Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Meditation to Overcome The Dark Night Of The Soul
Send me your thoughts in a Text Message
If you feel stuck, disconnected, separated, and hopeless, listen to our session with Christine. I guide her through a very powerful meditation and you can go along with her too. Please make sure you have quiet time for yourself to fully experience the benefits of this session.
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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music
Welcome to the show! This is episode 78, overcome the dark night of the soul
My name is Ilona Ciunaite. I am a guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. If you’re are interested in all things awakening, this podast is for you. Over the past 13 years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom.
In this podcast I dive deep into the heart of awakening. Together with my guests, we explore the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life. Whether you’re a seeker, a teacher, or simply curious, there’s something here for you.
If you are feeling stuck, disconnected, separated, and hopeless, listen to our session with Christine. I guide her through a very powerful meditation and you can go along with her too. Please make sure you have quiet time for yourself to fully experience the benefits of this session.
hello Christine hi thank you so much for being here and sharing your journey thank you for the support I really appreciate it it's really um yeah it feels like the right thing for sure and um yeah I'm grateful so we just been talking off the camera for a few minutes
and well I mentioned the Dark Night of the Soul and it's um it feels a horrible terrible
desperate very dark place and being there it seems like there is no exit being there it seems that's this is it that's the end that's always going to be that the only thing that is true is that it will
pass it will pass
it's just suddenly all this all these all the emotions that need to be felt they need to be cleared it's like an avalanche and it seems that there is no end but there is there is an end there is no permanent feeling there's no permanent realization there's no permanent sensation or emotion everything moves even if it feels like stuckness or Darkness you can know for sure you can know for sure they will
end it's not the Hope really it's
Faith yeah I mean there's a sense that like things have changed but like it's almost like it's getting worse and uh uh I mean it's been going on for a while it's not new it's just um
yeah it's I don't know it's really hard to articulate it because it doesn't feel like it's rational yeah yeah so let's give up give up for a little bit just giving up and I'm going to take you to a special place okay it's it's a meditation okay I'm going to take you to a special place and yeah we'll see what happens
okay okay so let's get right into it get yourself comfortable and whoever is watching or listening maybe listen to this when you have some time for yourself so we're going to go
deep okay you can close your eyes take a deep breath in
hold it a little bit and
out breathe
hold let it out just notice the body feel the
sensations everything's allowed it's completely safe
with each breath out relax a little bit more a little bit more a little bit
more and a little bit
more and a little bit
more and now visualise or see see in your imagination that you are in a big field it's a big open field there's nothing going on just a
field and notice that there is a hole in the ground like a grave it's a digged out hole it's quite
deep you walk to the edge look
down and here is an invitation to step into that
hole lay down at the
bottom feel that you are just laying down at the hole on the ground in the earth notice the
earthiness and here is an invitation to imagine what it would be like if you were dead
what would it be like to lay in this grave being
dead you can imagine how the Earth
closes and that's it
nothing and no one can reach you it's complete stopping
stoping the body can relax the mind can
relax the emotions can relax
everything can be let go
full stoping full stopping
whatever wants to be felt is very welcome to be felt everything is invited to rest so deeply so
fully like rest in peace makes total sense rest in peace
and notice that underneath you there is Earth there's holding like a
mother always here loving supporting giving guiding
and you can tell mother everything
you can share your deepest pain can share your despair hopelessness and she will take it without
judgment so say Mother Earth I give you all my burdens I give you everything take it away from me I'm giving it freely to you
I don't want to carry all these burdens anymore I'm done I'm finished I want to
rest just feel how everything is draining out of your body of your system of your mind of your emotional body into the Earth and Earth is taking it transforming
it she's very happy that you returning all the old the used just like she's happy to receive Dead Leaves of the tree she can metabolize it purify it and return back
so let Mother Earth to metabolize you the body the Mind
emotions say to it I give up I give up so be it
so be it
and see is there anything else you want to give up just check in your system what's ready to be given up be returned back to the Earth Earth is willing and open to receive what is no longer working helping
needed she's so willing to receive she's waiting for
it so check in the system what else you want to give up
return gently invite all these energies to go back to Mother Earth to return to Mother Earth
to go home whatever is ready and wanting to leave to return to Mother Earth
now it's the time so be it
feel that exchange of energy that draining out
flush something is leaving your body your mind your emotional
body just feel whatever it is it's right it's exactly the way it should
be watch it feel it allow
it with this full stopping full stopping
no movement no grasping no trying like oh I'm done
finished and stay here as long as it's holding you as long as the process is going
