Awakening Now

How to Find Your Life's Purpose With Maria Micha

Ilona Ciunaite / Maria Micha Episode 86

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What is your life's purpose? Do you know it? And what is the point of inquiring into that? Find your true calling and life will flow, says my guest Maria Micha.

Maria Micha is a senior clinical mental health counsellor, psychotherapist, and hypnotherapist trained in the UK and USA. She is trained in family therapy, Adlerian therapy, systemic therapy, Psychodynamic Theory, and hypnotherapy. She has created the Anagenesis Method, a harmonious blend of counselling, science, hypnotherapy, spiritual shamanic practices, cacao-induced visions, and energy healing.

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Music by Valdi Sabev, Visit his channel for more calm and relaxed music


Welcome to the show! This is episode 86 The Truth About Finding Your Life's Purpose (with Maria Micha)
My name is Ilona Ciunaite. I am a guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. If you are interested in all things awakening, this podcast is for you. Over the past 13 years, I’ve been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom.

In this podcast, I dive deep into the heart of awakening. Together with my guests, we explore the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life. Whether you’re a seeker, a teacher, or simply curious, there’s something here for you.

What is your life's purpose? Do you know it? And what is the point of inquiring into that? Find your true calling and life will flow according to my guest Maria Micha.

Maria Micha is a senior clinical mental health counsellor, psychotherapist, and hypnotherapist trained in the UK and USA. She is trained in family therapy, Adlerian therapy, systemic therapy, Psychodynamic Theory, and hypnotherapy. She has created the Anagenesis Method, a harmonious blend of counselling, science, hypnotherapy, spiritual shamanic practices, cacao-induced visions, and energy healing.

welcome to the show thanks for having me okay I'm excited to be here sweet excited what's what's happening for what we're gonna talk about um the lives we going to touch people who will be changed people who be inspired by listening to this podcast okay today I'm talking to Maria and she's a psychotherapist a scientist and so many other things that I'm looking forward to for her to unfold and explain and show us what she can do but she works holistically on all kinds of parts of the system that it's incredible so let's start from here this show is called Awakening now Awakening what is that in your understanding in your definition um okay just to say this show is primarily for people who are looking to awaken maybe had a shift or looking to integrate so it's all useful helpful information about that from various angles from different people so I would like to know your definition of what Awakening is what is Awakening from to how do you see that

Awakening it can happen in so many ways and I see it happening all around us I feel that there's a global Awakening on Consciousness on spirituality emotionally I see people wanting more they understand that there is more in life that life is not just difficult and then we produce kids or not we get married or not divorce or not and it's all day agage and then it's over I want to see more people getting in contact with their own spirit with their own soul we are very much in contact with our cognition our cognitive mind and as a psychotherapist I learned that psychology has the definition of the study the mind the brain the soul and the spirit but we have forgotten that we need to pay attention to the soul and the spirit and I feel that this is where a lot of our problems nowadays stem from we pay attention to our brain we attention to our to our mind and we're trying to understand life through that but there is Spirit around us other people have Spirit we have a soul and have our own spirit and this what makes us unique so what is Awakening is people understanding that there is more to life that there is more in others and a lot more in themselves and people are on a journey to find that beautiful and could you share a little bit about your journey how you found

that you know don't need to go into whole story but just maybe maybe the most pivotal moment or a shift how you how you saw life one way and then it open up something else I think I had various way Awakenings throughout my life um some were stronger and some are happening every day you know I'm talking to you when there's an Awakening there's another way of looking at life um but the first Awakening was when I was nine years old uh I was terrified of the dark so my mother took me to a psychotherapist and right there and then I decided I want to become a psychotherapist another very big Awakening was when I got divorced I decided to let go of my marriage my ex-husband was abusive and although it was one of the most difficult eras of my life I found myself I found my soul I found my own spirit and then I went to Singapore my journey took me to Singapore and in Singapore Asian people have this softness most of them are Buddhist so they believe in spirit there are many uh temples whether they Buddhist temples or Hindu temples and spirituality is everywhere although the average Singaporean is Chasing Life is working is's trying to pay bills pay the mortgage take the kids through school but the spirituality is everywhere and you can feel it and I started seeing things I started feeling things I was talking with my clients and I was able to tell them stories that had never told me and they were saying I've never said this to you very interesting the way you describe it and the way you interpret it but this is something I've never told anyone so that led me to becoming a shaman and then a herbalist and a corporate trainer and all that allowed me to bring many modalities together and as I as I say I want to bring science and the intuitive wisdom of Millennia together so I'm a psychotherapist clinical mental health counselor hypnotherapist shamanic practitioner I'm a herbalist a corporate trainer and I read energy and I heal through energy so so many those throughout my life yay like looks like all different layers are activated and it just flows wonderful yeah I myself also I love technology for like getting your into uh deep States and I also love in Nature's tools and

