Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
Unlock Your Mind: The Key Guidance to Self Realization With Harri Aalto
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Harri Aalto is a self realization guide, an author, and an artist, he works individually and with groups of seekers who are looking for self realization. Today we talk about how to unlock your mind and recognize self realization in your own experience. Is self realization personal? Find out how in this interview.
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Welcome to the show! This is episode 79, Unlock Your Mind: The Key Guidance to Self Realization with Harri Aalto
My name is Ilona Ciunaite. I am a guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. If you are interested in all things awakening, this podcast is for you. Over the past 13 years, I’ve had been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom.
In this podcast, I dive deep into the heart of awakening. Together with my guests, we explore the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life. Whether you’re a seeker, a teacher, or simply curious, there’s something here for you.
Harri Aalto is a self realization guide, an author, and an artist, he works individualy and with groups of seekers who are looking for self realization. Today we talk about how to unlock your mind and recognize self realization in your own experience. Is self realization personal? Find out how in this interview.
hi hi Harry Lovely to meet you welcome to the show I'm very happy to be here thank you for inviting me thank you and thanks to Rick Archer for introducing me to you so the first question I ask every every guest is this what is your definition of Awakening as this word is being used around and it may mean different things to different people so I want to be clear about what you mean by
Awakening Awakening is very simple it's actually exactly the same for everybody but everybody experiences it differently because the awareness of the self is universal it's unbounded it's everywhere so everybody already has it but they don't know it the first prerequisite for being awake is being born because every aspect of life is a is a what a percentage of self-realization okay so maybe a little percentage a bigger percentage and at some point it becomes um known most people especially Seekers and most of the people on you know these kind of uh meetings are Seekers that's why they're here they're looking for something beyond their normal life and you could actually say that realization is is normal what isn't realization isn't normal it's less than normal okay so there a little story to describe you know so I met this lady two years ago from France and she came to Fairfield this where I am here and she had heard of me somewhere and she came to the door walked in the house I said hi come on and she went into we went into the living room and she sat down and she says Harry I have no idea what self-realization is I've been doing you know spiritual practices for decades I don't know if I have what I have tell me why after all these years doing good techniques I'm not awake and I so I asked her so you have no silence or Stillness inside and she said well I've got that and I said whoa what's that she said it's nothing oh so somebody else is having the experience rather than you and she said no I'm having the experience of this silence or Stillness
that's the self her eyes got really big and and and I said well you didn't know that she's no I didn't know that and she was getting very excited and she said well do you have it all the time I can find it all the time it's always there so I said you're probably awake you just don't have the knowledge of it and and she went through this process you know whatever whatever and you know she went away and she was quite excited and she joined a meeting couple of a month or so later I talked to her again and she says so what happened is it still there is that silence or that Stillness or that knowingness still there and she says yeah not only is it there it's much much brighter clearer and I'm aware of it all the time
so I said what do you think happened I don't know she said and I said 'well I'll tell you what happened you've had it all along but because you didn't understand it acknowledge it didn't understand it it's like having money in the bank with no access to it you can't use it can't spend it can't get any benefits from it so she I asked her so have you had any benefits do you feel better I said yeah my husband you know says what happened to you and I said well the thing about realization is it doesn't feel like realization you could you could even say that you know realization is is a concept then when you get it it's it's just too natural and normal and just there it's it's nice it's simple it's quiet and and you recognize it because it's the the first thing in your life that's permanent everything else is changing going doing this doing
that the self the realized self is always there maybe you have to find it or notice it and I've had people say things
like a person another person who woke up said I feel like I've arrived home and some big weight lifted off I don't know what it is well how about calling it realization I know that's kind of funny but they nearly always say no like that's too simple that can't be that can't be so well well too bad that's what it is it's the first it's the first step you have to realize yourself most of us most people go through life you know
I don't know if you think about we went to school into public school high school college we graduated never did anybody ever mention realization that word never came up so we weren't educated in any way we were educated to live a life you know to have a career you know get married or whatever we want to do and but nobody ever mentioned realize it you have to do that on yourself you have to become a Seeker by yourself nobody's going to start you you have to start on the journey you have to take the first step right and
