Awakening Now
Join Ilona Ciunaite as she explores self-inquiry, inner peace, and conscious awareness of the present moment. This podcast is for a spiritual seeker who is looking for spiritual awakening and is in the process of the inner journey.
Ilona Ciunaite is an awakening guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. Over the past 13 years, she has been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom through self-inquiry.
In this podcast, Ilona dives deep into the heart of awakening. Together with her guests, she explores the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Ilona invites you to answer questions based on your own experience. She points to what is here right now.
Awakening Now
How Gratitude Can Change Your Life (with Jeffrey Gignac)
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Gratitude can change your life! Take on the challenge offered by Jeffrey Gignac to prove that to yourself.
Imagine waking up every day feeling lighter, happier, and more in control of your life—all because of one simple practice: genuine gratitude. Science shows that when you consistently focus on what you’re thankful for, you rewire your brain to seek out positivity, reducing stress, boosting happiness, and even improving your health.
Gratitude isn’t just about saying “thank you”—it’s a powerful shift in perspective that attracts more abundance, deepens relationships and helps you navigate life’s challenges with resilience. In this video, Jeffrey Gignac shares a powerful exercise, that you can do today to shift your well-being into a a higher level. In this conversation, we dive deep into how gratitude can transform your mindset and, ultimately, your entire life.
Jeffrey Gignac is a world-renowned expert in brainwave entrainment and neurotherapy, dedicated to unlocking the mind’s full potential. As a creator of groundbreaking brainwave technology, he has transformed the way people harness their mental power for success, happiness, and personal growth. With decades of experience, Jeffrey reveals the science behind gratitude and how it can rewire your brain for a better life.
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#awakeningnow #ilonaciunaite #jeffreygignac
Welcome to the show! This is episode 87 How Gratitude Can Change Your Life (with Jeffrey Gignac)
My name is Ilona Ciunaite. I am a guide, an author, and a co-creator of the Liberation Unleashed community. If you are interested in all things awakening, this podcast is for you. Over the past 13 years, I’ve been guiding and supporting seekers on their journeys to discover inner peace and freedom.
In this podcast, I dive deep into the heart of awakening. Together with my guests, we explore the pivotal moments that spark transformation, what life looks like before and after the shift, and how to navigate the challenges and beauty of living an awakened life.
Gratitude can change your life! Take on the challenge offered by Jeffrey Gignac to proof that to yourself.
Imagine waking up every day feeling lighter, happier, and more in control of your life—all because of one simple practice: genuine gratitude. Science shows that when you consistently focus on what you’re thankful for, you rewire your brain to seek out positivity, reducing stress, boosting happiness, and even improving your health.
In this episode, Jeffrey Gignac shares a powerful exercise, that you can do today to shift your well-being into a a higher level. In this conversation, we dive deep into how gratitude can transform your mindset and, ultimately, your entire life.
Jeffrey Gignac is a world-renowned expert in brainwave entrainment and neurotherapy, dedicated to unlocking the mind’s full potential. As a creator of groundbreaking brainwave technology, he has transformed the way people harness their mental power for success, happiness, and personal growth. With decades of experience, Jeffrey reveals the science behind gratitude and how it can rewire your brain for a better life.