so once you give everything up can start absorbing the love from the earth the nutrients and nutrition nourishment and strength and support let's give it a minute for all the old to drain to make
space let it all return the Earth
just imagine what it's like to be dead with no movement at all everything can go back in it's own way in it's own pace no rush
full stop
and give me a nod with the head when you're ready to start receiving the fresh receiving the new
great now
you are like a
seed you are like a tiny little seed deep in the earth in the darkness
alone but it's got everything the Earth's got everything you need to sprout to the to release the root so feel like you're opening something is opening and something is starting to shoot the root down and deeper into the Earth it's growing deeper and deeper into the Earth reaching out to the heart of the
earth and at the same time there is something shooting up Little Seedling tiny little leaves very fragile very small but they are so strong as well they can push through all these layers of Earth opening
up so let's follow the roots now keep growing The
Roots so deep so wide and so strong that they are reaching the heart of the earth so
deep like coming to the heart of the
mother connecting to the
heart and taking the light from there all the way up all the way
up feeling the nourishment support unconditional love feeling
connected and let's say thanks to the
Earth thank you Earth thank you mother thank you for support thank you for all the challenges thank you for the guidance and opportunities to grow and to see to experience this
life and say Mother Earth I love you so much and please share your wisdom with me I'm in I'm in need of your wisdom I'm in need of your guidance tell me what I need to know what is your message for me right now and listen
and whatever message you're receiving say thank you so much I agree I
agree and I ask your mother give me what I need the most and I'm openly sincerely receive it I'm receiving your gifts I'm receiving your love your
support your
nourishment give me what I need the most and I'm openly receiving it thank
you and feel how this beautiful loving light from the heart of the earth is coming into your being it's coming into your mind into the body into the
emotions it's coming into your
space into your field
and see how this little seed that was a seed once now has got this massive strong root it's feeling totally connected to the Mother Earth and now it's reaching out as a little plant a little seedling reaching out for the
sun and the Sun is so warm so giving unconditional love from above so love is coming in from below and from above and you are here you are here in the middle and these energies are meeting in your heart and the heart is recognizing them it's absorbing
them opening up more to the love more to the connection to the warmth of the Sun to the strength of the
earth and just watch the plant
grow whichever form it
takes it knows what to do knows how to absorb the light
it's fully functional it's
healthy and it's so happy so happy to be
here enjoying this
experience knowing that it's completely connected it completely belongs it's completely ready to open up and
flower and there's nothing that it needs to do or to know it can just be can be itself and allow the Sun and Earth to take care of it the mother and the father to take care of it
all it needs to say is yes yes yes yes thank you thank you thank you
and now look back into the past the old is gone the old is no longer here there are echoes and shadows
memories but it's gone it's finished it's
done now look into the
future there are possibilities probabilities curiosity not
knowing but surrendering to whatever wants to show up to whatever wants to be expressed to whatever wants to come through it's kind of interesting what will happen what will happen just being open being
open and now feeling into this body and all these energies and all these sensation how curious is
that what a curious thing this body
is oh and what is there there is a heart so alive and
pulsing literally
beating spreading vibrations
and deep in the heart there's this openness
spaciousness light
and take a minute to absorb the light absorb the love it's all for you you belong you are loved you cared for you are exactly where you need to be the experiences are exactly the way they need to show up just sometimes you may not seem that way but here they are
let's take a minute to appreciate this experience with all the challenges with all the achievements with all the struggles with all the realizations with learning failing learning
opening expanding
finding the way to stay with the heart to stay with the light knowing that this is home this is home feeling connected to the Earth to the Sun to the heart this is home and whatever is happening in external just like a a show a dream passing
through the home is now here feeling
connected the sun below the sun above the sun in your heart it's the same Sun the same light the same energy
and with that let's start coming back here into this reality into this
room into the present experience
we just stay there let's stay here let's stay here as long as you want just stay here it's all here with eyes closed and eyes open still here
thank Youk you it's really really beautiful
that's what we are longing for our connection what sun below your mother the Divine mother sun above Divine father Sun within Divine you
and we're never apart we're never ever apart like we are literally in between Mom Dad y yeah that's the meeting
point yeah it's crazy when you think about it
really how obvious it is and then we walk around just not noticing it
I was in Mexico and there is this pyramid there Coba called Coba Pyramid ancient and I think I went you went there oh my God is it not too far from Cancun yes yes yes yeah so I I we went there with some friends I it's just such an incredible feeling when you climb up you don't see anything it's just a wall like you know step Next Step you need to take the step careful cause you may fall and then when you go up and you turn around and there's this Horizon just jungle I just above below and you and this this adrenaline and this energy Rush is just so incredible you I didn't climb it you