that's that's such a great news for people because there are so many ideas about this and they have no idea which is really funny right okay so I seem to be in the stories today I so I'll tell you another little story so this is another couple from Canada I grew up in Canada so I have a lot of Canadian friends this couple visited me you know they were Seekers you know and they they did meditation processes in long time they were my age and so we were having um dinner we got up from the dining table and we started going into the living room and for no reason whatsoever I just looked at uh Sue that was a lady's name and I said Sue you don't know who I am do you and she literally froze stopped walking her eyes got really big and she and then she continued walking to the living room she sat down and she said Harri what did you do to me I said I didn't do anything honest I didn't do anything she says something happened to me it's
like like something I've never realized before this kind of a I don't know it's like some something fell away some big phenomenon that seemed to be a weight on my life it disappeared and suddenly I felt what I can't say unbounded but I felt big and and sort of sort of of happy and first thing I said well let's see if it lasts sounds great let's see what it is and then we discussed for a while and she went back to her home in Toronto and um and and again she you know I met her she came back 3 4 months later and she said I asked her is it still there and she said yeah yeah it's still there it's bigger it's better I now recognize it all the time I can find it and um I said that's great and um what do you think happened she says I said do you think you woke up well it sure feels like that but I didn't it's not what I expected it's much simpler much just more natural just there I like it feels good now the this is half the story the other half is the husband all right okay so this the husband um she she in her life she's never had any flashy experiences she had no idea what realization is or anything and but you know she just plotted along with her meditation practices or spiritual practices the husband on the other hand has has had for long long time decades very flashy experiences gods angels everything and I always so you know that's that's great their flashy experiences love them the certainly indication of um you know developed Consciousness but they're not self-realization because they come and they go M you have them and then they go and he's always say yeah yeah they come but she looked at me and or he looked at me and said Harri how come my wife woke up he was being half joking and I didn't she never she hardly does any any practice is she hardly had any experience I have all this flashy stuff and she woke she woke up and I didn't what happened I well I told you David that you know flashy experiences are terrific and but they're not self-realization self-realization is that area of Consciousness that's in between flashy experiences in between everything it's pervasive it's always there you didn't have that so of course is as I know okay so he got very
uh very focused let's say for the next year he went through a process so I went through this kind of process with most of my friends until I didn't have any friends anymore they were all you know a different relationship to me now and then I started groups you know years ago and I you know what I realized is that almost every sincere Seeker has some experience they don't give it much value they they they need to almost be told almost be convinced that they have something right
and so I said to myself if all we have to do is talk about self-realization in in the right way of course and people wake up I'm going to start some groups and so I did
that was years ago I guess that's my definition of the first stage of self-realization it's simple natural it's there you don't recognize it normally too close and too natural it's too it's so natural yeah well it has to be natural you know it's it's the what the ground state of human consciousness it's just there it's just there it's not used that silence that beingness yeah yeah that's right oh some people would say it's
Well or feels like nothing I have the slight problem with the word nothing okay let me tell you why tell me okay so many people say well I do have this sense of nothingness there and what did you just say did you say you have this sense of nothingness mhm so you recognize you're having the experience and they say yeah so it's not nothing it's your experience and they say yeah I guess it is it's not a
chipmunk having an experience, it's you having the experience correct
and you call that nothing I call that everything I call that self realization okay
yes there's a huge you know you could call it nothing because there's no
what there's no differentiation you could say it's unbounded it's silence it's Stillness but all those all those experiences aren't you having it you're the it's it's not silence it's your silence it's your Stillness that old vedic saying I am that it didn't say nothing is that it says I am that okay I call that something that's the beginning stage of self realization it's great it's terrific but I don't uh use the word nothing some value you know do you like it yeah it's always oh it's good some benefit oh yeah yeah nothing doesn't do that well that's my my experience with everybody
anyway well I I saw that you published a couple of books and one is called um Universal Consciousness is profoundly personal that's right this this is an interesting subject now that you mentioned here it is okay this yes yes and then profoundly personal yes and then I did the first book years ago is this one the landscape of enlightment the landscape of Enlightenment yeah this is a little bit more um like a biography and experience but and the other one is a little more knowledge based but yeah I started writing about Consciousness as a way to you know share it with people and uh but generally