hello and welcome to the Awakening Now podcast and today I'm here with Jeffrey Gignac very welcome yeah thank you so much and I only recently found you let's say this uh through some um Summit I didn't listen to anyone's interviews but somehow your name popped up and I watched the video and I got very curious about your programs and what you're doing and the way you are presenting that and so I had a little dive into that and I'm so happy to share Jeffrey with you guys whoever is listening and watching there's so much to cover I don't even know to where to start but usually I start with this one question and because this show is called Awakening now so we're talking about Awakening it's primarily for Seekers who are looking for awakening just had the shift and looking to integrate so that's this Awakening thing what is in your definition how you see
it wow um I guess to answer that question I would have to come from the perceptual position that I am awake uh however um I feel like my eyes are are only beginning to open right I I'm not arrogant enough to think that I'm awake right uh that it's it's something that has a start and a finish at least here on this planet I I I don't feel that way maybe other people do um but my process began about 25 24 years ago and um and it continues it's not finished by any stretch and for me I think the process of Awakening is also the process of expanding awareness and I really think that's what it really comes down to at its Center is the greater that our awareness opens up the more that we can perceive the more that we can respond to the more that we can love the more that we can be in service and it's only with awareness expanded awareness to we get to see all the colors all the things in secret all the mysteries of this beautiful life you know and um with that expanded awareness comes an expanded ability of service at least that's the way that I feel uh for myself and my journey and so Awakening equals awareness equals service you know as as far as I'm concerned because um when we become aware of all things and awareness is one of these things that I think is difficult this is why Awakening I think is is challenging for so many people is because it does hinge on awareness and awareness is for many a double-edged sword right because it's not just about expanding awareness to all that's great that's love that's beautiful in the world but it's also becoming aware of all that is different than that right there's yes everything I believe anyway is encompassed and contained within love but within that there's these these polarities right of what we would consider to be good and bad and everything in between and so a lot of people think that when we become awake or when we begin this journey and expand our awareness that we're only expanding to see that what we would consider you know beautiful and great and I I the truth is at least for me and I I don't want to say that it'll be this for every everyone but at least for me and the friends and the people that I know that are on the journey as well is that you become aware of everything you know you you become aware of all the polarities in life and it's through that awareness that we discover our path to service right we see the where people struggle where there's hurt where there's sorrow where there's pain you know there's people that live their entire lives without really knowing what
exists in that level and then they really can't be of service for to what they're not aware of right so the Journey of a Awakening is a journey of awareness and for me it's been a journey of answering the question of how can I be of service oh wow thank you so much I think it's beautiful to touch on that service there are not so many people who
talk about that H yes I met a few people who talk about that but it's not like the main thing and um I tell you what what prompted me where this huh idea to talk to you came from is that I watched this one video of yours where you shared the story about gratitude about your mystical experience of the Gratitude and wow it kind of you know my hair is standing up now because it's a right message right so um yeah can you can you refresh my memory um I have lots of stories of gratitude the story of the Gratitude was how you were given a mystical experience of seeing how your giving yeah is being received and what it does to somebody and why we have to give and what kind of impact it really has and what is all this giving is all about so I never heard that explained in this way and I think it's so deep and it's so powerful that I wanted you to share with my audience so that that then was the um video and training I did on conscious compassionate giving yes and that that ties and so I have a lot of gratitude stories it's been um I think over the last um 10 years uh I've been given so many opportunities to feel deep and intense gratitude and for me and for the ones that around me that that Embrace this in my community it opens up such a very powerful um Avenue of receiving and the whole idea between behind conscious compassionate giving is to give from the heart to join the mind and the Heart with action right and uh real giving cannot be faked yes right it it can't it can't be faked if we only give from
the perspective of the mind there's or the brain there seems to be always a condition to the giving right because the mind is you know if we peel back a lot of the prefrontal cortex areas which is the higher reasoning and we peel it back and we go into different areas of the brain and eventually we come down to the oldest part of the brain which is areas of the brain stem the brain operates on Survival right and so a lot of our thinking electric pulses um are attached to the idea of how do we survive what's in it for me what's you know this this sort of Base
human you know desire to to survive to climb to the top of the hierarchy that sort of thing and that type of giving just from that perspective um really doesn't do a good job of opening our receiving
channels but when we give from when we bring the Mind peace and join it with the heart peace conscious and then compassionate and join it with action which would be the giving this is when we open up what I call the wheel of abundance right that the the wheel of abundance because we begin to give from the heart which is more of the female energy actually you you could say that we are uh the the mind the brain I think is is often considered the electrical the heart is considered the magnetic the mind the male energy the heart the female energy and it's only when we join those two together that the balance of giving and receiving happens and so when we give from the heart in a beautiful open loving way our receiving channels also open up in the same way in order that we can support that