helpers like what we call a medicine so and I love the combination of

both I really think we need everything and there are different times where we just need love and energy healing for someone to tell us why we feel in a particular way that's unsettling there other times we need just science if I have had an accident with my car and my body is broken and open in in places please don't take me to energy healer I need a surgeon and do needs a scientist so to know what to bring in and when is very important yeah true because there is the physical for sure there is a mental emotional spiritual astral white all kinds of different bodies that we may not even know of it's a mystery

but we're learning I really think we're learning and and I feel I feel that the world is divided in almost two groups of people two dominant groups of people the people who are going through a continuous Awakening and that a different stage in their Awakening journey and the other people that are going darker and darker and they don't want to know they just want Power they want to overpower everyone and they like being overpowered themselves they want a very powerful leader who's not going to feel for the people who will just make things happen of course with great detrimental consequences so I believe that the people that are enlightened the people who are going to the light The Awakening they will influence everyone else and and their light is going to bring down some of the darkness of the other group well we can also say that the darkness is that is pushing the light up like they work together like it's giving enough tension for some of us to start questioning what's going on true I like the way you say it hadn't thought of it this way but yes this is a more hopeful way of seeing it thank you L sweet so I read in your on your website that you help with a life purpose and this is important because at some point through this process all the old motivations fall away like whatever was pushing to achieve pushing to get somewhere Falls away because it wasn't coming from love it was coming from fear and then there's this openness or lostness or confusion like oh I don't know what I'm here for and I just want to say it's okay to know what you're here for it's it's okay and it's not like oh the wind is blowing and I'm just going with the wind there's something inside there that knows where it wants to go it knows what it's here for so can you can we talk a little bit about how you help people to find that life's purpose that's that's very

interesting I became very interested in identifying people's Souls purpose about 15 16 years ago as I was seeing people chasing their wrong energy in their life of course we live in a physical world we need money we need to pay our rent to pay our mortgage to buy food to clothe ourselves to have some health protection and health privileges but when we don't know what is our Soul's purpose that journey of surviving becomes mundane and painful and sometimes it's it's almost empty it doesn't fulfill us it leaves us depressed it leaves us feeling empty I have helped numerous people who identify their Soul's purpose and it could be anything it could be from bringing children to this world to being a partner life partner to another person and you support them to their lives that that is that is the purpose of your soul and it's it's not a small thing to be there to support someone else and give and receive love but it could be being part of the spiritual awakening could be being a doctor it could be meeting a friend and helping these friend find the sparkle in their life because they've lost it but as long as we know what it is our life becomes effortless and it is so meaningful I also feel that knowing our Soul's purpose whatever challenges we encounter in life and human life is painful it is stressful but those challenges feel part of the curriculum like you're going to there is one problem and once you learn how to deal with it once you plow through it and You' released the fear you've gone to another level another level of conscious another of understanding but also to Another Place Another physical place and from this place you can see differently you can see where you truly want to go life is like um a tree there's so many branches there's the main branch and there are small little branches and you go down every one of this Branch it takes you some somewhere else and then you might jump to another Branch or to another tree and this is the Beauty and the spectacular energy that life has but knowing your final destination knowing what you want to achieve will make it a lot more meaningful and pleasant wow I agree because as you say without it life is empty it's just surviving like okay I'm here I'm here oh feed the cat take out the rubbish go shower go eat sleep