speaking generally speaking almost everybody I meet not only has the potential to wake up they're actually very close to the state already very very close you could even say they already have it but but what's missing is the understanding and I I think understanding is what undervalued interesting because meditation is great you get you know you got to you know you got to settle down and you have to refine the nervous system a little bit and you refine your thinking and this and that and you do that in meditation or you do it in some spiritual practice but that's a practice that's like lifting weights you know when you call them spiritual weights you you don't wake up during meditation you wake up in in activity because why do we close our eyes so that when our eyes are open we're awake and we have a good life and we have good relationships and all that you it you know it's like if you're a guy and you're lifting weights you know you get stronger and stronger you don't even know how you're doing it it's just getting stronger it's inherent in the physical body inherent in Consciousness is self-realization so when you when you meditate or do spiritual practice you're you're kind of doing a practice okay you're you're exercising your brain and your heart and your body and so forth so that you can have that state permanently permanently doesn't mean in a just in a closed room by yourself it means in
activity generally speaking the way we grow up all of us me included when you when you look at something you're not realized whatever you're looking at is 100% of your Consciousness that's it that's all there is but it's it's good it's natural that's what happens in the real life State you look at that bookcase over there or anything else the self is there as well that's all that's what's changed something permanent is there along with your perceptions call that realization if it's always say the object of perception or whatever you're looking at or the relationship you're having no longer overshadows the self or hides it or diminishes it it's just there that self-realization of it's there all the time that's where it starts that's the first step can I come back to this uh profoundly personal thing it's a I hear people say yeah but it's supposed to be impersonal or why do I feel like myself or you know that kind of that word personal something there that is
confusing it's confusing because it's such a general
misunderstanding well you're a person right you're an individual right you don't look like me and I don't look fortunately for you you don't look like me me and so forth and so on we're individuals mhm individuals wake up right nobody else wakes up individuals wake up if you take the individual out of the experience you don't have an experience the problem is and I understand the problem quite well because the first stage or the first Awakening is simple natural it's still happening to an individual okay so the person who's awake he's walking around he still has a body a mind a heart personalities idiosyncrasies ups and downs those continue so what happened to the personality nothing it's still there the problem is at the first stage the stage of waking up to silence Stillness the the experience of silence and Stillness is very abstract it's very abstract it feels like uh Simplicity itself right natural it isn't related to the environment yet mhm you're not unified with anything yet you're just the self knows the self I'd like to put into that that yourself knows the self okay somebody's having the experience you have to remember could you honestly say let's say if you let's say you're awake could you possibly say that's not my experience no you could say the experience is simple and natural right that's what you say okay fine it's still your experience now going on from there like I I've said many times you heard this is the beginning yes I would say quite often it's mistaken for the end this is it I've made it I've got the silence it's there there boom nothing else required no you just got on the bus to go somewhere that's all you know you haven't arrived yet you just got on the bus but it's it's of course it's the foundational experience I get that no problem you got to have self-realization
okay what happens after that is that as the inner experience gets clear let's call it an inner it's not really an inner experience because it's unbounded or whatever and as it gets clearer and clearer you begin to realize that not only is it inside it's also outside you start seeing some connection within the self within the self within the silence silence is kind of overrated a little bit you know it's beautiful and I love it and it's great and it's always there but the purpose of that silence is to have it in activity so it doesn't go away not only doesn't go away it becomes related to the environment becomes related to what you're seeing tasting touching having a relationship that it begins to be a connected value to how you're living your life that would be another stage you could call that a unified sense of Consciousness not just not just inside not just out outside but a connectedness that the inside has become the outside and the outside has become the inside and no gap between it now having said that it's not like anything happens to the relative it's this is on the feeling level on on the knowledge level right