didn't yeah it's just like that's where the Earth meets the sky and through through the system it was Just Energy blowing feeling to be up there not mindblowing but like energy blowing feeling
and I right at the top there's this little Temple and it's like one figure is looking up and one figure is looking down so it's literally where the Earth meets the sky it's
beautiful and everywhere you look around it's just jungle like a sea of green
yeah that's my happy place nice to have that visual yeah and I'm so glad you're recording this because I can listen to this anytime after you post it um yeah yeah it was good because I you know yeah feeling very ungrounded so it's a literally even though it was difficult in the beginning to think about like being dead um you know that sort of literally feeling grounded by the
ground that's really beautiful helpful yeah yeah because we are this being is being is is not moving anywhere it's not in motion it's stable it's on it's not optional just on right being but then there is the the waving of doing of reaching out striving waving motion time
space so we are lost in that Movement we are lost in the movement and we can never stop really
so bringing yourself into the grave and imagining that you are dead it's one way to
stop yeah what will happen if I die nothing everything will
continue I don't need to be participant in that for a few moments for a few minutes I don't need to do anything I can just be
full stop when you stop you can really see the programs that are
through like what about this what about that what about
that shhh shut the hell up
right yeah so whichever way you find that works for you to just
stop yeah because some of the practices that we talk you know practices whatever that sort of
um other you know things we talked about last week sometimes it it's
it's you can't can't access it because there's just it's so much going on you know so energy so that's good it's good to just stop and um yeah and have a way to do that that's
good you know this saying to die before you die what does that really mean right to die before you die means to stop m
so tired
yeah yeah
the mind has such a hard time believing that like there's nothing to do nothing to figure out it's just
um yeah those thoughts just don't stop usually yeah there is innertia and there are lots of Unfinished businesses so they they all want to get finished like if you watch a movie but you don't know the end kind of annoying if you listen to a song and it's just somebody switches off in the middle and like want to
yeah everything wants a resolution yeah that feels natural definitely and then there's that sort of Judgment of that sometimes you know like impatient with you know impatience and the frustration and you know wanting to just kind of relax and like
just be okay with life the way it is and yet there's something that's just not okay with that and it's really loud yeah we can be okay with that like we can be okay that it's not okay is otherwise you know the words toxic positivity yeah yeah yeah toxic meaning you know if it's if I'm not happy there is something wrong I should be happy I need to be happy that's my goal to be happy to get rid of all the unwanted
uncomfortable to be a good girl yeah to be perfect that's all work for
nothing like who are you trying to impress with this
yeah yeah and it's definitely seen that it's very um Primal you know it feels like survival depends on being a certain way or um yeah certain kind of person or
so that you can get you know the love that you need or the resources or whatever it is um that feeling of
safety uh now it's interesting because we are right there's being there's continuous being and what do you do to survive what do you need to do to be
nothing I guess but that still feels just like a concept right now all right let's see what are you doing right now in order to
be nothing can you not
be have you ever not
been no so there is nothing to do about being it
is yeah do you need to know anything to be
yeah it doesn't seem like it so it's not conceptual it's actually primary and obvious and conceptual would be oh I need to do something or I need to know something that's going off being into some
doing so what's the point of all the extra activity and energy that the Mind puts into all that if it's if it you don't need it do not necessary to be to have the thoughts in order to just exist
you know like these wind up toys where you like wind up wind up and it's like let's say it's a chicken and go until it slows down and it stops and then it's wounded up again so it's a little bit like this when the story starts it needs the end that's what the story is it's called the beginning middle and the end it's got the hero the conflict the resolution so whatever it started already is just playing out to
end so what's the point of that that's that's how it works this is how a human experience there's potential for stories happen it plays out okay but then we can be okay without knowing that this is how it is this is human experiences like from one thing to another
yeah not fighting that like would be helpful like in my life recent couple weeks there were many events happening for example there is a drought here and not enough water or not enough pipes I don't know but we we didn't have water oh gosh and then you do whatever it takes to get it I was running up the road up the street chasing a car uh the tanker that could come and fill our tank so that get sorted and on the same day I think the front door lock breaks you can't lock the door now what right few days later they get sorted so now I'm like everything's okay cool but what's next but I'm not in any kind of Panic it's just you're doing what needs to happen and need you I act from where I am without struggling with it I used to but it's okay I mean the lock is broken it's going to get fixed that's how it goes you know it's not going to stay unfixed forever so I know that I'm just watching it unfold what are the steps I need to take or I need to call the land lord I need to go and buy a new lock