it may be pleasant uncomfortable but it doesn't give that meaning as you said so how can one find the meaning what's what's the process can you maybe share with us or guide a little bit um there are many different methods some people have a near-death experience and they know what they want to do some people they are so dissatisfied with their lives they just drop everything I have seen people sell their house sell everything they have take their their partner and their children they s traveling the world online schooling for the children and through this journey they understand what they truly want to do maybe they want stay in a particular place in Africa and help the local community maybe they're doctors and they want to offer their their services for free to people who cannot afford it some other people decide to write books some other people decide to heal in any modalities they have and you me have know then these people in the street that they just look at you and they say a beautiful sentence to you some words of encouragement and you see the light through them and then that light comes in you it could be any event it could also be Psychotherapy it could be hypnotherapy it could be energy healing it could be a past life regression anything that will allow you to introspect to understand what is no longer working in your life because you have followed the path that the whole world says you have to follow you go to school you study you get a job potentially get married potentially have kids you buy a house you rent a house you feed yourself you're nice you stay within the limits of the law and then you are old die so that is nice but there's so much more in between there's so much more we can do and there are some inspiring people who have changed their lives completely or they were inspired by a single conversation at a departmental store or at the grocery store anywhere at a birthday party and that that light turned into a big fire inside them and it illuminated them they started researching they started learning until they found where they really wanted to be and what they were they're here for what their soul was here to manifest and to experience but I also have to say that for some people the life their life's purpose is to just have fun because they had a previous life where everything was so difficult they are coming in this life to have fun and to help other people have fun that's fine that is absolutely acceptable and as long as they know that this what they're here for they can be the joy of the party the joy of uh the the group of friends or you a Family Circle everything is acceptable Everything Is Beautiful every expression of our soul is Meaningful as long as we know that this is what it is about this is what we're here to do how can one start finding

it I mean okay people are listening to the show now with some kind of question okay what is my life purpose I don't know what would you say to somebody like that how to start where to start what is unbearable in your life find what is unbearable understand why it is unbearable then try to see yourself going through your day your week your month and identify the moments that make you Sparkle that make you feel that your life is delicious that it couldn't be nicer is it interaction with a friend is interaction with a stranger is it a moment that someone touches your hand with a lot of meaning and emotion coming through is it when you help someone in the street or a friend and see follow those branches I said before the branch of the tree and see where this could take you allow yourself to dream with your eyes open or closed also reaching out to someone like you or to someone like me who can bringing them through hypnotherapy or allow them to access spirituality understand what is not even known to them there are so many shamans in the world and if you want to meet them you can and every one of them has a lot of wisdom to share and their experience their knowledge their spiritual energy can definitely be a platform for everyone to get to the place they want it is like it's like a springboard uhu springboard you're jumping and then finally you're able to jump to the to the height you want but in life there's going to be another springboard and it's going to take you to another to another height what we often don't understand is that we find ourselves and we find our Soul's purpose through pain uhuh my divorce was one of the most painful experiences I had to go through I didn't really want a divorce I didn't it was not part of my my life plan I had a very young child and I was 29 years old so the life as I knew it was crumbling down and although I went through a lot of fear and a lot of worry I'm so grateful to my ex-husband even though he was abusive to me because I found myself I realized what I didn't want to do and I found my power found my energy and I've been through many branches many Journeys many roads different continents in my life and every part of that difficult it might have been it definitely was but it has illuminated me has led me to the next platform and even now I'm I'm 50 years old I'm still going from one platform to the next and I am looking at life thinking who knows how many branch and how many trees how many cities countries I'm going to change in order for me to complete my soul's journey and my life's purpose in this