okay so that would be another stage okay now there's there's a kind of big big misconception about at least in my opinion is that if you're not perfect you can't get enlightened well it's if you're not enlightened you're you're not perfect anyway right I mean so so going from a little bit more perfect as you get closer and closer they got problems what happens to those problems when you wake up what happens to the stress and the depression and the downs and the ups well they get modified but they don't disappear what happens is the self is there along with what used to be something that overshadowed the self it doesn't do that anymore it doesn't matter if you have a down experience or an up oh wait a minute do do you still have ups and down well if you're an individual and you're a human being you're going to have ups and downs whether you're awake or not the a wakefulness means that don't they don't affect you that way anymore okay they don't take away the self the self is still conscious experience okay does that make sense to you yeah that makes total sense to me all
right so and all this in all the these you you meet with people all the time right right and I'm going to interview you
now well what's your experience when you meet people and you help people and you know you're obviously relating to what I'm saying um well there's just so much to cover I have been working with people on the path for um I don't know 13 years something like that so speaking to Seekers is my everyday experience that's kind of my practice it's my practice so my experience is that to realize the self one needs to be looking in the right way in the right direction which is your own experience right that's right and what helps is pointing to that from various angles in different words in different ways just pointing to that look for yourself look for your yourself in your own experience and my from my experience is that there are two things two major things that are in the way of realization one thing is fear in various ways fear to disappear and not function lose loved ones and stop go crazy or whatever fear and another one is expectations expectations meaning that everyone every Seeker has some ideas what this Awakening or what this realization should look like should feel like how it is for people it is not like this for me and these two things are the major obstacle plus a third thing is the resistance the resistance is that mechanism that holds the belief structure in place and doesn't let in any new idea because otherwise everything has to reorganize itself so it's a danger oh yeah it can be fear out of that but once the fear and expectations are kind of cleared then it's easy that's right that's beautiful there's always two things something has to go and something has to come and then you know it's like if you're sitting in a dark room you can't see anything turn up the light a little bit a little more bright whoa this is nice this it's not just an empty space but there's there's what's there there's there's a feeling there there's a there's some understanding there there's nice enough you turn up the light that's all so I like what you said you know realization obviously you don't know what it is otherwise you'd be there that's that's the misconception right MH that's what you're talking about you have you have high hopes that it's going to be you know there's going to be Angels at the door or there's going to be some cosmic explosion of pure Bliss and you know some people have that no problem but most people just go into it gradually and then suddenly whoa it's there so those are good points you're making and you people think it's going to look like this it's going to look like that it's going to have some specificity to it you're going to meet God or whatever yeah and it's not that these none of these things all of these things can happen but most of them happen over time right and the experience is unique our experience is unique and it's incomparable unque for everybody and whatever happened to Ekhart Tolle or Adyashanti is not going to happen here because I'm not Ekhart Tolle
a no it's beautiful I like your you know what direction are you looking you know look you know at first when you start become a Seeker you go inside you meditate close your eyes whatever you do you do it some spiritual practice but the idea is that you want to be able to look inside and outside simultaneously self is not located inside and it's not located outside it's located everywhere as you know and so that's what happens you begin to have the uh feeling at first and uh eventually you have the perception that everything is the self uh but you are that everything that is the self I think that's not emphasized in my opinion not emphasized enough because who wants to have an impersonal experience you no you have no connection to it it's the self is not impersonal it's personal even though it's silence it's your personal silence you own it you own it and it's not an it it's an I I am that the self is not an it it's not a thing it's your experience that's why I say it's personal doesn't you can't describe it in a specific way you have to say oh it's silence it's Stillness it's wholeness it's an knowingness i people I have so many people talk about well they can some people see it they see a light you know oh okay that's one way of looking at it somebody says well I feel it oh yeah I feel it all the time it's great other people say they know it you I just know it it's a knowingness and they're all the same experience seen from a personal perspective always somebody have experience right yeah so yeah because as a default there is this idea that I am I am this image I am this person I am this uh mind I am the body I am this object somehow and then this I
that was thought to be me is seeing that is not
me but the one thing that is holding the whole thing in place that illusion of this I being me in place is this idea of a doer idea of a controller or I am in control of you know what happens in one way this creating your own reality is true but when it's happening unconsciously then I can't say I am creating it it's just showing up it's happening it's just patterns playing out and there is no control over these patterns unless you become conscious of them and they leave and leave the space