so it's all still happening life is happening challenges arise but then how are we meeting these
challenges how are we showing up in that
story because it can be the end of the world or it can just be okay let's do that
yeah I mean it's so weird because there's just this there's just like a fight with what is and
then yeah there's a desire for things to be different than they are and to have a resolution you know around some of this life these life things and yet everything's okay like it's it is like it's I you know it's so clear that like right now everything is okay you know and even you know if the Mind whatever if you pull back it's like even it's okay but it's not what's wanted it's not like it's not
the picture that the I I mean it's the mind I guess thoughts that want something else and so and then there's just like a frustration with that like frustration with the desire what with the longing for this you know things to be different um well right now it's like
this yeah stopping yeah right now it's like this and I know it will resolve
it cannot not to
okay it's more like taking back seat and watching how how it will happen including doing what needs to be
done and you know what needs to be done
I do yes you know what needs to be done feels
right I don't know there's a lot of doubt about all that well right now what needs to be done right now nothing right well once we finish there will be something that needs to be done like going in the kitchen or making a tea or going to sleep and you know what needs to be done in the moment that's all
I don't know what needs to be done in 10 years or even tomorrow I know what's what's here what needs to be taken care of in this moment right now
so is it really that you don't like you don't think about the future or worry about stuff in the future really I don't worry I mean what's the
point yeah there is no point yet it still happens it doesn't cause I know it's no point when situation is here you know we can look at it calmly
and the result will be better than if I would be worrying about something that is not happening yeah or imagining something that may or may not happen like when I saw that what if is only creating tension and it's optional why to go there
yeah yeah there is no for yeah and you know when you put a seed in the ground let's say it's a flower you put the seed in the ground it will grow and it will flower and it will Wilt and it will die and it will grow from new seeds it's a process it's nature that's how it works there are patterns there are laws and everything flows according to these laws and
limitations like that flower is that flower it cannot be anything else mhm right so I am what I am I cannot be anything else and I can just see how this opens can only see and
experience what wants to
happen and I don't need to do anything about being it already is so why worry
yeah well of course situations are still going to happen but that worry
is I think it's a misuse of Love worrying if you look at it is caring taking care and we are thought like you know if you don't worry that means you don't care right yeah yeah that's a bad programming that's
old yeah that's really clear that there's a lot of old just yeah stuff running on autopilot and
um yeah
yeah so it's like I give up
yeah so be it I give up
yeah I don't know what that's about like the resistance to that it's just
um yeah there's just this constant fight inside you know just yeah it's fighting for peace yeah it's fighting for peace without recognition yet that the peace is when the fight ends yeah yeah but the stories need conflict without the conflict there is no story story seems so precious like what am I without the story so old I mean there is yeah just enough already you
know so there are three beautiful words that you can play with till we meet next time it's so short so sweet and it's literally so be it so be it
okay yeah
yeah and sitting with that you know discomfort and the feelings of um
yeah fear it's just a lot of
fear but I think that's sort of stopping that you know because that kind of just starts to take on a life of its own it is so weird too because it's I mean I've we've talked about this before but just that sense of I don't even know what I'm afraid of like I don't know I don't know it's just this it's like a fear of um feels like a fear of myself like a fear of Life a fear
of yeah of just there's something that wants to run and it's like well where are we going there's what you like what where are you running to and who's running I mean there all this stuff just starts to like um yeah and it just becomes like this big ball of energy that wants to do something and uh yeah it's really
weird and the intensity of it just keeps it you every day time I turn around I'm just like it can't possibly get any more intense and then you're like oh I guess it can yeah I guess it can he's just showing you that you don't know the limits of your capacity to feel you don't put the limits yeah you don't know can be maybe a million times more so be it so be it so be it yeah that's the end of fight so
be it yeah I mean and and really kind of what it comes down to is like I don't want to be afraid anymore something wants to resolve that you know like wants to see that you know there's nothing to be afraid of and that yeah it's just and then when you look it's like there's nothing there isn't anything there you know really when it it's just it's an illusion but it's keeps coming back um well it wants your energy it wants your attention it wants you to feel but then you stop and say okay you can be here I'm not afraid of you I'm not
yeah it's really
beautiful um yeah any suggestions I'm going to pick up your book again but um yeah any thoughts
on I mean I'd love to get link to this too this video it's great uhuh play with this so be it I'll send you the link to the video soon as I upload it on my drive sounds good all right thank you thank you and thank you everyone for being here with Christine yeah all right bye for now