giving think of the idea of a host what comes out one end has to be matched with what's coming in on the other end right otherwise it doesn't work you don't have pressure you don't have a balance you don't have a flow yes that's correct right and so the idea is that when we connect our mind and heart and join it for the process of giving we create a really large flow outwards and that also means if we're going to continue that large flow outwards that means our ability to receive also has to grow okay yeah makes sense right because it's like a hose what what comes out must come in and so right it has to be otherwise otherwise everything chokes everything collapses everything becomes restriction and resistance yes and I have a lot of that literally happening in my life right now yeah and the reason why I love and we can talk about that if you like I'd be happy to walk you through some of it if that's if that's something you'd like the the reason why I love Focus focusing on this conscious compassionate giving is it aligns with service number one and I feel like I was called to a role of service that in order to um be of great service I also have to have the ability to be supported I have to have the ability to receive love to receive resources and in some cases receive money it's not all about money of course there you know abundance comes in so many different flavours and um you know different aspects um but in order to be of service I must be able to receive otherwise I cannot be of service my service will die my service will dwindle and so there is a lot of things that we can focus on in our Awakening process for me in this whole 24 year and ongoing process the easiest thing for me has been to just then Focus joining the mind and the heart in the act of giving Which brings into balance my ability to receive and so it's it's a it's it's a continuous wheel and the more that I receive the more that I can give and the more that I give the more that I can receive and it's and it's a wheel that just continues to turn and my work has really um evolved over the years um to really help people who this resonates with to get on that wheel right to get on the Wheel of giving receiving giving receiving and for most people the easiest way to get started is to really just get to that heart space joined with the mind and give for and it's not all about money it's about time it's about resources it's about kindness and compassion and wherever that flow starts the equal sort of portion on the receiving end opens up right and then for those that have no money no resources they can give time they can give resources they can give compassion they can give kindness and then the receiving channels that are equal to those on the giving Side open up and as those open up and more starts to come come in suddenly there's resources for money suddenly there's resources for all aspects of abundance and then you begin to give some of those those those enter the equation of your flow and as those leave right and go out boom on the receiving end those channels open up right it's just a perfect balance and to me it's the simplest thing in the world
yet it was one of the more difficult lessons to really understand you know the um when I teach this people go well I'm going to start giving because I want greater abundance right and that's that's okay in the beginning it really is okay in the beginning but that is mostly my that's not Heart Right but it's okay to start that way there are many people in my community that said Jeff I don't even know where to begin I have nothing I have no money I have no resources I I barely have enough food to eat and you know and it breaks my heart cause I have been there I have been that where I opened up a cupboard and the only thing I had were dry noodles on the bottom bottom of a drawer from that fell out of packages that were previously full of pasta but now we're completely gone and pull the cupboard out of the thing right just to put so you know I've been there and so that's why it breaks my heart for those that are going through that space in their life and for those that are struggling that like that I say if you want to start a practice of conscious compassionate giving for the purpose of eating more for the purpose of turning the heat on that's okay that's okay because it's a beginning right it's it's it's a beginning and as you Embrace that beginning right allow yourself to gradually move into the heart space to join the will to eat to have rent uh to have all that allow that to gradually come in and join the heart space and be aware of how one's giving is changing the world you know even though if it doesn't seem like it's doing a lot the most subtle Act of compassion and kindness um over time can move mountains and you take it step by step until the heart comes in Joins with the mind and that the giving becomes a true flow and as you go into that true flow then the equal receptive channels will open up and mat you never heard this explained in this way it's pretty wild but it's so obvious when you when you say it like this you know if you are if stuff is coming out this end that end has to move exactly the same comes in it has to be nourished right right it's it's it's nourishment if you give nourishment you have to receive nourishment that's it oh that's so sweet thank you you're welcome oh thank you yes and I wanted to talk about gratitude because after I listen to your video I looked back at my life and I recognized that immense gratitude that I felt that changed my life that's where I started sharing and what I'm sharing is the message that there is no separate self that everything is life that there is no being inside that is controlling the outside life and so many people have seen that through me and through Liberation Unleasehd platform or Forum which was created out of that out of that gratitude so it's such a power and I know kindness is one of the biggest superpowers and also is gratitude can you talk a little bit more about gratitude please of course I think kindness compassion and gratitude
are the ingredients to the secret sauce of life right the best pasta sauce the best Ragu the best whatever um those are your secret sauces your secret ingredients no matter what kindness compassion and gratitude and speaking to gratitude being grateful is an act of giving
give thanks what are you doing you're giving right so the act of of true heartfelt gratitude again is something that the individual offens offers to the