it's a good point the everybody has self-awareness the the question is are you conscious of it if you're conscious of the self-awareness and you're conscious of it all the time that's so called self-realization when it comes and it goes or it's not there uh consciously at all and we call it something else like uh ignorance it's pretty simple
and everybody's playing the same game you know your people my people people on the street everybody's looking for something even somebody who's not looking for a realization they're looking for happiness they're looking for more of this or more of that or less of this painful stuff and more of this good stuff everybody's a Seeker but they don't know what they're seeking okay so at some point hopefully people start figuring out that what they're really seeking is something they already have and they get involved with groups or people who have this experience and get describe it to them and you can do any kind of practice you can you can pray you can meditate i' I've had people who have done nothing but they've Woken up anyway it's a it's very simple and they just they just get there it's more rare though most people do some kind of practice because it requires some kind of uh refinement of thinking or refinement of of the body that it's pretty well spontaneous I mean you can't force it you can't say I want to be enlightened you know that's kind of work that way you have to get on the journey to get on the bus and start going somewhere and where you're going if you understand it where you you're going it helps if somebody can describe to you what it's like and what it isn't and what it is what you get and what you don't get it helps the process a lot that's that's what sort of teachers do you know help the process you're not creating the process the process is already there beautiful so I started having experiences and experience you know as a young kid and one
thing probably when I I don't know seven or eight years old it was I was already had some kind of Consciousness conscious Consciousness there didn't know what it was of course I assumed everybody was like that and I lived in this kind of light field of light it was almost like a bubble and you know if I put my hand outside the bubble I would draw it in like a turtle or something because I didn't like it out there I liked it inside this beautiful white bubble I lived in I was still a normal kid though I ran around like a chicken you know like any boy does okay but I had this field of light around me as well and I was always interested in and what it was and what relationship this light had to life even though it's you know I wasn't thinking consciously that way but it was in there all the time you know no young kid girl or boy really thinks but self-realizing if you ever watch a kid you know an 8-year-old or a seven-year-old everything is is totally important they're talking about a thumbnail or something oh look they're totally absorbed 100% absorbed in that they have no idea why they're just having a great time but they don't know what they're experiencing they're innocent they're simple just they're kind of realized but they don't have the understanding but they're totally innocent they're totally running around like a chicken and but people tend to lose that innocence okay that Simplicity as they get older don't know why they just do but in any case so when I was a kid I had this light around me and I and I was always interested in
I was always interested in God you want to talk about God for a while love talking about God okay all all right all
right and you know my parents took me to you know you know religious you know as a Lutheran or my parents were they weren't devout or anything but you know they did their Duty and took me to church and you know I didn't get much out of that and I knew I couldn't find God there because you know it just didn't seem to be there but and I but I knew one thing I knew just a pure white light however nice it is wasn't God that wasn't enough for me I wanted more than a light and uh of course I was always an artist so you know I had kind of vision of what God could be like you know I never did see God sitting on a throne somewhere that that wasn't what I was looking for I was looking for something more pervasive and
I had flashes of of
um Celestial perception you know where I would see this or I would see that and and I went through periods when I got a little older which were totally Divine you know beautiful this and beautiful that nonstop but but but God Was Always Somewhere a little bit distant I could kind of sense him him or her way over there somewhere but wasn't revealing himself or herself and as I got older I I and you know I went through a normal life I had a job and everything else as an artist and I my I started a business doing art doing design and stuff
and I had a factory when I was you know when I was a young guy and uh I'd be walking through this really loud Factory you know there were machines going all over the place I was an owner and one of the owners and I'd see Celestial Visions one of the machines were running you know and it was I said whoa this is pretty neat and the point I'm making it this is a normal life facilitates the process of waking up not hinders it okay it doesn't matter what kind of what you're doing doesn't matter if you're a plumber or you're an engineer or you're a doctor you're doing stuff that stuff is related to the self and what started happening to me as I turned into a young fellow is that
