then is holding on it's not leaving it's staying like there's something ultimately wrong with me yeah yeah it's like I am wrong yeah not that I did something wrong but that yeah I am wrong just being alive yeah I shouldn't be here I don't deserve it I'm here taking space or something yeah that guilt is it's not helping no and it's crazy because it's again like that sense of like well just not true you know I didn't choose that I didn't you know that the way that was absorbed or adopted that sense that feeling is not something you choose it's just something that happens or right but it's like um what's that um plant Scot Scottish national flower you know these balls that sticky things oh I don't know the word thisle thisle I lived in Scotland and forogot you know this thistle these this spiky things and they stuck on you and you carry them around it's
like I don't need this I didn't know even when it came on I was just walking by but just lobed on just clung on yeah yeah they going for ride without being noticed but when we notice it can just yeah that doesn't belong here so that guilt is kind of like that they hoped on for a right sitting on the back
yeah but let's really look at this if you if you can bring that guilt up now like that feeling of guilt whatever thoughts or stories bring it in just think for yourself a little bit so to get in touch with get in touch with it it's ok
is it here it's not actually
it's like this sense of
I don't know how to describe it I mean there's like peace but there's also like
um I don't even know that's weird
yeah just kind of confusion like I said fogginess
um and
uh yeah I assume it doesn't make for great content but like it's just beautiful it's beautiful because you can see you can see that as soon as you turn towards it without fear or without avoiding you just like come on come I want to see yeah yeah it has no hold yeah yeah for sure
no yeah that's actually happened a bunch this week too sort of you know like turning towards it and then it's like oh it's not really is it there was it ever there is there anything you know I think that's just really seeing clearly that too that none of it's solid nothing is solid in the way it has seemed and when you look at really look yeah that kind of teaches you don't need to run away from anything because it's only there while we are running yeah yeah so funny how that doesn't seem true when it's in the moment yeah
yeah yeah and pondering that question like what am I looking for like what is it that's
um yeah I don't know
something is being reorganized here something as we speak
seriously yeah because I yeah I had a weird day at work today and then I had things are just again coming up and I'm sort of seeing things in a new way or I don't know and sometimes it's subtle but my boss um had a reaction today to something and normally that would kind of you know send me into a bit of a tail spin I you know I don't like nobody does but you know I like to please and she's there's something about like her um
I don't know what it is but anyway something just set her off today and it was like I realized in the moment I was like her reaction wasn't warranted you know or it was like it just didn't stick to me in the same way it was definitely a moment of like no that's not really true in this situation you know like you're not doing anything wrong it's fine you're asking a question you don't know something there's nothing wrong with that and it was really because that never happens there you know that's not traditionally how that's that would go down it normally would just really yeah it's just like you know it's like kick in the stomach or something and um yeah so it was it was good to notice that and to be I mean it wasn't you know didn't feel great but there was definitely especially after the fact just a a little reorganization of like you know she's having a moment whatever reason something's going on and it just struck her this way and you know it's okay great yeah but there is still you know of course this big story about the future what are we doing with our life all these things it's like okay bring it back what are we doing right now in this moment um oh this I think with future we don't know we can project we can hope we can expect we can be afraid we can be thinking about it but truly we don't know
yeah yeah I mean it's been a while just trying to like live moment to moment almost because it's just felt so bad um
yeah and then that sort of like okay well we're just waiting there is a sense of like this you actually watch one of your videos this week you several videos that you that you put up that were so appropriate um for exactly what's happening but one of them was like waiting for awakening you know it's like this kind of like waiting for life to start waiting for this sense an understanding of like what's true in order to like function in life in the world and to really know that you know um because of this sense of like what we what I thought was true you know isn't it's not really who I am so who who the hell am I you know and then what does that mean you know for the story The Character you know and even that whole anyway so then it just gets snowballed into this like whole thing and
yeah well in reality it's all very simple in reality I mean not in imagination imagination makes it complicated but in reality it's all very simple we are here right now right having this conversation right there this room these colors these sound these Sensations in reality in actual experience this is it this is it this is it and then you don't need to know what to do next because next is already here and already here here yeah taking a breath that's all it