collective right it's a very beautiful energy that we offer to the collective or to another person or to another group right and it's an act of giving and if we're really entering that heart space of gratitude joined with the Mind consciously we consciously are aware that we are being grateful then on the other end the receiving channels open up that's the you know that's the magic of gratitude I'll share with you an exercise that is a a huge favorite among my community please and because health and wellness is a major concern for a lot of people on the planet depending on where a person lives so I live in Canada and um there are a lot of people that live in the west Canada and us and we have you know a 50% diabetes rate we have I mean the the the obesity rate in um the US I think is around is well over 50% and all of this comes with a lot of health concerns and the drug industry is always creating drugs to you know lessen symptoms of bad Health doesn't cure bad Health but it Les less symptoms of bad health and so no matter who comes into my community or is attracted to the work that I do regardless there's usually a health concern somewhere lurking about in that individual whether it's immediate or whether it's at the prevention stage or whether it's at the you know I I want to cure it get rid of it stage there that every single person comes in with a health concern somewhere and so this exercise that I'm going to give you is uh an exercise to help and to proove somebody's Health whether it be in a uh no matter what stage the concern is in and it's through gratitude and it is one of the and I'll tell you why it is one of the most popular exercises and trainings I have ever done it um in terms of the excitement that it creates is because it almost takes zero extra time in one's day it almost takes no extra time wow how is that possible I'm so curious I will show you it only requires one thing well requires a couple things it requires that when a person goes to eliminate so goes to the bathroom right that they do not take this with
them right so many people go hey look I'll tell you A lot of people go to the bathroom and they bring their phones they bring you know different media but for this exercise you leave the media outside the bathroom and every time somebody goes to the bathroom whether in they eliminate right so something leaving they express immense gratitude to their body for the process of elimination so this the reasoning this is simple but the reasoning is complex so if somebody goes to the hospital and they have a major surgery the doctors will not let the patient leave until they have a complete elimination right are you aware of that yeah they don't they don't let them leave you go well why why would they not let them leave until they have a poop until they have a right because eliminating the body's way of eliminating is a sign that all systems cells organs tissues and fluids are joined together and working together it may not be in Perfect Harmony but the fact that anyone eliminates at any point in time is a clear signal that the body's system cells organs tissues and fluids are have some degree of coherence some degree of coherence and so when somebody eliminates to express extreme gratitude for it thank you body thank you body for working together so this is what I do and I've been doing this for years by the way every time I go to the bathroom and it's time for me to eliminate I I go oh thank you body thank you organ system cells tissues joining together and orchestrating this elimination as a sign of my health life and vitality thank you thank you thank you and I do the best I can to join the mind and the Heart in that gratitude and then all my organ system cells tissues and fluids receive that feeling and energy of gratitude because you know when you bring in that sense of gratitude real gratitude everything lights up the cells hum right and so think about what would happen if every day every time you go to the bathroom you thank your organs cells system tissues and fluids for working together to sustain your
life what do you think would happen what do you think happens I mean immense nourishment it's incredible nourishment and you know how often do we give thanks to our own body how often do we give thanks to our own organs we we we breathe automatically our heart beats automatically or liver does what it does or kidneys does what it does and we take it for granted all the time and one of the biggest you know talked about mechanisms of the Law of Attraction and in attracting abundance is this whole idea of
expanding that which we already have right so if you want a new car you don't curse the car that you have instead you give the car that you have love and light so it receives the energy it requires to expand into something new yeah right right that's if that's the secret of abundance bance and attraction is not to curse what you have but to love what you have so that you give it energy so that it can expand and soon that car can't contain the amount of love and nurturance that you gave it so that it has to shift and change and expand into something
new right same as your home same as everything you know a little seed is given love light water food nourishment and it transforms from a seed into something quite different and then as the plant matures maybe it flowers maybe it bears fruit but it goes through all this transformational stages because of the nourishment that it receives right right it's nourished from a seed to a Seedling it's nourished from a Seedling to a sprout it's nourished from a sprout and so it goes through all these stages of transformation and transition and so somebody that doesn't like the car that they have think of it is a seed and a seed like a plant and you nourish it you love it you're grateful for it and is given so much nourishment that it has no choice but to transition to expand into something else yeah that makes so much sense now okay the body much in the same way the same