I started feeling and seeing that everything I looked at everything I saw wasn't just the silence wasn't just the light wasn't just a bubble of uh happiness or anything it was even more than that self-realization as a you know I know I talk about it quite differently now because I had this sense even as a kid that everything is included everything is included in Consciousness human consciousness everything and I said well that must be God that the first feeling of God is that everything is included so I went through all these different stages of um if you want to call it realization they don't feel like realization it feels like you're in a river okay and this River and you're on this nice little boat it's a beautiful River and there's a there's a town there he said oh let's stop for a minute we'll explore that town oh very nice so you learn about that town and then he okay I'm finished with that town you go down the river and you're in the in the next town oh this is a nice town too so these states of Consciousness are kind of like towns on a river beautiful but it's not one town it's a bunch of them and then and each Town gets a little better than the last Town o this town is beautiful and oh there's a forest let's stop there for a while and wander around in the silent beautiful Forest there's mountains let's do that and then eventually you start seeing something at a distance it looks like an ocean some beautiful big ocean and so and you've gone through all the you know this is just an analogy okay analogies fall fall down a little bit after a time but in any case so all these towns they're now in your memory you don't forget them this town was really beautiful and this town and this mountain and this those are different stages of where awareness you could say and I went through all those and they became
they kind of at some point all joined together all joined no gaps the journey kind of ended but they were all still there and all these states of awareness you know the first stage of silence and simplicity the uh stage of a unified sense with the immediate environment turned into a cosmic environment and at some point the whole thing started feel I as an adult now it started feeling like the whole universe was in me or I was in the universe but you know it wasn't wasn't it was it's just as simple as self-awareness doesn't get any more complicated still the same thing it's just includes more it's like you become the basket for everything and just goes in it right it become the Basket and at some point I reached a point years ago I said okay I kind of sense and understand and and perception to some degree perceptually see that the whole universe is uh has been created I didn't create it I knew that so who created it where did it come from I had that as a young kid and I had it as a young adult and it's almost like
let let's say you know you live in a you live in a small house and then and then you can afford a bigger house and then you can afford a mansion and at some point the whole universe becomes your mansion and you're wandering around in this Mansion but you know you didn't make the Mansion you know you know there's an owner there's somebody owns the mansion and it's almost like the owner of the mansion that's an analogy wants to check out who's living in his or her Mansion now and he she comes and checks you out
and and you finally meet god or goddess or both and this is kind of interesting most people okay so I'm talking about something uh what almost beyond comprehension but it isn't it's the same as the Self when he has taken some kind of divine form now silence is still there Unity is still there the universe is still there you're sitting in your own little room eating your pizza that's still there everything is there nothing goes away it just gets Fuller and Fuller and Fuller and Fuller and then at some point you realize that
that that you're in the presence of the of the Creator and that presence is okay it can it could be divine it could be wonderful it can be ecstatic you're totally devotional but all that stuff settles
down well imagine if somebody comes to your door you know your house and they're in total ecstasy on their nose on the ground and everything else you probably close the door and say come back another day when you're calmer and and we can have a meaningful relationship it's a little bit like that with God too I know I'm getting out there somewhere but you know I love the seeds that you're putting in there all right and then you know the in in many ancient religions and spiritual countries you know they say you become um kind of
a you become a conduit for God's creation and at some Point um you have some you have these qualities you've developed these qualities you've gone through these stages of Consciousness but you're still just a human being sitting here on Earth and in your little house and your whatever none of that goes away um the only thing that now happens is that everything gets personified it's the silence is still there the Stillness is still there and life gets more and more and more simple because all the answers all the questions you had got get answered and they can't get answered from the absolute alone or from Silence alone silence is too silent it has to it has to kind of get everything in it get everything in you you have to understand that everything is included and that's when when you start having a relationship with the Creator and can be every religion has their own what personified values and these personified values for me has has a specific look that totally Universal though and I think I've gone on a little tangent right keep
going great well in any case the experience of ultimate values Supreme values is extremely beautiful and extremely natural you know it's it's not you know this tremendous complexity of the universe you think things get more and more and more complex well they do but it takes all these parts all the pieces of universal existence to make the Simplicity of wholeness you know it's like a like a jigsaw puzzle you know you got a thousand pieces they're in a big pile that's called ignorance and you start putting them together oh you start seeing that this jigsaw puzzle has some meaning you don't know what it is yet cuz you only put half the pieces together and then when all the pieces together guess what happens totally simple one glance you see it all yet it took all those pieces to make that Simplicity that's kind of what it's like uh this process I'm