is so do you not think about the future or think about like plans or what you minimally yes in the practical way
mhm but you're not like worrying obviously or like how can I worry about something that I don't know yeah I don't know I can create I mean the Mind used to create what if what if what if what if and it just goes wild with these what-ifs
and then ends up exhausted trying to fix problems that don't even exist well first it creates the problems then it tries to solve them then it cannot solve them insane Total Insanity yeah that's misuse of the imagination yeah yeah completely misused energy you know it's doing that out of love yeah yeah I can see that innocence yeah like like worrying what is worrying really it's yeah yeah it's caring yeah it cares about not feeling hurt it cares so they you will be okay so it's caring but caring has got into um twist yeah and now it's worrying like it has that sense of dread of fear yeah or what if it will go wrong
but if you see that it's caring loving kind thank you so much love you mind good work
yeah and it's very interesting this fear of not knowing can look at that fear of not knowing yeah what we know just what's here right now it's knowing what's here right
now yeah and that sense that of knowing that used to feel true wasn't really true anyway like it's we never know never known it's just the Mind thinking it had some control over that or some way of knowing but what's not what's so scary about not knowing because other than this we don't know anything yeah it's like it's more we don't know than we know so much more we don't know than we
know so why is that scary
really yeah why
I mean does it all boil down to that sort of Primal childhood [ __ ] where you don't feel safe in the world and um
yeah do you have the sense of like you know knowing who who like who you really are like where you that they talk about you know the teachers or whatever other the books the sages you know like who we really are is this in this moment
yes it will show up it will show up really I know that something is that's about it and that gives you like a sense of okayness and I think sense of safety is what is being installed in our childhood as we are born as a baby right if your mom was scared your father was scared if you if they didn't feel safe they couldn't install this application property I mean you got what they had right and unless we reinstall that ourselves
properly you're so good with the words like that's such great this like perfectly describes what needs to happen unless we reinstall that properly get the right update then we carry on living with that fear that was from Mom and Dad yeah from environment yep so that sense of safety is knowing that here now I am okay I am supported I'm loved I'm looked after I have everything I need right now that's it that's the safety
yeah to just see that over and over
again and if there is that sense of unsafety
little girl that little one is still hasn't felt that
so we need to go back in time install it in that little one then here automatically feel safe right here now we know that I'm safe I mean there is no danger yet there may be a feeling of danger yet there maybe a feeling of unsafety that is not coming from this environment right now but it's still the call for that safety from the little one which is still unsafe
you know past present and future is
now I know that conceptually okay let's see that in actual experience right okay now is now okay here we are just talking yeah yep now I'm going to ask you a question and you tell me how it arises what's happening in your experience and the question is very simple what did you have for breakfast this
morning oatmeal how did that happen how did that knowledge
arrived just arose popped in the mind uhuh did you go to the Past or the past or the image of the past popped in now
yeah just popped in
now okay next question when you were a little girl, di you have a bicycle Mhm yeah you remember riding it yeah what color was it it was purple oh nice yeah so again see the past is in the image that shows up in the moment now like you didn't travel to the Past right nothing it was just a question a response in a moment
now so the past is the image in the mind with a tag the past it happened a memory that's the
past how about the future is the future some mystical place where we can travel sort things out oh is it also yeah yeah that's now too yeah let's see what are you going to do tomorrow it's weekend what are you going to do tomorrow
I'm going to go see my son in a competition
but that's all just the imagination picturing that happening but that's happening
now because I don't know actually exactly what will happen tomorrow anyway just imagining it so it's also an image in the mind about future with the tag tomorrow it may
happen but it's
here yeah yeah so we are we are programmed to think that past was somewhere maybe down here now it's here and the future is there like in a line MH but if that line is like this past is here now is here the future is here so
now and that little girl that is not feeling safe is not somewhere unreachable is present H yeah and then we don't need to travel somewhere in the past we can attend to her
now and she's also just an image right a