lifetime it could be everywhere could be everywhere is not a particular process meditation also is very strong is a it's a very powerful tool for people who know how to Med State and there particular meditations that can bring you all the way back to the Milky Way to the spiritual world where you can understand why you were here and what you want to do in this lifetime sweet I like that yeah I think good place to start would be to be become aware if you feel or you don't feel that you have this purpose or the mission or what your heart truly wants because it comes from within nobody can tell you that right so you either know or you don't know so if you don't know then it would be an interesting thing to explore and investigate and then you know when you ready somebody shows up and says oh I'm here to help you always but we need to keep our eyes open right I also feel that when what you have chosen to do in your life whether you're a teacher a doctor a lawyer a therapist um a Boer anything a farmer and it was not chosen by you it was handed down to you or you were pressurized or CED to do this yes it might be exactly what you want to do but sometimes it is not most of the times it's not so you can you can start from there how happy are you in your profession or how how happy are you in your life when a lot of doors that are closing in front of us in our life in a particular time in our lives that probably is a very strong sign that we are being nagged by Life by the universe by our community to try and go on another path I remember in 200 um 2009 and 10 I was living in a gree and and this is where I'm from everything I was doing was coming to an end there were so many obstacles there were so many difficulties I was rening a professional space all the all the spaces around me would close down it would be like a a deserted area and I would move and it would be sparkly where I was moving and within a few months everything also would be dark and empty and I I realized that it was because life was trying to tell me you need to go you need to go and I found the power and I found the energy to take my 10-year-old son at the time and move to Singapore it was beautiful but not from the beginning the first year was difficult getting to understand how Singapore Works how people behave to find my new group of friends but once you go through the difficult beginning there's so much light when you're on the right path there is so much light and that light carries you forward but we need braver the time of Breaking Free is full of fear it's as if you're an acrobat and you are swinging and you you have to go to the next swing you need to leave the trapeze and go to the next one there is a moment as you're waiting for the next one that you're in the air and you need to trust life to hold you and you need to know that even the transition from one trapes to the next even the act of feeling your fear but still plowing through is going to help you grow and you will be a completely different person by the time you're on the second trapes and this is life otherwise you're on the first tropes not some point you lose your energy you stop swinging and what are you going to do either someone's going to save you or you'll have to fall on the net yeah on the safe net but what's the what's the joy this I don't know maybe experiencing the full depth of fear and learning from that just yes as long as you go back up and then you you move to the exra pie because if it get go back you say the entropies it's fine but you're not moving forward yeah yeah it's it's a lot to do with trust as well because there is something let's call it internal GPS you know your yes you know what excites you where you want to go that is just guiding you to a new place maybe it's scary as you say right but trusting that this is the challenge and it's always teaching us you know that if you say yes to your yes or you say yes to your no that is the right way to go but trusting that I think a lot of people have issues with the trust you know trusting life trusting God trusting Universe whatever word you want to use yes trusting when I cannot trust I don't trust myself there are no guarantees in I decide to go on a plane might be a problem it might crash I decide to cross the street it might be another problem I might fall and break my leg or I might be hit by a are but I cannot focus on that and even if something like this happen I need to trust that I will be okay I will be okay at the end of the day or that was a big obstacle for me to learn and go to the next level again to understand where I need to take my life first next however I cannot trust life and I cannot trust God the universe my partner my community when I don't trust me to be able to go through everything and to accept that all the challenges are not happening to me they're happening for me I am being fortified I am being changed transmuted I'm being carried to the next path to the next Branch but there is pain involved the time of Separation there is some pain there is some fear and it's unavoidable we cannot expect that we will never have pain I really believe that pain is part of growing and changing and maturing I'm not propan at all but even as we get born there is a lot of pain and a lot of fear fear in the birth canal it is very dark we feel the pressure as a baby our mother is in pain our mother is in fear but then there we are we're out and and we're being hugged and we're being cared for and Beautiful Life starts with trilogies I have not met anyone who hasn't been through trauma sometimes trauma is debilitating and it crushes us it crushes our soul and it's a lot more difficult to find the energy to heal and the right people believe that healing is possible but also trauma is there to ignite Us in my op trauma that we have learned how to deal with and hopefully our parents have given us the tools to deal with it equals Evolution equals life we learn we change we understand

mature yeah I agree I agree because yes we we learn in two ways right learning playing having fun Pleasure and Pain we learn what's painful what not to do or how to avoid that pain how to move forwards get out of the hall so pain is part of growth same as playing is part of growth can be both it's not like one or the other it's always both and even playing I think children are so much better at learning through playing I would love for all the schools globally to become schools where children Play and Learn and later when they're 10 12 they learn experientially and there is some Play Time involved um humor setting intentions starting small experiments not necessarily experiments of science but life experiments and being guided to see where they're going to go but but adults when we're in our playtime when things are good when we don't feel any pressure you don't want to change anything yeah let's sit here and just yeah Comfort stay I love it I don't want to do anything else I think that this is one of the reasons that we are pushed through pain and discomfort through loss at times

move forward to find another path to create another existence to go and become part of a different community that is better representative for us where we feel seen where we have people that will help us get alleviated to the next

level so it's trusting life that every challenge that is here is for the good for the growth can trust that the bigger the challenge the bigger the growth sometimes if challenge comes after the other then a very big change is take place and when we're scared and we don't go down that path then even if the big challenges stop at some point because they will stop but life is so tasteless it's mundane it's um it is lacking Adventure it is lacking volume so if you're in this phase in your life where many doors are closing or many obstacles are coming instead of going oh my God why is this happening to me I want out I want this to stop can someone stop it just go okay it's probably a transformative time for show me the lesson show me me how I can learn faster I need to be shown where to go next and help me receive this lesson and the modules of my curriculum in this new school of life in the most peaceful and sweet way possible