describing you must be interested in God or I wouldn't be talking about
it well yeah what H do you have any
questions about God I don't have any
question no about anything let's get back to Earth okay back to Earth Seekers Seekers looking for awakening what's your
advice my advice is have a big Vision but be practical so what I'm describing okay let let's say the the whole range of self-realization starts from the silence Stillness that's the fundamental experience got to have that go for that great do a practice that's practical successful you like it it's simple not complicated so you develop self-awareness after the self-awareness is developed the silence is there consider it like the beginning stage of reason I say beginning is because people put it way up there somewhere it ain't it's right in your right in your heart and your mind and your body self-realization is simple it's there that's the first stage and then you begin to know stuff there's a knowledge level to it I am that that's a knowledge level that knowledge level vibrates as the self that vibration has form you could call those the aspects of nature fire water Earth all this stuff that makes the body also makes the uh environment same same so you start getting a unified sense and then that whole thing it um gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger self-realization is the first stage knowingness and knowledge and and the Divine values of creation is another stage and then there's a Unity Consciousness is another stage and then ultimately the whole universe and God that is self-realization that whole range not just the silence so be inspired by that but start with getting the self amen to
that yes um one question that I get
asked how to stop thinking you know I hear that how to stop thinking because you know you can't feel the silence if the thoughts are here right how to get rid of thoughts they are still here and they
coming the thing about thoughts is the thoughts will turn into self-realization too they're part of it they're not exclusive they're only they're only um what they're only a distraction if they distract you from your goal otherwise they're part of life okay all your thoughts that are going on in your mind you you do some kind of practice you know you get quiet it's s then what you get is you get your thoughts and the silence you don't get just the silence you know there's a there's a saying in the I think it's in the Upanishads it's a Indian spiritual book that says something like I don't know the exact words but says getting lost in the absolute or getting lost in in the relative if you get lost in the absolute it's much worse than getting lost in the relative because in the relative you can have a life you can to have a family you can have feelings you can have thoughts you can have anything you want in the absolute there's nothing there you make the absolute into something by having the experience and suddenly that absolute value that Universal Consciousness becomes uh what universally personal becomes your experience of the self your experience of the silence thoughts aren't in the way they're part of the process of living all you have to do is develop the self how do you do that most people do it with some kind of practice or you go you find you find people who appear to have or have this this state of consciousness where they can uh what tell you about it at least precisely accurately and then you begin to understand your experience hang around with people who know stuff who know more than you not less than you yes that's simple right right and do you do you still have groups like meetings do you people can find you and be with you I have uh five or six groups wonderful and and uh and I I have them okay since you asked me I I have a I have a kind of a process that I do I interview people if I if somebody wants to join my group I interview them personally always and and then we have we have a good time I ask them questions they ask me questions and if they want to join then I put them on one of these groups most of my groups the reason I have five groups is I like to keep them small the largest group I have is 20 people and the smallest group I have is 10 people so small groups I and uh I'll tell you what actually happened I started I've had one group I've had groups for 20 30 years little groups and it was just kind of a hobby and then it started growing bigger and bigger you know and then I said well yeah I don't want I have 50 people like it's not personal enough there's that word personal you know I can do a general meeting and have 100 people but I can't talk to anybody 100 people's too many and I've had these bigger groups so I divided them up into smaller groups and and after we have an interview you know person will join one of these groups and um and generally speaking I go through all these processes that I went with you but in more detail right I'd say you know all I I don't give up mantras or techniques or do Darshan or pray I just give give out my experiences and people give their experiences and I found that I don't know most people at the very least start waking up and quite a lot of people actually wake up cuz it's so simple I'm not doing anything I'm just telling them what the heck they're experiencing and uh seems to work and yes if anybody wants to contact me they can they can find me uh I don't
know look me up you'll see me somewhere oh through your website right yeah yeah look at mysite put the link on to your website you can contact me if you like if you want to join a group that's fine I'm pretty well open to most people but first of all they you know I'm a little bit particular you know that's why I interview people have to be kind of a what not serious but you know decent Seekers sincere perhaps right yeah no it's it's great you