right so when you go to the bathroom slip in to a beautiful state of conscious compassionate giving to your body nourish it with your gratitude and then done again and again and again your organs systems cells and tissues will respond and they will also have the energy to transform to transition from ill health to Better Health and of course this is not um you know we got to do the medical disclaimer here right is that it's not meant to treat cure diagnose you know it's not a replacement for medical appropriate medical therapy and attention and you know don't fire your doctor don't you know what I mean but this is a simple practice that you can do I mean how many times do we eliminate a day some more than others right um as right now I'm turning 54 this year and so sometimes at night once or more you know but every time I give gratitude to my body system cells tissues and organs and that's how it doesn't take any more time you're doing it anyway you're going to be in the bathroom anyway why not take that opportunity to recognize the absolute Majesty the orchestration the coherence that has to happen in the body in order for that to happen that's why they don't let you leave the hospital until you poop after a surgery because it's a sign that there's a coherence between the body system cells and it's a magical thing so all I do is I ask all the people within the sound of my voice to just recognize that majesty and the magic and feel grateful for it every time they eliminate because every time something comes out something new can come in right new nourishment new this is the whole I guess this is the whole theme today isn't it sounds right out and in out receiving channels giving channels and um so I challenge everyone take this practice into your bathroom every day and you know people sometimes say well look I'm having trouble getting into the heart space gratitude well you know it takes practice right um the world planet Earth is a pretty intense place and it keeps us quite distracted it keeps our minds focused on troubles and Division and things like that and so it takes a little bit of practice moving from removing our awareness from that to gratitude and service but like anything the more you do it the better you'll get and so I just imagine assuming that everything I said is true and it is right that when you begin giving that type of gratitude to your own body to yourself to your organ system and cells they will grow in energy and they will transform they will grow in a way that is most suited and appropriate for you so think about a year out I taught this first uh two years ago and people have reached out to me since and have said Jeff you've changed my life with this one simple exercise now also remember you cannot when you're giving in that way you have to receive you know your nourishment your receiving channels will open up people go to the bathroom all throughout the day and so if you do this just take whatever the time it is you will be in a constant state of giving and receiving right that wheel will be moving all day the wheel of abundance will be turning upon you all day long because you every time you go to the bathroom you do this and so it's a piece of magic that I offer all of you oh thank you so much welcome it's like um iCal application being installed in system just by hearing it you know just by hearing we change one can change their entire life with this one practice alone it over time it'll open up the secrets of the universe the secrets of giving and receiving and of service and that's really the path of Awakening for me and um maybe it's not for everybody it's fair to say that everybody will have a different definition of it but I feel that when Humanity enters into that space of service conscious compassionate giving that we all become abundant we all become nourished we all become clothed clothed well clothed wellfed right and it's the easiest
path well thank you so much Jeff this is this is deep and it's very simple to apply I guess just it's just leaving that thing outside right yeah that's it that's the only thing leave that outside enter a state of compassion and multiply that day after day let's say it's seven times a day wo how many people enter a state of gratitude and by the way there's tons of research out there on the state of gratitude and what it does to the neurochemistry the biology epigenetics how the cells communicate the the science on it is not even Up For Debate anymore it changes the chemistry it changes the way the cells relate it changes everything in the most uplifting and Powerful way not even for debate anymore right and so imagine activating that state seven times a day and then multiply that by seven days a week and then multiply that by all the weeks and months of the year that your body is humming and vibrating in that state of giving and receiving because you're giving thanks to your body giving and receiving you know change and transformation really isn't doesn't have to be that complicated um there are courses that I teach you know that certainly are much more complex that dive much more deeply into all of these matters we get into psychology we get into hypnosis we get into energy healing and sound healing and we get into all of these things right that so Fascinate so many people and the reality is it's none of that is really required you know it's a matter of passion and interest for a lot of people and that's why I serve in that way but really you start at this one simple space and all can be opened up for you it doesn't have to be complex we often delude ourselves that we have to do all these things I have to train my brain to do this I have to do the you know you know I got to wake up earlier I got to read more I got to whatever it is and sure Earth actions are important you
know well I I can connect that I can connect that with the Seekers like seeking Awakening A lot of people are seeking to awaken or waiting for some magical shift to happen that life is going to be easier or less painful like eliminate suffering but what you just shared is so simple I mean you know you don't need to seek some magical state or seek some thing that maybe will happen maybe will not happen and you don't even know what you're looking for just crab on on something tangible something like you doing every day anyway and you use that time for for the great of the system for the great to good yeah yeah and and and this unlocks Health Better Health but it also unlocks abundance you know if you're in a constant state of giving and receiving right that's how you receive right you open up those channels so being in a constant repeated state of giving and receiving all day long oh my goodness right it's it's the simplest and easiest thing and it removes you know you're right like what you do is is offer guidance for Seekers