H nice nice intention I like that go from being a victim oh look what is happening to me this person is doing this life is doing that I lost my job um my landlord wants my apartment now I need to go out we go from being the victim feeling out of control to feeling in control and I'm working with life and I understand that life is clearing the path for me to go down a different journey and those paths that we're asked to go down that they are winding paths they're not the smoothest they have rocks there are some dragons there that we need to know and avoid or go in conflict with them learn from that understand what works and what doesn't but it's usually transitions do not happen in the smoothest possible way yeah I agree yeah enough challenges yeah the life brings enough challenges and sometimes people say oh I I cannot help I cannot handle it it's too much or it's I cannot bear it and it may be um a period of a dark night of a soul where Everything feels dark cold lightless no a way

out there is always a way out yeah but it doesn't seem like that in that in that dark space yes that is true it doesn't and we need to acknowledge that there will be moments where Everything feels difficult so in those times I I tell people take some time to stay with this energy take some time to embrace that fear to embrace the fact that you don't see light anywhere but give yourself some time not forever not years give yourself a night two do you need a week fine but not beyond that e even as you're going through the challenges and the difficulties and the cancellations or the rejections or every door you're opening keeps slamming back on your face you keep believing that at some point you're going to knock on one door you're GNA find one person who will be kind enough to take you and embrace you and guide guide you to where you need to go we don't rely on that person that person is a teacher for a for a particular time and then once we're there we learn we evolve we become different get illuminated and we know that there's going to be another door and another door we find our community but humans we always grow we always change until the day we die

the first psychotherapists um in the 1950s and 60s they believed that humans would stop growing around 30 so you become 18 you now you are an adult you go to university or you get a job you get married or you have kids and then at some point when you're children are 5 10 that's it it's over the party is game over and you just say like that but we know now for a few decades not just recently that we evolve until the day we die and people who stop evolving stop experiencing joy and they become dinosaurs they can no longer adjust to the world around them yeah like all the belief systems are crystallized and there's not a chance to question anything anymore

yes but life is an adventure until the end so it's kind of going against this um natural the system is designed to build beliefs to hold beliefs to be protected not to allow anything new to come in and make a mess or chaos or disoriented right at one point is this protection of the structure and on another side everything is changing so there is like a force that we are working with the desire to change and desire not to change it's kind of pushing and pulling in different direction desire for Change and desire not to change weird we need to have the wisdom to know what is word and what we need to do right there are some things we should change a partner who's loving caring who gives me Freedom who will support me when I need this and of course I will do the same for for him I don't need to change right it's it's a wonderful person in my life a dear friend whether I know this person for 50 years or just six months I don't need to change it sometimes humans get into this spinning energy and to change everything in my life um dining table that I've had for 30 years but it's sturdy beautiful I have all these memories I have dined and whined all my friends and people I adore if there isn't anything wrong with it or if I'm not tired of it why change it I love repurposing items painted pink painted green painted black white anything you want but we're so fast at times to just get rid of anything that still functional and beautiful and we only understand the loss much much later sometimes the new is not always shiny so we need the wisdom to understand which energy as you said before we're gonna follow and which energy is good which energy is for us and at what time I agree nicely said yeah okay can we talk a little bit about energy healing just popped in from somewhere says oh let's open that one um how healing yeah the energy healing it's something curious and