know I I think
that I think there's millions of people on Earth who are ready to wake up right now you know I can't handle them all but other teachers handle people and I think there's a even though it seems like a really rough time on Earth you know stuff going on Wars this and the other thing I I think that's a good time to wake up too for those who want to okay all right and
um anything else no how about your groups or do you have a group yeah I do groups yes mostly I work individually yeah personally I do that too yes but I have free groups like free meetings every month uh of like deep looking I call it deep looking which is literally meeting whatever is showing up so it can resolve and there is one another group every month as well for specifically looking at this illusion of a separate self separateness like we look at that how is that possible oh you know you brought up an interesting point there is a state of consciousness you know some people who go into the first stage of realization have some kind of Separation mhh not that many but some people they feel that you got the Self and everything else is out there right totally separate how is that even possible but you know these things need to be talked about and pointed at well it's it's it's it's one of
those you could say if you have the self and it's there all the time even if you feel it's separate if it's there all the time that's realization too it's just the it's the beginning of a a more unified sense of Consciousness so but not some people have that and and they have it pretty dramatically too yeah so that's an interesting point maybe we should um uh I'll send you some people you send me some people wonderful yes and I'm sure somebody will find you through this podcast or through the video on
YouTube so do you have any question yourself
personally yes you do you got got to figure them out I have questions
not like something burning question that I cannot sleep I can sit and think of something but there's nothing burning in that way that I need to seek the answer
out in my experience what I need to know comes in and then I know
and even if it's something let's say some old stuff that hasn't been seen or hasn't been looked at it comes in and then I know what to look at it's like it's all here it's all here
I think the I think if the understanding aspect of realization is is actually quite critical because you can get to uh these different stages this first stage um most you know I've been a speaker at a number of you know even larger groups and generally speaking these groups are great they take you to this first stage you know self-realization that's it and they stop there and I I think that's not a good idea because whatever your uh limitation to thinking is is also your limitation to progress right okay you know that so um what I what I do in with uh the people that are in my groups is that I give them the vision and then I start talking about and explaining their particular experiences in relation to that whole vision and I'm very clear my personal experience is the silence is the first stage was for me and I had that as a child and so I went through these various they're not even stages you know I don't even like State the word States Of Consciousness I like I like states of reality because when you State of Consciousness what you're kind of talking about is sort of a point in time and realization isn't a point in time it's a point in the in Universal time Timeless State and the you know people start having expectations so I'm going to get to Enlightenment and then I'm going to get to Unity conscious well you do but they're not like they're they're they're what the points on a river you're moving forward they're not permanent until um they get they get more and more permanent as they get more and more expanded but they're never permanent because they're always expanding even this relationship with the Creator you you know position is taken you know you're not going to become God okay you're going to get a relationship you know call that uh Supreme relationship but still on all these uh paths or these ways to get there every country has their own way and you know historically and in modern times you know there's teachers and gurus in every culture and they take you to this level or this level and all of them are going in the right direction and all of them are Eternal they're all going on and on and on human consciousness isn't isn't a point in time it's an eternal infinite phenomenon and we are that infinite uh Eternal phenomenon we're not bunch of points in time we're bunch of realities that we're beginning to experience we're not creating these realities they're already there and so you know our head doesn't get too big about all this stuff because as you know more you have more and more experience you also realize you know less and less in some ways so you get a bit of both all the time right right right so there you go wonderful well it's such a pleasure to talk to you Harri. It has been nice
great so do you you you made a recording of all this right yes and it will be on YouTube and on all podcast platforms that people like to listen on their phones like that if you like you could send me a copy of that too and I'll post it sure thank you so much okay okay it's been very nice talking to I've enjoyed it maybe I went a little bit on a tangent but you know I always do that so that's okay oh I say that whatever needs to be said okay is just said complete trust and faith in that very nice meeting you very nice meeting you you honestly my my honor meeting you thank you so much mine too you know and if any of your people want to more know more about me feel happy to send them my way and I'll maybe send some people to you too wonderful thank you and thank you everyone for watching for listening if you have comments just put them here thank you for having me and I'll see you next time bye all righty bye