thought well an image and a thought is a representation or a symbolic expression of the energy
our feeling experience MH that's interesting I've never heard that expressed that way that it's good to think of it that way because it's it's like you said it's not inaccessible because it's all right here it's right now all of it all the experiences and memories and stuff they're all here
For Better or Worse oh good news is that it's accessible and it can be looked at it can self
resolve yeah because if you think about time travel you can't really go back in time let's say 70s or something and change what happen there that happen happen right but the response to what happened it's still here now right so we can look at the response to what happened the relationship with it and when that resolves looking at the past it looks and feels
different yeah the past has changed a lot too
actually there aren't a lot of I mean there's always been kind of fuzzy memories of childhood but a lot of that stuff feels like it's
been I don't know worked through or a seen or something because it's not as you know Vivid sort of traumatic stuff feels more resolved it's kind of the more recent more recent drama trauma um that feels like it's sometimes still hanging around but that also feels different everything's changing it feels really quick too like there just it's so exhausting and then you sometimes just turn around you're like what is that what wait you know like what's going on why is that here you know um
yeah okay so let's look into this little girl now and see how she feeling how she's feeling okay you can close your eyes for a little bit
okay and let's invite your little girl the little one you don't need to imagine or do anything you just wait she comes in then you tell
me come come little one I wanna have a chat
do you see her or feel her or sense her is she here
kind of having the same images I had last
week how is she looking
just looks really sad
sort of It kind of goes back to one really
what was just a scary moment or experience and last week sort of I you know I was on the bed with
her um basically like doing what my mom didn't do in the moment which was to just you know care for her and protect her
hey little little one I see you I'm here I'm here I see you I'm here you're
here and you are
wonderful and I love you so much
tell her you're not alone and you are safe you safe
how is she looking it's better shei s my arms oh
wonderful tell her you are protected I'm protecting
you you are safe
say whatever happened you are still safe
yeah I think she feels safe now yeah mhm okay ask her what do you need or want to feel even safer what can I give you
yeah she just wants me to stay with her okay stay with her just stay
and how is she looking now yeah it's better
does she have a favorite toy or a blanket or
something well there were a lot of Barbies back in the day but she wants a Barbie
yeah she not saying maybe she only wants she see you
maybe yeah I hope she sticks around
she doesn't seem as sad as last week so that's good
okay now if you open your eyes
back here do you feel safer
yeah that's how it works okay
it's like all these parts that somehow could not be met at the time it was too much too painful all these parts are still here in our field and they are screaming for attention it's very noisy very noisy so unless we give them what they want they can
quiet and stop
screaming that's that's how you see it that something is coming up whatever tension is coming up it's noise wants your attention saying yeah I'm here I'm here I'm here are you going to see me and you say okay thank you thank you for coming I see you see you here you are you can be here giving it attention attention is this loving
kind beautiful energy that's saying I'm okay you're okay everything can be as it
is and when it gets that what it came for it stops screaming it relaxes
okay and that Runway roller coaster ride is just so many things that are still in need in
lack unacknowledged unloved not allowed it seems like the all at once
mhm so let's give it permission not new it's just the intensity of it that has really ramped up yeah and we can give
permission go ahead just in case let's give it permission to self liberate
self liberate all permission to all these energies all these tensions to free themselves as they come in all permission all can still
work full permission for self-liberation self-release self-healing self coming back home
but yes there are things that we need to attend to with attention consciously but the rest can just be doing its thing full permission for it to do its thing do its thing okay yeah even intensity can be here staying
sometimes people say I can't let go like it has to sort of just like I mean it be it's a never ending a cycle of stuff sometimes it seems like and so yeah I like that idea of just it can just come and go and you know do what it needs to do it doesn't have to be a big project or like something that has to be figured out because I think that's really what's
been um the fear you know it's just
that because you know there's been a lot of therapy there's been a lot you know like all kinds of stuff over the years but I think it's what you've said too before that like nothing not really seen or something in the same in this way I don't know how to describe it really