interesting we have so much energy everyone every single one of us doesn't matter how old you are doesn't matter who you and what you believe in uh um atheist Christian Muslim Hindu anything your body's energy your spirit is energy we all know these people who come in a room and we're all going oh suddenly I don't feel so well I I feel sleepy or I feel sick and we also know these people that come in and the whole room is enlightened and everyone gravitates around them and we want a piece of them and we want be around them in their Aura in their energy Wonder words they reflec in us in a very positive and healing way I started realizing that my hands had energy I would say around 20 years ago but I didn't know what to do with it and then I I went into some workshops and I learned how to bring the energy from from my my belly through my hands um and down to someone else's body but Shamanism my studies in Shamanism have helped me tremendously because I know how to do a soul retrieval to bring pieces of the soul that went away we call it dissociation in Psychotherapy we dissociate from our reality when we're traumatized when someone is being raped they might see themselves hovering above their body as this violent Act is happening or when someone is shot or you what someone else being shot your your soul leaves your body and you're hovering above and and in those moments it's protection your soul is going up because it cannot take what is happen your Bo or what's happening to someone else around you but in this dissociative State we don't feel we don't sense we don't have pleasure and usually people might come back much later than they should so the dissociation in therapy and in Psychiatry will lead to depression will lead to anxiety people feel that their life is tasteless feels like eating paper um we sometimes use medicine or psychotherapeutic techniques that have a lot of value and it takes a long time but with shamanic Journey you can take those pieces of your soul that broke away from you when you were in this fearful State and you can bring them back the shaman can bring them back and they get integrated in your body of course this is not enough or once it's not enough and then the shaman will give you some exercises will tell you please go and talk to this person or please connect with yourself talk to this piece of yourself integrate them back to you it's like exercise if I go into Pilates once it's not enough I need to do it again the next day or in two days Shamanism any shamanic exercises or Psychotherapy or energy healing are exactly the same once is nice but it's not enough when there's deep trauma the energy has to be repeated the exercise has to be repeated and the person who has received the piece of their soul back they have to engage in bringing them back in integrating them in welcoming them back into your Bo to their body and mind soul and spirit so this is how I help people find themselves and and heal themselves and the energy healing in other case when someone has pain or they feel a bit sluggish or they feel that they want to go to to bed suddenly Al it's the middle of the day and they're usually energetic people then I just remove negative energy sometimes it's from them most of the times comes from our fear from our worry because it our fear and our worry creates holes in an energy field and we're losing energy but those have holes now someone else can put a lot of negative energy in us so when I have holes in my energy field and someone tells me oh you look horrible today or what you produce that project is terrible terrible it's not what I asked to do it is going to come through those holes and it's going to stay with me and it will affect me throughout my day or my week sometimes for years there are people who remember painful words of someone in their life for decades and they cannot let go and they're losing energy in this every day so I go in and I take this negative energy that we have either created ourselves or people have been able to throw at us because we have all this word and all the sphere and people feel very different they feel that that fog is shifted that they're luminous again they have energy to go into what they want they have ideas they feel bright it's such a beautiful process to experience I know people feel blessed to have that but I'm really blessed to be part of this to experience this it's miraculous every time every day it's a miraculous process I get a lot of Joy from that I think it fits this is my nourishment seeing the change feeling the Gratitude oh it's delicious exactly delicious my favorite

phrase okay Maria maybe for the end you could do a little meditation or something for all of us so would like you to when you're in a difficult moment to always know that you're blessed to always know that you're protected even if you don't know who protects you you are protected it could be an ancestor it could be someone's prayers there are people who pray for us there are people who think of us and they just send us so much love maybe we've given them a gift um a pen and they they touch that pen they remember us and they send us all these blessings so remember that you're always protected and you're always blessed but in order to find yourself even more deeply when you have five or 10 minutes of your life just disengage from the world use your airpods or headphones just play some nice music that doesn't have any lyrics any makes your mind and your subconscious mind trouble and just take a few deep breaths and ask life to show you what you need to experience during this day or during this evening just ask with a lot of intention and faith that is going to come to you and once you ask a few times and you connect with the trust and the faith that you will be shown what you need to experience just let it integrating you feel protected feel that you have white light around you protect you throughout your day and your evening and allow life to happen allow life to take you to the next stage to the next branch of the tree or from one branch of a tree to another branch of another tree and know that life is always happening for your benefit as long as we don't with resistance as long as we don't doubt and the most beautiful things they usually come through some pain even when we say goodbye to a friend we've had dinner we have visit them in the count the at the moment we say goodbye there is this little pain there is the separation the fear that we're not going to be together the next minute this is life but then the distance and that little pain will turn into gratitude the love that we received the beautiful message we exchanged and we're gonna meet again so allow life to happen know you're protected understand your Soul's purpose your life's purpose is going to change your life it's lifechanging to know what you're here for and it can help you help yourself help your family help your community help your friends because you you know your path one of the things I have always felt blessed for even when I was very very young is knowing what I truly wanted to do at such a young age and it didn't come it didn't always come through Pleasant feelings and loving encounters it came through a lot of pain but knowing what I want to be all these challenges made me strong and made me better at what I'm doing every day oh that's so touching thank you so much yeah it's kind of welcoming this pain at the deeper level because everyone is going through the pain it's part of life it's just normalizing it and accepting it as a stepping stone rather than a nuisance or obstacle thank you thank you L it was such a pleasure such a pleasure being here with you today and just a very quick one how can people find you and where they can go to work with you if they choose so people can find me on my website it is my name maram I also have presence on Facebook and on Instagram and Tik Tok and it is The anagenesis Healing Center an a Genesis Healing Center uh but also if you put my name name in any of those platforms you should be able to find me oh wonderful thank you so much and thank you thank you for watching see you next time bye