and I think the one of the biggest realizations is to um in the seeking journey is to realize you've already got it right it's already there you know there's no you know that looking out here is fruitless it's already within you and so this exercise is um hypnotic in so many ways okay um so I'm a clinical Hypno a lot of people don't know this actually, I'm a certified clinical hypnotherapist I was certified in neurolinguistic programming at the age of 15 and so when I teach and when I give exercises there's always multiple layers to it there's always I never ask anybody to do anything for one reason only there's always multiple layers behind it right multiple and it's well thought out and this exercise is Hypnotic in the sense that if one does it it presupposes the idea of presuppositions in language it presupposes so many other things are true in terms of your ability to give and receive and and and we don't need to discuss that all today we're getting close to the hour I see but contemplate it contemplate it what does it mean what are the implications of loving yourself in this way what are the implications of doing this day in and day out what does it mean psychologically what how is that going to change your mind people that say that they don't love themselves or that they're not confident or that they have all these selfesteem issues why do they all these issues evaporate six and seven months later when people do this
exercise we don't claim that this will happen but why does it well giving yourself spirit ual respect and love every day multiple time times a day it's a natural consequence self-love grows self-confidence grows self-esteem Grows Right these are all the different layers behind this exercise that will enrich the spirit that will grow you know the body and you know People's Health will improve blood pressure I mean I can't promise that of course right we live in a society where we can't claim anything but um people have come back to me and said oh my my liver enzymes are now normal my blood pressure has dropped to the normal range my diabetes has you know all these things happen it's so it's it really is if you want to cast a spell on yourself there it is wow thank you so much for sharing this amazing gift you're welcome um and I hope that whoever is listening and is going to apply that they're going to come back six seven months later and write what it did oh yeah yeah that would be awesome and I encourage everyone to look up Jeffrey online and find his website and many many programs uh we only just touch like a tip of the iceberg there's so much that Jeffrey has to offer in various ways so it's kind of if you if you want to explore this gold mine go ahead and what's the name of your website please you can go to Jeff gc.com or you can go to Jeffrey gc.com um all of those work um you know and our websites and our programs are a consistent evolution in progress so there are times where people go to our website and they go oh this link is not working but that's okay right we're always adding we're always growing um but there's always many opportunities for people to uh join our community wonderful thank you so much and I'm a big fan of sound healing that was the beginning of my journey is through sound then was the light all kinds of technology stuff including Boral beats and all kinds of uh s iio frequencies and all different AIDs that sound can create balance and different states and all that and I noticed that your sounds have a unique quality the kind of pulsing Rhythm that I never heard before I'm so curious about that but I guess it's another conversation well I yes I I started off um almost like a pure science kind of guy that was really fascinated in brain wav and training binaural beats isochronic tones and my passion for that um grew and grew and I invented my own versions of the technology and so that's why when you're listening to the stuff that I do that you say this is different than anything else I've ever heard and it's because I'm I'm not just all the work that was done in this area before me right brilliant amazing work and it allowed me to just improve upon it or to do new things with it and so that's what I did I'm not just copying what was invented before me I've taken it in and added you know what I think is my own piece to it my own you know inventions and my own style to it and and thank you for noticing a lot of people say that that that there's something uniquely different about the audio entrainment that I create yeah I I didn't find words for it but that vibration or that pulse that you know the sound is not I don't know how to explain there there's some of there's some of that yeah but you'll also notice that sometimes the sound begins to move oh yeah in different directions right and then it moves again in a different direction and it does all these different things and so those are all forms and ways that uh the technology helps to connect the right side of the brain with the left side of the brain the front side of the brain with the back side of the brain and it it has it it causes the auditory system to bounce signals between the left and the right side of the brain and as those signals bounce back and forth between the left and the right side of the brain it opens up the energy in the brain and this is particularly really useful for people that are stressed or have anxiety or have worry because stress anxiety and worry cause all the energy of the brain to gather on one particular side and one particular region in the brain so all the blood flow and the energy begins to condense in a small little area and that chokes off blood when the blood flow is not in an area of the brain that area of the brain is not giving to the Consciousness it's not there you can't tap it for the resources that lie within that region when there's very little blood flow when there's little energy in that this part of the brain is offline and so when people have stress fear anxiety and worry the energy in the blood flow condense into a small area of the brain cutting off access to the wide range of systems and resources available to us and so by listening or watching some of my technology what we're doing is restoring energy and blood flow to those resources that have been cut off through stress worry and anxiety essentially giving back people control or access to their own
brain okay thank you so much because now that explains to me why I couldn't sleep after listening to your Audios in the evening yeah and there's there's some we have that are designed for sleep and there are some that are designed for wide awake and um if you happen to listen to one that was more Geared for wide awake and focus before bed I see you know good luck so I quit I only listen in the morning now yeah good job well thank you so much you're welcome thank you for enriching my podcast and connecting something very simple like plugging in something very simple into at least my head it's my genuine pleasure and so thank you for having me and um I hope to connect with you another time wonderful thank you in the future yes yeah and thank you everyone for watching listening and connect with Jeff see you next time bye for now bye for now