um yeah cuz it just felt like just like more responsibility for some part that's got to like do the work quote unquote the work that's been going on for a lifetime literally I mean I started you know therapy and 12 step stuff and as a teenager younger you know like and that's kind of where it started because my mom got into AA and so I started going to Alateen which is a you know kind of I don't know if
you ever heard of Al-Anon you know it's for family members of Alcoholics and oh no I never heard and yeah and so like the premise of that like being like well there's something broken something wrong with you you have to fix and that sense of just like that so tired of the work working on stuff just the constant feeling of that there's something that has to be fixed right and um so yeah just being able to see it and not being afraid of that you know of the um intensity or that's another fear too you know is that like it's too much I'm not going to be able to handle it it'll be overwhelming and um oh good to see that the need to fix the wanting to fix the whole program of
fixing but that doesn't need to be fixed
either okay it's here to be
seen you know we are breathing all the time right we are breathing all the time we are aware of it or not we pay attention to it or not right you're sleeping body's breathing we talking we never talked about breathing but that was going on but as soon I started to talk about breathing there is attention on the breath okay and there is noticing breathing right now and because of that noticing it
changes MH yeah that bringing a conscious awareness of breathing witnessing breathing the breathing changes maybe it becomes more deep or slower or faster but it's being noticed so it
changes MH so see what attention does to this natural thing breathing
it's so simple that when you notice something it self ajusts you don't need to fix breathing don't need to start breathing don't need to do anything about about breathing it's going on by itself on its own already whether you notice it or not but as soon as you notice it kind of changes okay yeah
so all these patterns they also like breathing they are here they're running the noise Liberation everything is running on its own soon as you pay attention to
it somehow it's self adjust so it don't need to fix it it's not about fixing it it's about giving space noticing letting it be
it's a little bit confusing with this word letting go so we can hear it all day long let go let go let go what the hell does that mean what does that even mean how can I let go yeah but letting go is letting be letting it be as it is not letting go of the patterns letting go of that fixing it changing it it changes by itself
so now let's bring it back to the beginning when you said that you on a run away roller
coaster and you don't need to do anything about it it's on it's on something is going on okay yeah you can relax with that in that about
that yeah yeah
yeah and then just I don't know there's still that sense of
like what to do how to figure it out I know that's not how it works but thoughts are just
um yeah just what they do they try to figure it out well you give them five stars for trying right right yeah good job thank you for caring thank you for caring thank you for yeah trying to figure it out
yeah thank you for working so
much okay it's okay
right and you kind of get used to be on that rollercoaster
you do get used to
it and sometimes when it's intense you know there's this one thing to hold on to
something and it's okay yeah I mean life has kind of been kind of that way always just very intense but there was an illusion of control or you know there was yeah and so now
that illusion's been shattered so then there's just this disorientation you know don't know and again that's there's nothing different happening really it just um yeah I mean right said maybe will settle and yeah so how about just including that intensity including it in that it's okay like we don't need to react to the intensity every time it's here it's nothing new right right so we can be here too
it's just invitation to stretch the limits or
expand yeah open up to more feeling deeper
feeling don't know how much more of that oh God it goes as deep as it wants yeah yeah I guess so you don't know the depths of your capacity to
feel which yeah I mean I that's been a Hallmark of this experience it has been intense feelings always um so yeah more of that seems scary but yeah Bring it on Bring it on Bring It On yeah bring yeah let's do it is that all you
got oh God when I hear these people who like didn't even know what was happening po they go like yeah I mean sometimes you just can't believe that it's so different you know the experience just life even in general you know so nuts
oh yes to all yes to intensity yes to turbulence yes do self-release
it's all included yeah I mean it's really helpful to hear that sort of there's nothing to do or figure out but but giving that attention and it makes it simpler and seems you know more doable for some reason like not that there's anything to do
but yeah there's definitely something going on minute I got on the call even even beforehand right before it's just like something's like it's weird it's okay yeah
yeah that's been kind of a Hallmark for the past I don't months or a year it's just like whenever there's anything different going on like great something's changing you know like let's do change because it feeling stuck is the worst so it's good it's okay thank you oh you're welcome so we meet next week yeah sounds great thanks so much Ilona thank you much love love back bye take care you too enjoy your week byebye